Dude at this point I’m just thinking about a scenario(that will probably never happen but still) of Leewon just snapping and outright digging bullets into Ceasars limbs after he finds out something so gut wrenching that Leewon can’t help but ruthlessly take it out on Ceasar. I really wish Leewon would just snap but homeboy still has some morality in him so it’s not possible.
I don’t think Guwon knows a lot of things, and it’s kinda implied with how he asks questions about what does “initiate” mean and then not knowing what mouth to mouth is(and that you’re not supposed to kiss anyone when they’re having a panic attack LOL). Either way, I think he’s not too familiar on the basics of human interaction and language? It’s just with the glimpses and everything— it makes you wonder if dude is even remotely human/ alive. Honestly I don’t think he is but we’ll see.