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aqua January 7, 2025 8:58 am

maybe it was the 4th prince she saw in her dream? she's pitiful.. T.T.. and my baby.. i hope you have your truly happy ending.. everyone deserve that...

aqua January 7, 2025 8:47 am

wish yeom ra got to reincarnated and got his own happy end, he's just another case of tragic story villain.. and nope, i don't sympathetic to yeom oh.. such a big words came out of him and then blindly blaming at someone just because he has the power while it's all on little yoon. i'm not blaming little yoon, do think with your head for a moment, when he's dying, there are people who definitely desperate. whatever their reasons are. and then definitely avoid the underworld ruler, left him with his wounded heart.. even got the nerve blaming little yoon.. yeom ra might think he was softhearted, i call him (them) selfish, coward and irresponsible.. things i wish, for the kings and yeom oh got suffered as much as yeom ra, beom jin and yoon jae.. they deserve to feel as much as they did, being alone, lonely, and simply being in the dark.. you might think you're doing for greater good, but boy how wrong you all are..

sorry folks.. i got the feeling yeom ra wish to be killed by yeom oh since god knows which chapter i read.. maybe by killing the king means end of the underworld.. end of him.. because why didn't he came to yeom oh if he's the endgame? he walked straight to the king chambers and everybody got thinking he wants to rule that damn place.. he condemned the place for goodsake! once he wish for someone who maybe could get rid of his loneliness but no more.. HE GAVE UP.. there yeom oh, king whoever his name is, people.. the great yeom ra has given up..

    Riven January 11, 2025 11:43 am

    Ya I feel sad for yeom ra too.. he just wanted someone to be with him but everyone left ig.. and the special flower of yoon jae is prob beom jin i think?? I want yeom ra's own story pls

    aqua January 12, 2025 10:17 am
    Ya I feel sad for yeom ra too.. he just wanted someone to be with him but everyone left ig.. and the special flower of yoon jae is prob beom jin i think?? I want yeom ra's own story pls Riven

    yes, and that part is where they stole my heart.. little yoon and that very special flower indeed.. ╥﹏╥ .. he's struggling from the very first, yet everyone thought he's creepy simply by touching.. i'm glad (little and reincarnated) yoon by his side, ma poor babies

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