Can anyone tell me the name of this Yaoi i was reading just now...
Male lead has unrequited love for best friend who just anounces he is getting married and his girfriend is preagnant
He goes to a gay bar and hooks up with a man who turns out to be the brides brother and they meet again at his friends wedding
PLEASE I JUST SAW THIS COMMENT RIGHT BEFORE I STARTED READING IT. and i was like "is this the one they were talking about??"
Im miss reading good shoujo with the thrill of fist love!!
I have read some classics but have not found any recent ones i like in this genre so if you have them please send me some recomendattions!! If its completed i would be even happier!!
Things i liked most:
Ao Haru Ride
My love story
Say i love you
Kaichou wa Maid Sama (go Usui!!)
Akatsuki no Yona
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Soredemo Sekai ha Utsukushii
Thanks in advance!!
At the endo of the chapter there is a chibi couple not related to the story does anyone know who they are?
They seem familiar but i cannot put my finger on it!
Boss bitch baby maybe?
it's a relatively new series : )
Thanks!! It was bothering me!!
It's a new series