The original art is very good and their previous yaoi was also the same art style. The switch up is severe so I think they have replaced this artist. Does anyone know the details?
Man must have 2 hearts to keep blood pumping for a pp that huge
Like yeah let's not have a pedo artist but can we at least get a mildly competent one? Yall acting like it's weird we are pissed at a legitimately horrific art style.
Wow for the first time ever I'm glad a yaoi couple didn't have sex. Am I OK?
So sick of getting blue balls by this ㅠㅠ i love them so much please bang already
At first I was like wow first date bound? But actually the pacing for this story was immaculate. It didn't feel rushed even though it should. Plus the alpha is gorgeous.
Oh my god ㅠㅠ I love the sculpture title and the fact it's named after the emotion that Matthew sees when he makes the sculpture, not the sculpture itself. It makes so much sense. So clever. Such a good manhwa!
When you log on and see the good shit dropped.. is this what drugs feels like? Give me more