as a fan of Seju i cant help but hope that she shows up again. Although this is probably not what is going to happen i really really hope Sumin decides she wants to make up with Seju because she was shook up with how she was never able to make up with Sunhwa properly. Maybe Sungji will bring them to Jeju and get them to interact as a sort of therapy.
Honestly I am pretty tired of Sumin having emotional baggage and the drama with her. Sungji deserves better than to have to play lover and therapist all the time. Although caring for your partners mental health and dealing with their baggage makes sense, I do not like it always being absolutely one sided. I was hoping that since three years had passed Sumin would have grown emotionally and their relationship would become more healthy but at the moment it doesnt seem like it at all.
I hope Will has an interesting story line and doesn't repeat itself. If this is another story of Sumin shutting herself in and then Sungji having to go chase after her and figure out what is wrong that would be a real down side for me. It seems like that is happening because instead of telling Sungji what was wrong, Sumin tried to just sleep in for a few nights.
The story keeps repeating and it might have sold the first few times but if they repeat the same story people will drop the seires and fast. Sejus story was a breath of fresh air and even though it was cliche, she wasnt as...annoying (please dont kill me sumin fans).
In the end most people are probably going to finish Will if only because we stayed for the other 120+ chapters.
personally I see what Nami did basically what was best. Sumin did not care for Sunhwa and never made an effort to connect and stay connected. It seems like everyone else in the group tried to. Heck, Nami is a literal celebrity and was still had time to connect with them all and even went to the funeral. Sumin was in a dark place only AFTER or during Sunhwas death, which means Sunhwa was probably suffering while Sumin was still able to socialize with other people and not emotionally broken. Furthermore, Sunhwa seemed like she never wanted to reconnect with Sumin. If she really wanted to then she probably would have found a way through Nami or her friends. If it was the case that Sunhwa did not want to have anything to do with Sumin in Sunhwas time of suffering then Nami has no place to tell Sumin about her death.
The only part which I mildly disagree with Nami was her not telling her about the death before they went to the reunion. Though her claim that Sumin would not have gone to the reunion is a bit weak. I feel like it should have been Sumins decision to make. Maybe Nami was trying to make a point? I dunno
One think i thought was interesting and a tad annoying was Sumins reaction to her friends death. Maybe it is a difference between Western and Korean culture. Sumins reaction and whole case for why she was mad at Nami revolved around how she felt embarrassed about not knowing and because of this she lost face rather then her being mad because Nami didn't tell her she lost one of her childhood friends and could have been there for her when she needed her most. I disliked this scene because of how shallow it seemed.
Anywho thats my five cents. ps. does anyone know if the next chapter is released Oct 15 or if there will be another delay?

so no one goes crazy waiting I think the team who translates this series is waiting til Saturday to release this translation. I hope everyone says kind things to the translators because they worked very hard. The reason they decided to wait is because of their respect for the author despite some less than kind response the author gave. If any of the translators see this I hope you know how thankful I am for your time to translate this all! You're all amazing!

This chapter was a roller coaster of emotions. It started all sweet with little moments where Won cares for Seju and Seju cares for Won… But then that happened. Anyways here’s my review read it or don’t lol but its VERY long *clap *clap CHAPTER REVIEW
As per usual we start the chapter with Do Won being the sweetie she is and she asks Seju if she is alright and if she slept well
*though I was slightly sad that we didn’t get my long awaited scene of them waking up cuddle spooning its still okay because they still cute
When Won called Seju jealous and the little smack seju gave to won (▰˘◡˘▰) then seju being the one who said “Ouch” was hilarious “that hurt me more”. President is so fragile
Ugh then this part kills me when Won asks to be employed again and how she would work hard because she doesn’t want Seju to leave her. Do won being concerned about that was so touching. Cant you tell she’s your should mate Seju just stay with her :(
THEN WHEN SEJU THOUGHT “its true that I was thinking of sleeping with her for that one time at first” aoiwencoaiwneoi GUYS DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH THIS MEANS. I interpret the translation of this sentence to be that Seju now officially admitted to having feelings for Won. They aren’t just sex buddies THEY HAVE AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH EACH OTHER ahhhhhhhhhh
Seju tries to top won but the queen of the bottoms is easily over powered by Wonnie. Seju gets flustered and asks “again” but Wonnie isnt that horny instead she lovingly kisses Seju on the cheek and tells her to rest as she does wifey business to prepare a bath for Seju. This is too adorable I die
UGH butler man stop ruining the fucking relationship. I bet there’s more to the story for won shes not like that. Poor Seju getting hurt again. She looked so pained that someone she thought could love her just betrayed her. You aren’t unlovable Seju at least 80% of the fan base loves you :( UGHGHGH why must you play with my feelings Gaji
Do Won calls the brother and probably tells him the situation. There is then a show that time has passed, about the whole entire day of Won running around Jeju looking for Seju. As for Seju we do not know what she was doing.
Won finally goes to check on her secret spot and finds Sejus shoes. She freaks out and soon we see a shot of Seju and her ankles. A detail which I noticed was that she had slides on with scarped heels which means she was walking around a lot and probably opted for a more comfortable shoe. Some people say that Seju left her shoes to test Won but nah guys. I think Seju was running around looking for Won just as Won was looking for her. I think what could have happened was that the brother called Seju and cleared up what went down with the payment and she realized that Won really does care about her.
She doesn’t seem to be mad at Won anymore or is at least willing to listen to her. She runs after Won and hugs her from behind. If she still was mad I dont think she would have done that. In fact, knowing Sejus character and how angrily she sped off I feel like Seju might have watched Do Won run around looking for her. Instead she hugged her so abruptly causing them to both go down into the (probably super cold) water. When they resurface she doesn’t push Won away, she just stands there (though I dont know what she was doing with her hand, maybe wipe away Wons tears bc if you look at the second to last picture she looks like shes crying)
Ok so a little bird told me something sad and thats that the next chapter might be the last. Apparently the author tweeted out that “if everything goes as planned next chapter will be the end” or something like that.
Thats so painful. Theres so much I want to see happen between Seju and Won that couldn’t possibly happen in one chapter. I just hope that we see more of Do Won and Seju in "Will" the side story about Sumin and Sungji three years later. Although it is a side story I personally think that Seju deserves a more in-depth side story. We probably won’t get to learn much about Won’s past or see any development of the relationship. Although this is better than seeing Seju end up alone, I really want to see Seju not only with someone new but also enjoying life with that person.
1. Seju makes up with Won <— if this doesn’t happen I will riot
2. Won explaining at least some of her past and the money not actually being used on her or she didn’t get the money at all
3. Won had actually been a good innocent person this whole time and Seju was wrong about her
4. (hopefully) implications that they work together at the hotel and end up getting married
Sight im just so depressed that this is the last chapter of our fearless president and Won teh bear. Hoenstly i loved the story so much, probably even more then Sungji and Sumins story so this story coming to an end makes me so sad. Ah well I still cant wait to find out what happens in chapter 123 and these 10 days are gonna be agony!

I agree with you~ But i would join and riot with you for sure! And i was thinking the same about the other predictions, i hope it all end well... and i reallyhope we get waay mire chapters for this ending... but damn my heart went crazy when Won thought she Seju was in the water and was frantically searching for her T^T

ok guys so we dont know anything yet about Do Wons past (like when the brother said to live a quiet life in Jeju) or about why her parents moved away from Korea.
When Seju asked Won if she was hiding anything from her Won looked pretty surprised and scared. However, after Seju said that it was just about her parents I got that she came off as relieved.
I hope this means that Won will eventually tell Seju everything like why she got so scared when Seju fell into the pool and the "real" reason (if there is one) why she broke up with her olympic GF because the ending Won gave when they were at the beach seemed cut short like she was done with talking about it, but it wasnt the full story. Then again it could just be Won being over emotional because as we have seen in the past shes pretty emotional and cries a lot.
Won also hasn't told Seju about how her brother hired her... which could lead to issues (though now that we know the brother cares a lot about Seju and Seju knows this too so it might not be as bad)
Won also mentioned that they had other evidence in the moms case but none of it worked so she just kept the journal in case she ever met Seju. I think that is why the parents had to leave the country and go into hiding.
Hopefully Gaji wont leave these loose ends and keep writing this story because I do not want One to end. I want it to go on and then some. there are a few things I want to happen before the ending:
1. Won calls Seju Unnie
2. Won teaches Seju to swim
3. Seju being jealous (but not too jealous) like that one scene from Paradise when Sumin was in the Bunny costume and Seju acting like a total alpha
4. them taking care of the hotel together and their daily life as a couple
5. make out sesh in the pool
6. I know the whole reason to give up the company was to get away from Sumin but I want Sumin to see how great Seju is doing with Won and also feel for Sumin to feel like a like a dork about her heigh difference with Won. I am pretty sure Sumin was the shortest charecter and Won is the tallest so them meeting each other would be interesting
7. Something about them getting married or proposing to each other
BONUS: Idk why but i want Won to get a pet puppy because she seems like a dog person

pretty sure they are working on a manga (Green Forest, http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/green_forest/) now but another cameo type would be quite happy making :)
pets aesthetic was amazing too. I just want another long smutty story so i can fall in love with the characters

Oki here is my review of this chapter, I apologize in advance for the wall of text :P
But for reals Do Won wanting to leave super bad (probably to go look for Seju)
is so hilarious the doctor talking about her giant rock head and then Do Wons super unenthusiastic “Woah thats great to hear”…really made me laugh
That doctor tho wowza can I have a check up
And using obediently to make it clear it was Seju ah I loveeeee
Then Won tighten was so heartbreaking and her last
“When will the President….come back”
I think in that conference Seju just gave up a major share or her position as president? Idk but maybe Seju left Purple in charge of the company and then thats what Namis story will be about how she gets along with this new purple president? Nami’s story is after One, so there has to be something about Nami. But the people involved in Namis story aren’t listed, its just Nami.
Why is that purple haired lady keep hitting on Seju SHE ALREADY HAS A WIFE
༼ つ ಠ_ಠ ༽つ They kind of skimped over the dinner that Seju was supposed to have with purple so I think that nothing happened, or will happen between them.
Ugh here comes Sumin :P
…I think the two smile was supposed to show they are over each other. I guess it gives us closure and that Seju may have finally gotten over Sumin (FINALLY)
Seju has eyes on Do Won for her and gets people to privately call her as soon as Do Won wakes up and report about her. Guess someone is interested in their wifey and their condition. U cant hide from us.
Seju also wanted to finish off the brother and “go back quickly” because she wants to hurry back and talk to her wife.
Anyways my analysis of the situation is that Seju wouldn’t have cared if she had been the only one hurt. She didn’t take revenge after her siblings tried to strangle her.
However, she says that “you shouldn’t have messed up the people around”
In other words, he hurt, and almost killed Do Won and that is why she is going so extreme.
More proof of this is that the brother understands that the “people” that Seju was talking about was Do Won so that is why he exclaims out “I KNOW HER”
I think Seju doesn’t care what the brother said. Won sacrificed her life for Seju and at this point the brothers words are nothing more than him trying to get in a last hit before his end.
In any case it seemed to be new information to her about Do Won and her parents. That is why Seju said “So What” not “I know”.
Furthermore, It was really nice to have reassurance about Do Wons parents that they were close and even friends with Sejus mom. They were not involved in the murder of Sejus mom. It also means that they will probably approve of Seju as Do Wons wife too when they get married (๑·ㅂ·)و✧
I think Do Won will come clean and thats what she wanted to tell president before she got conked on the head. I hope that Seju will not care. I think Gaji likes happy endings so they will end up together. There’s no way that they won’t…right?
Prediction for next chapter:
Okay so Seju walks into Do Wons room and they talk and then Do Won tells her everything starts to cry and then Seju says its all fine and they start to make out. Then the chapter after is just a whole chapter of them having sex (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧ bam end.
Ok but in all seriousness I need them to end up happy together and stop breaking each others hearts. Do Won seems sad and so does Seju.
We still have a lot of Do Wons past to find out more about so theres that. It may be explained next chapter along with the mom and her parents situation. Gaji should make a whole side spin off about just them and their daily life. Maybe Seju can parade around Wonnie to Sumin and show her how dependable her new girl friend is unlike some people. I also want a chapter of Seju learning how to swim from Do Won. SO MUCH POTENTIAL WHY MUST THIS END
ok thanks for listening to my ted talk to anyone who bothered to read to the end DUCES

Ok to start off tbh in the beginning when I saw Seju reach for the mitten i was like NO SEJU UR PRINCE WON IS WAITING FOR U but then... well...that happened and i was like oh fuc Seju u miserable hoe :( its just beating after beating for u, can u ever catch a break? The Author must be some kind of sadist or just anti Seju :(
The brother can go eat a buffet of dicks cuz he didnt need to hurt poor Seju. I mean seriously what does he have against her mother. I guess hes salty that Seju got the best attention out of the children. But seriously 50 billion won is not that much compared to their actual wealth. I mean for us plebeians yea its a craaazzzyyyy ammount but for them its probs chump change. lil bitch.
and when Seju said "fuck off" YAS SEJU i mean ur about to die so might as well go on as the sassy queen we know and love
also side note, what happened 4 years ago? Am I missing something?
OMG WHAT DID DO WON WANT TO TELL PRESIDENT? she was like "theres something i really want tot tell you" ...CONFESSION? ヾ(☆▽☆) jk idk what it was about but probably not a confession tho :/
anyways i think it was great that Won came to the rescue. Shes so strong :( she was able to withstand the brother hitting her probably as hard as possible because unlike Seju he wanted to kill Won and even after the blow she gets back up and gets pummeled from him punching her. Won better be alive or imma throw a giga fit (/TДT)/
Won shouldve just killed him ugh i bet hes gonna come back with a gun or something dumb like that. stupid cunt (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
omg when do won tore off the duct tape with her remaining energy and saying sorry was so sweet MUST PROTEC BEAR ╥﹏╥ BEAR NOT DEAD BEAR MUST LIVE FOREVER WITH SEJU
I know I said that the next 10 days last time were going to be torture but this UGHGHGHGHG im gonna die
Ok Seju better daddy up on Won and take care of her future wife and not just run away...though thats not really her style anyways
I hope next chapter is what happens next and not just a flashback chapter of Wons past or something like that because I want to see Seju taking care of Wonnie
prediction for the next chapter:
Seju takes Won to the hospital and stays with her then Won wakes up and Seju takes care of her like she did with her earring and is super gentle and she realizes that Won is "the Won (one)" for her

ok so I had two sides about this chapter because on one hand I didn't like the ending because i just wanted Seju to be happy, but I totally understand why it had to end that way.
I don't want them to have half drunk sex and just have a sexually attraction being the reason why they have sex. There needs to be meaning behind this or Seju may never be able to move on, which obviously she does need to.
another thing that I noted is that Do Won was thirsty for Seju. I wonder how long it has been going on for Do Won like omg when she slammed the door after Seju asked if she needed to be taught like wowza that was spicy af lol
AHG and when Seju called her Do Won, and acknowledged her as more then a "caretaker" then Do Won looking up in surprise was so cuawte
Now I want Do Won to call Seju Unnie and i faint
in regards to weather or not Do Won was fired hmm... i dont know... although I don't want that to be the case, she might have been?
Seju said "You don't have to go to work starting tomorrow" while stroking her face, seems kind of final :(
I don't know how likely that Seju just wants to bring Do Won back with her to Seoul especially since she knows she ran away from there.
But then again the brother was the one who hired her and also she is the caretaker of the villa and they still need someone to care for it, even if Seju isn't there. WHY FIRE WONNIE SHE DID NOTHING WRONG
I hope and pray to gay gods that Seju wasn't looking at the mitten and thinking of going back to Sumin. I don't think she was thinking of going back to her necessarily because she seemed pretty set on leaving her. She may just be afraid or just have "ptsd" in a sense. Maybe she was just thinking of ways to get over her, or just what to do next.
Who was on the phone with her? They are going to meet her at the airport, but they also know her well enough about her business plans, or whatever she was talking about that she was going to "finish today". and WHAT ISSUE HAD BEEN SORTED OUT...Maybe it was her brother? I don't know.
finally the mysterious character who has the plan on maybe attacking Seju is scarryyy. Please don't hurt her shes already been scared emotionally :( just leave her alone. sigh somethings gonna happen though. They have a bat which is super lame, like who uses a bat to beat someone with now a days (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
moving forward its hard to predict how it will go. I am hoping it will go something like this:
omg Seju gets attacked, Do Won steps in and protects her but gets injured. Seju feels bad and starts to take care of Do Won and helps her healed and maybe develops feelings while shes taking care of her, fall in love and live happily ever after and seju is happy and stuff
orrrrrr Seju gets kidnapped and agent Do Won goes on a mission to retrieve president and Seju notices how much she cares for her and then they fall in love and stuff

I personally don't think Seju will be going back to Sumin. That red mitten scene, I guess it just indicates that Sumin will always stay in Seju's heart & memory. 10 years is a long time, Seju had suffered enough. I have questions like why Seju is leaving and fire Do Won / the guy with the bat... Team Gaji always leaves us surprises and twist plots (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

First of all, Won is not just a caretaker, that's just her facade, the brother hired her to take care of Seju, not the hotel. This is something that people tend to forget, quite often.
The scene you describe, when Seju fired Won it also sounds like an ending to me, a farewell, like Seju tried it with Won but it din't work, Sumin is still present in her heart and in her mind, and that's why the next day we see the damn red gloves and Seju planning to take a plane, and I think Seju is trying to sell the hotel on the phone call. So for me she plans to go alone and not come back, she is leaving back to Sumin, to that toxic but familiar relationship (in the previous chapter she says something like that)
Now about the end, I think Won is going to get hurt in the fight when she defends Seju from the killer, and this will be the reason why Seju will decides to stay and not take the plane back to Sumin. She will stay with Won to take care of her and to make sure she is okay. Honestly this is the only reason that I could think for Seju to stay and dont take the plane.

I also agree with you. I guess Seju think that she & Won didn’t work out because Seju had only been feeling desire & sexual attraction, but not love. It can be safe to assume that Seju hasn’t develop real feelings toward Won, and this is due to the fact that Seju still keep Sumin in her heart.
I don’t blame Seju if Sumin gonna stay forever in her life, because no one can really throw away memory and her past just like that. We gotta live with it, acknowledge that we had experienced it and learned from it (the past).
I just hope Seju will start to let Sumin go little by little to allow Won to enter her heart. I hope Seju can fall in love again.
The guy with the bat was so scary, and I don’t know why but I predicted that Seju might also get hurt. If Won decide to show up, both of them gonna get hurt.
If the guy come up with a gun etc, it will make sense if someone was tryna kill her. But seeing the bat, could only make sense that someone just wanted to torture Seju badly, to the extend might eventually kill her also (but i dont think this will gonna happen bcuz this is just too much).
The business plan seems like an attempt to start everything new for me. Because in the very first moment, Seju went to Jeju island to escape. Basically just for a temporary, so now maybe Seju decided that she didnt find any trace or leftover of her mother, I guess Seju just want to sell the hotel as mentioned above. Later she start focusing on her business.
About Seju going back to Sumin, I personally dont think it gonna happen. I got a strong feeling that Seju just cant forget Sumin, & decided not to commit in another relationship. Anyhow, she wont linger in Sumin’s life, bcuz Seju know well that Sumin already moved on.

I feel bad that Seju just tried it with Won and it couldnt work out, but I guess this was for the better. The steps they took to fall in love were wrong, so I hope that they can properly do it and Seju will find happiness at the end of this ordeal.
However, back to my point which I mentioned before, I don't know if she was planning on going back to the toxic relationship with Sumin because she seemed pretty set on not going back to that relationship because she realized that it was never going back to the way she wanted it to be. She knows the pain she causes for Sumin and doesn't want to hurt her anymore. Her constant presence in Sumins life causes this pain and she doesn't want that. I mean she stopped having sex with Do Won for that very reason, because she didn't want to betray Sumin and cause any more hurt.
The point you made of her arrangement of selling the hotel and that is what she was talking on the phone about makes a lot of sense and that is why she doesn't need Do Won anymore.
I agree that Do Won getting hurt and Seju taking care of her would probably be the most plausible and only reason I can think of Seju staying and them getting closer.

It is obvious that there is no love at the moment and neither of they are thinking about a relationship. It is too soon!
But they are curious, interested and sexually attracted to each other. When I said that it didn't work between they I meant that Seju, despite feeling a lot of sexual desire for Won, couldn't have sex with her and in that moment I think she feels like she was cheating Sumin for having sex with someone else. Just when she was about to have sex with Won, she has a flashback of Sumin crying saying, "How could you do this to me?" in the day they broke up. Seju still feels guilty about that mistake, she can't forgive herself. In 10 years Seju was never with anyone else in a way to self-punish and wait for Sumin to forgive her and come back with her and it seems that she still holds that habit and can't break it. Reading this chapter and the previous ones I think Won was like a test for her, to see if she was able to sleep with someone else and break that toxic habit of self-punishment, but she failed miserably, and now wants to run back to Sumin again.
It's not going to happen of course, some shit must happen so Seju can't take that plane, as I said before maybe Won is injured during the fight, or both, but it's pretty clear that she was planning to come back for Sumin and that bothers me a lot.
Seju knows that Sungji and Sumin are back togethers?? The last time when she left, Sumin and Sungji had broken up.

I feel bad for seju too now. Part of me want seju going back with sumin , and another part of me dont want seju going back again with sumin bcause its a toxic relationship. But how i wish that sumin forgive all the mistake that seju hv done b4 this instead of torturing her for 10 years,. I mean no other girl will love sumin the way seju did (eventho sumin hv sungji now). Seju hv been waiting for sumin like a crazy person. Believing that one day sumin will going back with her.
but they were just standing there 7 feet apart why were they blushing so much?
I'm also confused
Since Matsuri mentioned that mei's pace is way too slow in yuzu's relationship, yuzu stayed with Mei inside the elevator to at least make things go faster. Even if it was a small step, it meant a lot for those two since they don't hang out in school. Plus, there might have been some tension between them as Mei wanting to do more than just stand there. Hence her sort of chasing yuzu after yuzu left.