won's gongju~ created a topic of Profundis

im head over heels for chan HE'S THE ONLY SANE PERSON IN THIS SHITHOLE. i mean ch 63 made me scream a bit but forgiven when he left the room also he attacked the lieutenant when he saw yugeon crying. I feel like he's the only person who genuinely likes yugeon

And I freaking LOVE the creator's note AU

Ngl i like depressing and traumatizing plot but i usually skip the red flags one but this,, im glad I don't skip this one, i wouldn't say this is my fav but totally worth to read! Worth of my time! Can't wait for s3!!!!! I mean it literally.. CUZZ A YEAR??? GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. imma just read the novel!

won's gongju~ asked a question

It's been so long since I've got hooked up by a manhwa, can someone recommend me a similar one as this

I feel him so much but i guess his situation was worse than mine. I used to have a neighbor who goes to the same school and class as me, her parents divorced and she live with his father at that time. We became friends, and my mother who knows her family situation, treat her good, not even that "good" tho like she just some time fed her and had a conversation with her, it's just like normal thing to do nothing excessive that should make me feel jealous, but me being a kid i am i feel so bitter because i have another 5 siblings, i already shared my mother's love with 5 other people and now another one came?!? I hate her (my friend) so much cause she already has her father who treated her nicely (my father's not a good person, so i already jealous with her by having a good dad), and now she ((wants)) my mom?? Like hell. I spent days tryna get rid of her, once she asked me to accompany her to her house to pick up some clothes (yes she stayed over at my house for days) I ignore her and watch my cartoon, i feel annoyed just by her presence, it got worse when she told my mom that I don't want to go with her to her house and my mom taking her side.

Idk how it ended?? My memory about it so blurry i only remembered about me being bitter and jealous to her (i mean my mom and my sisters seems to like her more than me, i wasn't the best nor brightest kid, i cried a lot, I did bad in school, and many more things that made me feel like I was less than her. With my mom and my sisters treat her better than they treat me just making me more insecure and jealous so yeah..)

This might be not very apple to apple, but i understand his feeling, so much that I can't even hate him. I only feel this for days maybe weeks but him? He lives like that for his whole life.. damn.

won's gongju~ answered question about question
information systems. I just want to kms atp

BRAH HE WENT FROM GREEN TO RED VERY QUICK well I'm "glad" it was all his intrusive thoughts and he's not actually doing it. Remember everyone it's all cute on manhwa if u met this type of person irl, one word, run

won's gongju~ asked a question

i was scrolling MDL and saw "blue sky complex" rated 6.7(?) And i was like??????? THE blue sky complex?? I ran here and checked the manga, it's 9.5! i mean how could a 9.5 manga got a 6.7 for its adaptation???? Well totally it's not a plot issue. i personally haven't watch it myself but does anyone know WHY?? Like how fucked up the drama is to get a 6.7??

No but but he didn't actually taste shi** right I mean i mean like he didn't actually like ykkkk I've been thinking about it for quite awhile

Who cares if he isn't the real heir, he got himself a sugar mummy

won's gongju~ created a topic of summer season

Glad that he looks normal outside the house

Tession so right, his charm is big tiddies(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

won's gongju~ asked a question

Happy yaoi day everyone who celebrates!

Man you'll caught a cold... Cover up or i— i mean the cold will caught you!

won's gongju~ asked a question

I just finished watching unknown the series and now im craving some YEARNING. Y'all recommend men some manhwa/ga/hua with YEARNING in it, I want them to be desperately want each other to the point that they can't even breath typa shittt i want it ANGSTY.