Coz my hands are tired from liking all of it lol
This is getting hot my babies
I'm weak for guys who have super visible mole under their eyes. It's just so hot. (⊙…⊙ )
I want to know how will the boss' character develop but I'm getting tired reading this. Sigh. Though I won't stop reading this because why not? Lol
My cute little moody boiii please don't grow up!
Your moody little boy is going to become a moody little tyrant, if he doesn’t grow up Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Idk why that made me laugh
I don't know why too but this is kinda hilarious
Kinda feels like kimi ni todoke right?
Who do I ship? Me and Yooyeon lol
Lol! I was about to comment that yooyeon's mine then I realized that i was the poster all along
Dang I shouldn't have read it
Please just hand me the uncle to end this complication. Thank you.
Wtf I'm so jealous! What rights do you have to make me feel this way!
Coz my hands are tired from liking all of it lol