I need to hear people's opinions on this.
What's are your stand on this??? Honestly i feel like its a lose lose on both sides. While it was wrong and nasty of YD to (allegedly) dox a reader, the people who are attacking them are also pretty nasty with the stuff theyre calling them. Telling them to leave 1 star reviews on the story, saying that YD only cares abt the money and not the story (like duh??? thats their job), LITERALLY diagnosing YD multiple personality disorder??? wh a t????
YD is handling the situation so unprofessionally and the people who are shitting on them even tho that all of us here collectively agree that what were doing here is illegal.
Okay, in conclusion. YD is nasty but the people going after them got pretty nasty too. What do you think?
Yeah and when u tell them to stop they would just answer "we're just having fun" I get that it's kinda "fun"...and that's cuz we're not directly involved. It's not yalls life are getting threatened or getting sued. Not only is it nasty it's also "childish" which makes look an easy target to yd and her minions.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
I’m in no one’s side to be honest. The way the uploader handled it, and considering they were the one who illegally posted it in the first place, you would expect them to apologize. But instead of actually apologizing, the uploader sounded like they brushed off YD’s complaints, removed the manga and called it a day. Wouldn’t you be as annoyed as YD when someone steal’s your work, gathers more views than your original work, and at the end you get told by the illegal uploader to “remove it yourself then” instead of apologizing?
As for YD, I understand her position to be frustrated but I think she also handled it very poorly. She should’ve contacted actual professionals to sue and gather info about the uploader, but instead she took advantage of her position as a known-author by using her fans to dox the said uploader. And considering her works are quite.... questionable, I don’t really support her in the first place but I didn’t really care if she’d sue or not
And YD getting hate from mangago users wasnt really far-fetched since I heard that she used suicide to make herself a victim. Does she deserve the hate? Not really since it’ll make the problem look bigger than it already it, but it was bound to be thrown at her anyways. I’m still quite surprised that people were with the uploader’s side as well from what I saw in Twitter
I super agree with you. I saw the situation and just felt super stressed and concluded that everyone in there is just plain childish and nasty. Im kinda upset of how YD handled it. So much more people wouldve been on their side if they didnt stoop so low. I wouldve defended them. Oh well, but here we are....
YD could have handled it a lot better, what he did was just childish and Ip address, bounty seriously?? He didn’t even tried to listen what uploader was trying to say, and now black list, seriously? Is he an actual child? Author is nasty so of course other people will be the same, if he would have handle it better way then the outcome would be different. He has to stay professional bc us read/ buy his work so after this i’m pretty sure he lost a lot legal readers of how he handled the situation, Idk ab you guy but i dont even want to support his work anymore not bc its bad no, its really good and interesting but after this drama, just dont wanna spend my money nor my week coins on his childish ass. (Theres always raws after all) Maybe im childish xd idk
I agree but when i put myself on their shoes you realize theres really nothing you can do in that situation. The copyright law has so much holes in it and can only really protect someone who has the time and money and dedication to sue a site thats not even based in korea. Its really frustrating and sad. This is why when authors ask us to take down stories, we really shouldnt complain. Sure it sucks but we have to remember that making comics are a livelihood. This is how they sustain themselves and were taking that away from them. I honestly wishm, from the bottom of my heart that the situation didnt have to come to this. it just makes me sad :((
and it only took 183 chapters
i just checked and- 5 YEARS????? OH MY GOD
Bruh I feel old
Plssss I've been here since 2020 whaaaaat