Sunshine's experience ( All 0 )

Sunshine's answer ( All 0 )

Sunshine's question ( All 1 )

I have been thinking about this for a while but I wanted to hear others thoughts on it. So In omegaverse it says that men and women are split into 3 genders. So this got me asking if an omega pretends their an alpha or something like that, isn't that technically a genderbender? Since alpha, beta and omega are genders.
11 10,2020

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

i did try to multiple times tho i survived every time

7 hours
did contradictory comments

My words are contradicting cus I myself dont know the truth anymore. i need a break irl and im spiraling.

8 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I wanted to because he was gone but my friends stopped me and offered me a solution

8 hours