I like the light novels the best so far out of the novels, anime, and manga. There is more depth and explanation. The anime is to rushed and skip over and changed details. The manga seems closer to the novel but the novel seems deeper with more detail not by much though. If you like the manga or anime YOU SHOULD READ THE NOVELS.
I bought mine from Barnes and Noble. I have also seen it at Amazon.com. But make sure you are looking at the light novels rather than the manga when on amazon because the covers are similar. Right now the volumes translated cover up to where the anime stops which is through volume 5. The six volume will come out in August. There was a translation somewhere on the internet but I think it got taken down because it was licensed by Yen Press.
SOOOOO HAPPY that this was picked up by another group!!! Especially because it was just going good!!! Thanks to the current and past scanlators for your hard work on this manga. It is appreciated!!!!