Is this worth reading guys? What is it about?

yep its defo worth reading but triger warning it does contain a lot of rape and sex
its basically about this red hair guy who fell inlove with his best friend ever sence his parents had died, but he dosent want to confess to him because hes to scared,so one day he ordered this s** toy but acc it was a magic wand and from the magic wand this fairy appears and offers him to grant him a wish but for exchange he has to be a magical boy the guy accepts and the story starts from there.
if your confused by the description i just gave then let me know and ill try my best to explain it in a diffrent way (⌒▽⌒)

basically as a magical boy he has to defeat the monsters but the monsters insted of instantly killing him the sexually harass him and in one of the chaps he gets raped by someone in his sleep but i wont say who coz im not sure if you want me to spoil that
if you have anymore questions feel free to ask (・ω・)

Why is the seme so nice to that guy Yunjae? I dropped this for so long now I'm confused...

He thinks that yunjae is that one childhood friend of his (seme’s childhood is lonely so that childhood friend was his saving grace back then). Before, seme got involved in an accident with his childhood friend and the last time he remembers was a blood on his friend’s wrist. So when he saw yunjae in hs and saw that yunjae has a scar on his wrist, he just assumed that yunjae was that kid lol

When they were child, seme wasnt even able to ask the kids name. So when he saw the scar on yunjae, he thought like “ah so ure that childhood friend of mine” and said “ahh so youre name is yunjae”
But in reality. Its actually candy/shiyeon. But we think something happened with candy thats why he dont have memories of hajun and that accident

because when seme and candy were
kids they both know each other and they were neighbours, but there's an accident happened when they were a kid, seme got hit by a truck and candy was there crying and his right wrist was bleeding. so after the accident happened seme couldn't find candy anymore cause they went to another country to live there. and seme mistook yunjae as candy when they were a kids because yunjae has a scar on his right wrist and seme mistook candy's name as "yunjae"

From what ive read from others when I asked where candy’s scar is, candy doesnt really have a scar. Those were just blood. A wrist bleeding does not actually mean he has a cut in there. It could be hajuns blood that just got to his wrist during that accident. Explains that absence of scar on candy. Hajun just thought there should be a scar or a wound in the wrist just because theres blood.

Is this worth reading guys it looks so violent?

The aura is kinda violent cuz the seme is a yakuza..?? I forgot, sorry. But he fell in love at first sight to the uke.. He kept on wondering he saw his face somewhere but it turns out he likes his face. So he decided to keep the uke and protect him.. Something like that. So its not really a violent relationship. Its just the situation of the seme that makes it look violent.
One question guys, does seme sleep with anyone after he sleeps with uke? I just skimmed through ch30 and it was mentioned that he has a lot of one night stands???
it’s implied they’re before he meets mieum (the uke). It doesn’t show any other sex scenes of jitae (seme) w anyone else … that i can remember
No, no more after meeting the uke again. Btw, it's implied that the ones ml used to sleep around with looked very similar to the uke