The horse was so ugly that it was distracting

I didn’t elaborate but honestly I think it’s not up to the artist to pay for an assistant but the company, Especially for adaptations like this one. And it’s certain genre that uses bought stuff more than others, the popular and mass produced ones (isekai, bl, some modern romances but less than the lather two.) so I’m pretty sure companies can invest in assistants so we can actually have decent chapters every week.

Stopped reading at chapter 8. The author is very weird to use a black man’s (possibly George floyd) deaths as a plot device in a romance/drama story and centering Korean in it. Is there even a Korean community there ? Plus, I checked on webtoon and they removed the part about the riots being about « a black man’s death » so they knew it was inappropriate. And the art is weird as well, I don’t understand the rating.

I hope the author is one day picked to adapt a well written webnovel because I can’t stand such beautiful art wasted on that trash that they call manhwa. I also can’t believe that i read all 44 chapters and it manages to get worse each chapters. Wow congratulations on writing the worst story I read in a while ! And I do read trash.

Hey at least it's not as bad as that one story or this girl falls into a world of Beast that turn into men and she's like the Mary Sue of all the Beast monster stuff that they all keep falling in love with her? And she's like, married to a snake dude or something? That story was so horrendous I can't even think of the title, I think it's called like, Mary Sue and the Beast simps? I don't know. Worst story than this but it's it's pretty close as a runner-up

Telling you Mary Sue and the Beast Simps was so bad at translation, that in the story, she was considered too beautiful so she had to put on freckles in order to appear ugly. Think about it, basically that trash was saying that anyone that has a slight belly and freckles was downright ugly. So bad this Beast simps and the trash Mary Sue manhwa was, that it made me wish a poacher would show up and I'm not even going to say

Is this worth reading ? I’m not that fond of romance with idols and stuff, and I hate stories that unnecessarily drags on,but the art is so pretty ! Also people are calling fl a pedo so…

It does drag for a bit with misunderstanding but I enjoyed the story..
The fl is a few years older. She essentially takes care of the m.l and his sister cause they were in a bad spot. She didn't view him in that way till later. Besides she was in a relationship with someone else. . Her and the m.l don't get together until he's an adult from what I remember.
Is chapter 25 missing ?