To be fair to Felix, a lot of American babies are born with blonde hair and blue eyes, so that really should not be a dead giveaway that it’s his child, especially since Ben is really young and has baby features

Agreed. All these “dumb felix” comments lmao as if felix would assume a blue-eyed blonde looking child is his when the father of that child is a ~beta~. Isaac has lived all his life as a beta, trained his body to be function like a beta, thats why he has good control of his pheromones adding to the fact that he religious takes lots of inhibitors.... nobody knows he’s an omega perhaps except only his late father and his mother who’s takng care of his son. Cut felix some slack, he’s just dense is all

wdym? yes their are LOL, its America after all, you do know that right? (also im not just saying that just to say that, I live in America myself), rather green is the rare eye color not blue. and wdym shade of blue lmaooo, eye colors come in all shades yes, but I don't think the author specifically said anything about the shade of blue being uncommon ahaha. correct me if im wrong tho, I just don't think its that deep. ofc you're not going to know you're related to someone even if you look like them... like why would anyone think oh that person looks like me so maybe im related to them tf???? plus Felix does think Isaac is a beta after all. cut my man some slack, he's not dumb, he just plays dumb in front of Isaac low-key

Kinda confused on some stuff:
There’s gotta be another pure blood vampire and I’m assuming it’s god but idk for sure cause they never said and they made it seem like he isn’t
The reason is cause this last guy has been a vamp for at least 7 years cause that’s when he destroyed the people with hypnosis and it’s been mentioned that he got the blood of god
My guess for the detective is that god turned him and attacked his family but that’s a guess also how did he get those vitamins? Does he work for some vampire resistance? Super curious for the next chapter

Does anyone have a link to the novel??

There you go: https://wrippletln.blogspot.com/p/the-great-wish.html :)
Damn look at her bod almost makes me want to weight lift...almost