Did yall really expect him to change overnight ? That would be super unrealistic cause he is used to manipulating his way out of everything . But honestly this has a potential to go 100 + chapters but I am not sure since it is a side story , hopefully this chemistry won't be wasted
I remember when I read it for the first time I didn't know a shit about fapping , but if I look back at it it is a perfect fap material
So a manhwa that finally has Bitching and studding - I am more of an Alpha X Alpha person but it works too ig
Ummm I like mind breaks perhaps but thid was too short for all that
Okay I get it Do-hyuk has been an asshole and kinda gettin it back but sigh this will be painful ...... but it is too interesting I need moreeee
Lmao I ditched it ages ago but nah the side story popped up outta nowhere-
Saying I cried a bucket will be a understatement, with each pregnancies I was wishing he would die this time cause only that can solve the mess . Finally I cried enough to make my antidepressants feel ashamed