My challenge and question for y’all is…. Say something nice about yourself and not something superficial, like looks, money or whatnot… Go deep dive into your true self and acknowledge a part of you that scares you!
Happy Halloween y’all!
So, in order to lead by example… I am kind to a fault and that is ok because those who truly know me, know that I will always be there to listen to them without judgement.
To be honest the hardest thing to do is to not respond and listen, ask them to tell you more and ask them if they are ok, it will disarm them at the same time make them feel heard by you. Remember when someone is arguing with you or criticizing you, it’s not actually about you, it’s them and their need to be heard and understood. Thanks for answering my question!
Hey y’all. I’m looking for a fantasy manga.
So the MC is a female who can use magic in a world where no women are able to use magic. Her male cousin traded places with her so that he can run off and elope with a woman, and she (MC) takes his place in the Ministry of Magic (pot whatever it was called). MC runs into the main male lead who was trying to get the woman the MC’s cousin was running off with to stay because he was in love with her omelets... that’s all I remember. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Illegal cliffhanger! You can’t do us like that!! OMG I need more!!!