yuta add 1 photos to tension
yuta add 1 photos to tension


yuta add 1 photos to tension

You’re so cooked yoonshin

yuta add 1 photos to tension

He finna eat him with that gaze

yuta add 1 photos to tension

Like kiss alr

yuta created a topic of For you 99%

Can they just resolve those internal conflicts and communicate like stop fucking n think it’s the solution. Especially joon! Get a grief bro yk Doha loves you and wants you to open up to him. What r you so scared of dude

yuta created a topic of kiss on the piano

Like where is your redemption arc. He failed himself so many times ☹

yuta add 3 photos to tension
yuta add 1 photos to tension

Sir you sure you wanna kill her?!

yuta add 2 photos to tension
yuta add 1 photos to tension

no matter how much I reread this I can’t help but giggle and blush

yuta add 1 photos to tension

My parents

yuta add 1 photos to pretty
yuta add 1 photos to tension
yuta add 1 photos to Cute stuff

They r so in love just confess alr ugh

yuta add 1 photos to pretty

4ever suffering from 2nd lead syndrome

yuta add 1 photos to pretty

he’s so pretty it’s unfair

yuta created a topic of My Suha

I’m sorry but this is ass like everytime I try to read it, it just gets worse. wtf is this mental rotting shit