Cosmic Gaything's experience ( All 0 )

Cosmic Gaything's answer ( All 10 )

about scared of
GUYS. Mail-in ballots are counted later, and those tend to favor BLUE. Don't even pay attention to these early counts. They're misleading af. I'm so nervous though   2 reply
22 days
about question
As someone studying psychology, I've given this a lot of thought! Here are a few of my takeaways (I have even more thoughts but this is already too long): - We are simply not built to handle the amount of information about other people that is thrust upon us constantly by social media, the 24/7 news cycle, etc. When EVERYTHING is important and ter......   1 reply
22 days
about question
I love to see non-BL readers on here, especially girls! Yuri readers, shounen readers, horror readers, josei readers, etc. who use this site despite BL readers being the target audience... I'm not one of y'all, but I'm glad you exist~   reply
28 10,2024
about question
I am not a straight girl, but my educated guess is that they read BL because they find men attractive. Seeing two men in kahoots with each other is twice the fun! :3 Plus, for some girls, straight romance may not be enjoyable if they can't relate to the female protagonists, don't like seeing other girls in romantic or sexual situations, or can't h......   reply
27 10,2024

Cosmic Gaything's question ( All 2 )

about penpals
join our new manga/yaoi discord server!
we're friendly and open to people of all backgrounds
14 09,2019
Hey! I recently got back into writing and I was wondering in anyone would like to be buddies with me. We could share our work with each other and give each other constructive critism. I've also wanted to make a webcomic for a long time, so I'd be fine with someone who wants to make one as well. It would be great if we could become friends.
I've got Instagram, Discord, and Line, but I prefer to use ig or Discord. If you're interested you can leave your id below or send me a private message. If a lot of people respond though I could make a discord server or group chat for all of us to participate in.
22 07,2019

People are doing

did stubborn family

Sigh let’s just say they’re the type to pray to god rather than get medical (scientifically proven methods) aid.

6 seconds
did switch couples

I love switch couples. Wish there was more of them :

1 minutes
want to do emotional manipulation

I’m the one being emotionally manipulated most times. I wanna do it for change :(

2 minutes