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sparrow333 October 19, 2019 5:34 pm

but they were just standing there 7 feet apart why were they blushing so much?

    Waifu October 20, 2019 2:24 am

    I'm also confused

    Human October 20, 2019 8:03 pm

    Since Matsuri mentioned that mei's pace is way too slow in yuzu's relationship, yuzu stayed with Mei inside the elevator to at least make things go faster. Even if it was a small step, it meant a lot for those two since they don't hang out in school. Plus, there might have been some tension between them as Mei wanting to do more than just stand there. Hence her sort of chasing yuzu after yuzu left.

sparrow333 October 14, 2019 8:38 am

as a fan of Seju i cant help but hope that she shows up again. Although this is probably not what is going to happen i really really hope Sumin decides she wants to make up with Seju because she was shook up with how she was never able to make up with Sunhwa properly. Maybe Sungji will bring them to Jeju and get them to interact as a sort of therapy.

Honestly I am pretty tired of Sumin having emotional baggage and the drama with her. Sungji deserves better than to have to play lover and therapist all the time. Although caring for your partners mental health and dealing with their baggage makes sense, I do not like it always being absolutely one sided. I was hoping that since three years had passed Sumin would have grown emotionally and their relationship would become more healthy but at the moment it doesnt seem like it at all.

I hope Will has an interesting story line and doesn't repeat itself. If this is another story of Sumin shutting herself in and then Sungji having to go chase after her and figure out what is wrong that would be a real down side for me. It seems like that is happening because instead of telling Sungji what was wrong, Sumin tried to just sleep in for a few nights.

The story keeps repeating and it might have sold the first few times but if they repeat the same story people will drop the seires and fast. Sejus story was a breath of fresh air and even though it was cliche, she wasnt as...annoying (please dont kill me sumin fans).
In the end most people are probably going to finish Will if only because we stayed for the other 120+ chapters.

personally I see what Nami did basically what was best. Sumin did not care for Sunhwa and never made an effort to connect and stay connected. It seems like everyone else in the group tried to. Heck, Nami is a literal celebrity and was still had time to connect with them all and even went to the funeral. Sumin was in a dark place only AFTER or during Sunhwas death, which means Sunhwa was probably suffering while Sumin was still able to socialize with other people and not emotionally broken. Furthermore, Sunhwa seemed like she never wanted to reconnect with Sumin. If she really wanted to then she probably would have found a way through Nami or her friends. If it was the case that Sunhwa did not want to have anything to do with Sumin in Sunhwas time of suffering then Nami has no place to tell Sumin about her death.
The only part which I mildly disagree with Nami was her not telling her about the death before they went to the reunion. Though her claim that Sumin would not have gone to the reunion is a bit weak. I feel like it should have been Sumins decision to make. Maybe Nami was trying to make a point? I dunno

One think i thought was interesting and a tad annoying was Sumins reaction to her friends death. Maybe it is a difference between Western and Korean culture. Sumins reaction and whole case for why she was mad at Nami revolved around how she felt embarrassed about not knowing and because of this she lost face rather then her being mad because Nami didn't tell her she lost one of her childhood friends and could have been there for her when she needed her most. I disliked this scene because of how shallow it seemed.

Anywho thats my five cents. ps. does anyone know if the next chapter is released Oct 15 or if there will be another delay?

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