I think it's time for BJ Alex to be brought down a peg or two!! I'm thinking along the lines of DG putting distance between or rejects a meetup b/c of "other plans"- giving no explanation (like a brush off, don't care the reason why). At 1st seme-kun will think its a fluke...("I'm Alex, of course he didn't reject me"... "Or it doesn't matter I'll boink someone else"...) Then enters the "other" well liked and handsome man that seems to be connecting with our sweet, naive uke!! Love interest or friend also doesn't matter. Alex is the jealous type (you can tell) attention not on him would be bad in his mind. He'll start trying to do things for our baby & want that smile all dor himself! I can see a happy ending for them but I want Alex to know things WILL NOT ALWAYS GO HIS WAY. Oh and to take the asshole personality down... I like confidence not conceit!!
Did anyone give the cousin her props??!! I bet Aunt regretting those tutors now. Baby girl found the proof, understood what went down then took the info to her cousins! So young and disgusted with Mama!