revy created a topic of Perfect Buddy

my parents....i love....

revy created a topic of High School Boy

that asshole talks like how a typical real life molester would in that situation lmao he needs to kill himself

revy created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

guys im so mean to tell me the main couple are HALF BROTHERS???? i havent read this in a long time so i am just befuddled
cause WHAT???

revy created a topic of Waterside Night

thank god the miscarriage didnt affect euihyun (?) at all. i sometimes forget hes a hard ass but its nice to know that taeju isnt rlly taking the whole going away thing seriously

omg i started sobbing OH MY GOD THE POWER OF LOVE i hate being cheesy but its so real that love saves all

revy created a topic of Perfect Buddy


revy created a topic of Waterside Night

i dont get why the author doesnt give the characters a breath of fresh air. do they have to be constantly in pain to make the story progress?? this is so draining brah

revy created a topic of Wet Sand

its a hard pill to swallow but unfortunately dysfunctional + dysfunctional = disaster, if ian and tj will get together again they might be stuck in the same place they were before. its just sad cause tj couldve done something different so it wasnt this messed up


revy created a topic of Waterside Night

really dont like how some of you guys are just concerned about the potential baby instead of the person himself. feels very weird to me. euihyun will get out of this safely i hope

revy created a topic of Wet Sand

oh god... i can feel how the story is somehow leaning more into jo being the endgame. :(( i hate tragic gays

revy created a topic of Wet Sand

is jo based off clark kent in a way?? cause his eyed are crazy blue

revy created a topic of Wet Sand

if we think about it, ian cant have a proper "normal" life easily. if tj dies, people will still come for ian cause they hold grudges. ian being able to live a normal life would never be possible until tj somehow gets a hold of the gang and be the "big boss" and will then make ian untouchable but unless tj changes, tj will still make ian stay by his side even though ian most likely doesnt want to. if it were to change tho then ian might be able to get together with jo and live a normal life while tj observes at the background.

i think this manhwa is really good, i dont typically side with the "gangster" male lead but tj surprisingly made me sympathetic of his situation.

revy created a topic of Slammer Dogs

this shit is so fucking hilarious like??? everyone fucking stupid,, the drama is intense and the characters r so messed up, its an uncomfortable read but i cant stop reading theres sm going on

revy created a topic of Majo no Inu
revy created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

this was a good read,, i still hate the red haired guy but then i also get his feelings hes just fucked up. all in all it was pretty good

revy created a topic of The Worst Time Loop Ever

the haircut looks good on him idk what yall r on about

revy created a topic of Waterside Night

lowkey got teary eyed when he wished for euihyun to live a fulfilling life like damn... idk it was just so deep for no reason i almost started sobbing. i cant even lie he loves that man to death and is fr trying to change every wrong he did.

i felt so bad for yujin while reading through this story he might even be better than the ml in my opinion but its a nice story nonetheless

revy created a topic of December