Yori created a topic of Scandalous Wedding

Alicia, yes girl, I know, servation, cuntastic, slayage, but honey, you really have to cancel that Operation Alabama: More Psycho Babies Incoming. I knowwww a girl has hobbies but maybe try picking up knitting as a hobby instead of fantasizing your cousin? Girl, pleaaaase

Yori created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

Damn, i wish Ennid would take us and Glunn by surprise again. Like what do you mean by kissing his nips already?! No need to say hello how are you, do it again, Ennid, kiss the cawk cawk awooga

Yori created a topic of 151.20%

"I've been dying to meet you"


Yori created a topic of Scandalous Wedding

Ohhh dearie, there's only red flag in that castle, go back to your carriage and stay safe.

Yori created a topic of Scandalous Wedding

The good thing about Asha being oblivious is that it tempers Kiel's actions (as if it weren't extreme already, but yeah he most likely can do worse). If Asha wasn't oblivious and gave Kiel and big hard NO, then we can expect that blood will be shed and there will be wars and civil unrest (down the slippery slope, the empire would probably crumble lmao).

For now, Asha's obliviousness at least makes the emperor busy with trying to gain his favor and scheming to marry him.

Yori created a topic of Not To Me, But To the Fans

That dude who tripped on jemin better not be one of those PPP aka Payola Payola Payola fuckass members. They're starting to piss me off.

Yori created a topic of Not To Me, But To the Fans

Aight woohyung, i see what you're trying to do, purposefully facing the camera upwards while pocketing your phone. You got the receipts and it's time to kick a two-faced bitchass out of stardom.

Yori created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

OHMYGOD he's so dramatic and for what???? the 2nd embarrassment, he has an entirely different fan fiction up in his head that is way way WAY TOO FAR from reality. JIGU, GET UP, PLEASE don't fall any more into your delusions or even I won't know how tf are you going to get back on your feet after knowing the truth

Yori created a topic of Private Call

The art is SOOOOOO GOOD. The facial expressions are expression-ing!!! You could see how they falling deeper and deeper, and getting more and more intoxicated with their feelings. ML definitely needs a crash course on the omegaverse tho lmao

Yori asked a question

I hooe someone remember the title of this manhwa:

So the mc, an omega, is married to an abusive alpha. The alpha's brother, the ml, is kind and compassionate to our mc (because he likes him). Anyway, the mc wanted to have a divorce but the husband's parents pressured the mc to delay it because the husband has an ongoing project and they cannot risk to tarnish his reputation because of the divorce. The mc still managed to get the divorce albeit delayed.

After the divorce, shit happened, the mc got in heat, ML was with him and you know what happened. So like the mc got pregnant after that but went into hiding because he feared that the ML's family might want to take his son away. Fast forward, he met the ML again who is pursuing him but mc keeps running away from him.

Pleaseeee anyone remember this manhwa? It's not Stigma by the way. I'm not seeing this one get updated anymore (probably got dropped? Or I was just unaware that it already got completed?)

Yori created a topic of December

Sooooo he's going back home knowing the likelihood that kim shin would be literally there. Yeah, this dude right there is definitely the first one to die type in a slasher-thriller film. By all means, babe, it's not like you're limping around and unable to run fast, right now, aye? Go get your ticket to free dental health check up, since you look like you want your other teeth to be pulled out.

Let's make this easy, Khalid, here are your options:
(a) Yes
(b) we know you like that fruity, majestic, fairy-esque beta, who are you kidding, bruh???
(c) why would you not protect cutie eepy wittle Trudy? You would turn a blind eye to child abuse?!?!?! Just pick yes
(d) Ludmilla is mothering so hard, have respect to our fairy mother and say yes!
(e) Oui oui baguette
(f) you think of choosing "no" but it magically turns to "yes"!!!
(g) All of the above

Yori created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

Like, seriously, every chapter that varabussy is finding new petty ways to uphold his title as the Supreme Bitch Overlord. Btch u think you're crafty, wait til I crack that head open.

I really hope Fate would do a switcheroo and it's him who's going to fall off the balcony and land with his mfing smug pathetic face on the ground. But he is not going to immediately die from it, he will pathetically drag his broken body and crawl desperately to look for safety and that's when he would inevitably die in the most anti-climactic way possible.

So true, I find male character costumes too uncreative, boring, plain like ohmygod they released a new costume and it's just stupid shirt and pants again for men. And the hairstyles???? It's just short hair in mildly different fonts. This is why I really prefer female characters, just more pizzazz, glitz, glamour, and overall fab. You can strut like you're a goddess ingame like the unique bombastic diva you are, in the midst of the plaintain faceless NPC male characters.

Everyone should practice their divine right to SERVE their CUNTRY!!! I said what I said!

Yori created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

UGH ENNID YOUR MIND *chef kisses* I LOVE IT. Not even trying to be wholesome and going for the cheek but directly smooching the nips?!?!?!? Color me A-M-A-Z-E-D. GURL, might as well go for the CAWK-A-DOODLE DOO!!!

Sis, it's fine, don't be ashamed, just embrace it. WE UNDERSTAND.

Yori created a topic of Part-Time Partner

Just because you're a fakeass two-faced btch with no actual real friends, you're free to hold down the MC and make him cut-off his meaningful relationships? Like his interaction with jaekyung is not that good either, he just knowingly sprinkle crumbs to leave her hanging (poor jaekyung, girl please leave this shitty man).

And the way he is attacking him and his friend and bringing up that they are both gay. Hunni, you NEED to listen to yourself, you are beginning to sound like those homophobic bullies few chapters ago.

Kyuho, sis????? LEAVE HIM PERMANENTLY???? This fckboi who acts like he knows you more than you do, has already trampled on your whole being. Just dump the wholeass man! No dick is good enough to cheapen your self worth!

Yori created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

Nawww Alexis get awttt, let my boi Eugene spill the tea first!!!! They haven't actually started their agenda proper and he's already there, trespassing???

Yori created a topic of Don't Mess With the Puppy!

smh took him forever to wake up, lezz go wolfie! Chop chop, no time to lose!

It really breaks my heart that it seems his injury opened up again someone please whack some sense to his hyung and have the other shady guy (dumb btch i can't even remember his name) euthanized.

Yori created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

Ennid stronger than me, I would have knelt down and showed the Groweing thing between Glunn's thighs the FUTURE