Ms3836 August 15, 2019 6:31 pm


    nims August 15, 2019 6:44 pm

    thank you so much!!!

yoyo July 5, 2019 10:45 pm

OKAY, I think this must be my NEW most hated chapter of WDTFS lol, the first one was when Sungji finds Sumin cheating on her ... but now THIS?


What the fuck?!!!

Seju thinking about Sumin and feeling bad/sad when she was about to have sex with Won, the red mittens, next mornig run to the airport?, back to Sumin?. And that fucking man at the end with a bat?

What the hell Team Gaji ????? I hate you.....

    Tifak3 July 5, 2019 11:17 pm

    I found it very strange, she had to get the car three more suitcases I thought I would stay longer in the hotel and with the Do Won. Now without further ado, she decides to leave to go after Sumin. She needs to think more of herself. And about the conversation I really want to know what she is talking about that has already been solved and with whom she is conversant.

    yoyo July 5, 2019 11:36 pm
    I found it very strange, she had to get the car three more suitcases I thought I would stay longer in the hotel and with the Do Won. Now without further ado, she decides to leave to go after Sumin. She needs to... Tifak3

    She may feel frustrated at not being able to have sex with Won, a woman she finds attractive, interesting and desirable. Her bad experience of the previous night could have led her to think about going back to Sumin, to something familiar, remember that in the previous chapter she mentions that she feels uncomfortable and afraid of new things. That's why she fired Won, and the red mittens, she's thinking about going back to Sumin again.

    Tifak3 July 5, 2019 11:55 pm

    I understand your thinking, but I really think Seju will try to return the gloves to Sumin and end the connection between the two. And now I was thinking here, the shoe of the person with the simple and masculine ... I think it may be the brother of Seju, because I always found him a bit strange ...

    yoyo July 6, 2019 12:54 am
    I understand your thinking, but I really think Seju will try to return the gloves to Sumin and end the connection between the two. And now I was thinking here, the shoe of the person with the simple and masculi... Tifak3

    That don't make sense, they said goodbye at the end of the main story and Paradise, if she just wanted to return the gloves then send it by mail, with one of her employees or something, or throw them away. The only reason to show these gloves is to indicate that Seju is thinking to coming back for only Sumin, oh and she fired Won, so she doesn't plan to return to the hotel :(

    Explain why the brother who tries to protect Seju's life suddenly appears with a bat? lol, thay guy or woman is a murderer without a doubt.

    Tifak3 July 6, 2019 11:00 am

    in relation to the brother, I'm sorry I said bullshit (it should be the frustration of Seju not getting right with WON). And I also think there's no point in her coming back to try something with Sumin, apparently it was a few months before she went to Jeju Island because her hair had grown a little. and about the gloves, I'm sad because apparently she has not yet surpassed Sumin, because it would not be right for the person to take a gift from the EX that they are trying to forget.

yoyo May 16, 2019 11:42 am

Don't kill me please, but although I loved and suffered with their story I always thought that Seju didn't fit with Sumin... But Seju with Won... oh man... they are so fucking cute, the perfect couple in WDTFS.
I couldn't help smiling throughout the chapter with these two. The only bad thing is that it's too short, I want more, I need more from Seju and Won.

    Laura May 16, 2019 3:23 pm

    I doubt that anyone's going to kill you for saying that :p
    I think that at the beginning they suited each other, but as time kept passing by they stopped being as compatible, as they used to? Sumin was a bit too indecisive and not as carefree in comparison to Dowon, so I hope that these two will suit each other way better!

    yoyo May 17, 2019 4:31 am
    I doubt that anyone's going to kill you for saying that :pI think that at the beginning they suited each other, but as time kept passing by they stopped being as compatible, as they used to? Sumin was a bit too... Laura

    You never know, there are still a few SuminxSeju crazy shippers out there who would be willing to kill me in a sigh xD. Their story was unique and amazing, but I've never once thought Seju and Sumin were meant to be, or that they suited each other, I mean they failed in so many things.
    Paradise show us how they used to be in love with each other and they were cute in the early days, yes, but these two together were like a bomb ready to explode at any moment since the first day, it was only a matter of time before the relationship failed, for one reason or another, cuz both are emotionally immature with strong personalities, afraid to express their thoughts or feelings and din't communicate with each other.
    That's why I like Sungji with Sumin, because Sungji despite being the youngest, is the most mature of these three. She is calm and likes to talk a LOT, and the better thing is that she makes Sumin talk and be aware of her feelings. Damn, I even thought that Sungji and Seju would make an incredible couple lol. But thank god for Won. From what I've seen so far she reminds me of Sungji in a way since they both share some similarities, both are mature (won seems even more mature yet and more serious), patient, understanding, although I think Won has an intriguing past behind.
    Seju and Won fit perfectly, both personality and appearance (they look so beautiful together xD), I mean they haven't even dated but they're already showing how complementary they are to each other unlike Seju and Sumin in their early days xD.

    yoyo May 17, 2019 4:40 am
    I doubt that anyone's going to kill you for saying that :pI think that at the beginning they suited each other, but as time kept passing by they stopped being as compatible, as they used to? Sumin was a bit too... Laura

    Is there any way to edit my previous post?, because I have not finished writing lol. Anyway, I just wanted to add to my previous post that Won is what Seju always need, someone who teaches her how to love healthy, and how to be in a healthy relationship based on trust and mutual understanding.

    Laura May 17, 2019 10:45 am
    You never know, there are still a few SuminxSeju crazy shippers out there who would be willing to kill me in a sigh xD. Their story was unique and amazing, but I've never once thought Seju and Sumin were meant ... yoyo

    Fair enough, tho when it comes to people from mangago I've only met one person with whom it was impossible to discuss anything in comments. Usually people are understanding and able to see others' points of view, even if we disagree :p Just like there are people who are team blonde, but still love Seju and want her to be happy, there are people who are team pink but understand why Sumin ends up with Sungji and I'm really happy that a majority of this fandom is really healthy

    To be honest, when I was reading wdtfs for the first time I preferred Sumin with Seju at the beginning, but not because I was supporting their toxic, unhealthy relationship, but because I couldn't see Sungji as a well-developed character and, as a result, I didn't see her relationship with Sumin as compatible and possible to end up as something stable and long-termed. Because, after all, out of three main characters Sungji is the one that was the least explored and after all we've never got to see who she is outside of her relationship with Sumin. Even during chapters that showed Sungji after her first break up with Sumin (when she was seeing her grey-haired friend, I forgot her name), almost everything there was still very much concentrated on her and Sumin. But as chapters passed by, these two got back together and Sumin also started to show that she actually cares about Sungji you can really see how the fact that Sungji is extroverted, more talkative and, just like you said, surprisingly mature while being the youngest of them all, really affect Sumin in a positive way. Like, this girl was even embarrassed to talk to Sungji when they were having sex, despite the fact that, keeping in my that she had a lot of partners before, she should be the one who feels more comfortable and open to talk during it. And even in chapter 108 Sumin confessed to Sungji that she's not really used to romantic aspects of relationships

    Agreed! Seju and Won look so pretty together *^* Actually, someone once pointed out that in one of first chapters Seju said to Sumin "I like Sungji, she's my type. Looks cold on the outside, but that's not true" which is actually a perfect description of Dowon's appearance. Also, Dowon is definitely more straightforward towards Seju and can be really carefree and comfortable around her, which is something that Sumin's always been lacking, even in the first days of their relationship

    yoyo May 17, 2019 6:23 pm
    Fair enough, tho when it comes to people from mangago I've only met one person with whom it was impossible to discuss anything in comments. Usually people are understanding and able to see others' points of vie... Laura

    That's true, I'm new here, but I really like to read the comments section, the people here seem to be very civilized and mature, and their different opinions are nice to read. Usually in other pages I only see toxic shippers fights or people who only want hardcore sex scenes.

    I'm team pink and team blonde, it's strange that my favorite characters are Seju and Sungji? xD. And in Sungji defence she is competing with characters such as Seju and Sumin, and I think I said it before, but Seju and Sumin are two masterfully written characters, with their complex personalities, they have this unique and interesting past and they are the duo that adds the drama to the story and keeps the reader in suspense, engaged in the drama wanting to know what the hell happens next xD. Sungji in comparison is very simple as a character, she doesn't have a fucked up childhood, or a turbulent past, or a complex personality difficult to read ... she is just a normal girl, with a normal childhood, family and friends, and thanks to the support of her family and friends she became this confident woman, strong mentally and emotionally. I remember all the times that Seju tries to provoke Sungji but she din't follow her games, instead she talked and reasoned with Seju. I really admire Sungji for having such patience and confidence (btw her family and friends supporting her relationship with Sumin is amazing, and they are always fun to read xD).

    And I think this doesn't make her a bad character, less interesting or less developed. I mean, there are many people like her in real life, right?, and thanks to this maybe the reader can identify and sympathize more with her, cuz she feels more real, you know?. And this is precisely why I always thought that Sungji was the perfect girlfriend for Sumin, and for Seju xD. Because these two don't need more drama and complications in their lives, because Sungji is the only that could give the comfort and stability that Sumin and Seju need. Something they have not felt in a long time.
    Simple things, like go out on a date with your girlfriend to watch a movie or dinner, holding hands, taking selfies. Sometimes you just need a simple person to remember you how to laugh and love again, and she doesn't need to be super interesting, she just has to make you happy :P. And this is Sungji for Sumin.

    But of course I hope that in the last side history we can know more about her, I want to meet her parents and the place where she grew up, for example. I hope Sungji introduces her parents to Sumin, that would be fun. XD

    Libby May 17, 2019 8:18 pm
    That's true, I'm new here, but I really like to read the comments section, the people here seem to be very civilized and mature, and their different opinions are nice to read. Usually in other pages I only see ... yoyo

    ok, after read your comment, i start to imagine sungji with seju, never though about it before, but yeah i think both of them will suit each other. and my mind imagine that seju x sungji got happy ending and sumin all alone, hahaha, don't blame me, still bitter at sumin after what she did at the chapter 111.

    but honestly from the first chapter won with seju i though that won have a similiarity with sungji,, like her innocent, her effort to cheer seju (like sungji did to sumin), her boldness to say what she want to say, being considerate, etc.

    i don't know if team gaji made partner for seju and sumin with similiarity on purpose or not, but hey it works.

    of course there is difference between sungji and won, for example won is an athletic women and not that feminine, while sungji has her cuteness and all.

    and from the last chapter, i'm confidence to say that it's not gonna be that so slow burn as we though before, i think seju will be making a little move at next chapter.

    finger crossed ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Laura May 17, 2019 8:40 pm
    That's true, I'm new here, but I really like to read the comments section, the people here seem to be very civilized and mature, and their different opinions are nice to read. Usually in other pages I only see ... yoyo

    That's actually a good point that Sungji's "competing" with characters like Seju and Sumin that are really fleshed out and, like you said, keep us engaged in the drama, so yeah, in comparison to them it could be harder for someone like her to appear as interesting, especially for readers who enjoy angsty stories. But I don't think that fucked up childhood, or any sort of trauma is what makes a character well-developed or interesting! And the fact that she has a loving group of friends and caring family isn't necessary working for her as a disadvantage. In fact, as for me, it was actually pretty refreshing and nice to see one of main characters being raised in such an environment. Like, trauma doesn't equal personality, just like having troubled past is not an essential part of a character development, or being considered a well-written character. My criticism was more towards the fact that we barely got to see Sungji outside of her relationship with Sumin and outside of the fact that she's experiencing love for the first time. Just personally I would really like to see this character more on her own which would lead her to being more fleshed out. I think it would just make her appear more three-dimensional, despite having a normal childhood, friends and family and living a pretty calm life. I hope I'm explaining myself well, it's pretty late where I live, but I think it makes sens :P

    Dude, I loved how Sungji's brother kept reacting to Sungji's relationship with Sumin, it was amazing! Just like reactions of her brother's wife/girlfriend. She was so worried for Sungji. I still remember that time when she saw Sungji in bed with Sumin after they came back from trip, her facial expression was priceless :')

    So yeah, I agree that it doesn't make her a bad character and in fact I think that, in a way, it could be easier to relate to Sungji in terms of her background, cause after all a majority of people doesn't come from a crazy rich family, or doesn't have an ex they used to torment for a decade. Which is why I wish we could see more of Sungji as an individual character, cause that would only make her more relatable and well-developed.

    Agreed! I'm not as interested in Sumin-Sungji relationship as in Seju-Dowon, but since "Will" is supposed to show us life of these two main characters after three years I'm really curious about how their life is going to look like

    yoyo May 18, 2019 5:29 am
    That's actually a good point that Sungji's "competing" with characters like Seju and Sumin that are really fleshed out and, like you said, keep us engaged in the drama, so yeah, in comparison to them it could b... Laura

    You said earlier that you thought Sungji was not a well developed character, but what you really meant was that we couln't see much more about her besides her relationship with Sumin, is that correct?. I think these are two different things, but related at the same time. For me character development is when a character change during the course of the story, when grows up. Remember when Seju let Sumin go so she can be happy with Sungji? That's Character Development, right there.

    No, a trauma from the past will not make a character more interesting or well developed, I never say that! xD. BUT it will make the character more complex. And what is a complex character?. Someone who has a background, who has had things happen in their past that influence how they react to certain things in the present. A character with flaws or contradictions, vulnerabilities, Internal conflicts, with complex thoughts, inner demons and traumas they deal with. Moral grey areas. Multiple motivations. Lots of life experiences. All of these things help make a character more complex. Now, not all complex characters go through a big trauma, but there are other big life events that can shape how they behave and change their personality. And usually this is the kind of characters that invite curiosity in a reader and keeps most of us interested in the story. Seju and Sumin are the great example here, they are the most complex characters in WDTFS. I always read people saying that Sungji is boring or bland just because she dont's have a complex personality/past like Seju or Sumin, that's why I made this comparison in her defense in first place. Personally I think she has some complexity as a character, but not at the same level of Seju and Sumin. And I think the story already tells us the most important things about her, all what we need to know to understand Sungji; her childhood, her friends, the relationship with her brother, her personality, her insecurities when she was young, her fears and dreams about love and much more (and btw I never said that her friends and family were a disadvantage to her, they are her strength).

    Something you have to keep in mind is that Sumin is the main protagonist and most of the time we see the things from her perspective, so it makes perfect sense that we can't see much about Sungji, just a little bit here and there. We know Seju better because her past is strongly linked to Sumin (these two come in a pack full of angst xD) and thanks to Sumin's memories and constant flashbacks we can see a lot more about Seju than Sungji, and plus Seju has two side story Paradise and One that expands her past and her new life. I think it makes sense that we know less about Sungji because she and Sumin still don't know each other pretty well (Sumin doesn't even know Sungji's parents), she is a new person in Sumin's life and their relationship is still in development and waiting for a continuation. That's how I see it at least xD.

    I'm a big fan of Sungji's brother, that guy is very funny. And her friends, when they think that Sungji is dating a fat and small guy I died of laughing.

    yoyo May 18, 2019 6:17 am
    ok, after read your comment, i start to imagine sungji with seju, never though about it before, but yeah i think both of them will suit each other. and my mind imagine that seju x sungji got happy ending and su... Libby

    ahaahaha poor Sumin xD

    I found this manhwa by chance just a few months ago and I had no idea what the story was about, I had only seen this picture before I started reading, and wellp.... I thought that Seju and Sumin would fight for Sungji's love or something like that, lol, I was so wrong.

    I always liked the idea of Seju and Sungji as a couple in the main story, because they are my favorite characters and they look beautiful together xD. But now i'm rooting for Won, she and seju look even more beautiful together ;)

    Laura May 18, 2019 6:56 am
    ahaahaha poor Sumin xDI found this manhwa by chance just a few months ago and I had no idea what the story was about, I had only seen this picture before I started reading yoyo

    Dude, when I first found out about this manhwa I couldn't find any description of it and by this one picture: I thought that it's some sort of a threesome story, which is why I've been avoiding this comic for so long :')

    Laura May 18, 2019 7:24 am
    You said earlier that you thought Sungji was not a well developed character, but what you really meant was that we couln't see much more about her besides her relationship with Sumin, is that correct?. I think ... yoyo

    I think that my favourite moment was when Sungji's friends met Sumin for the first time. They still had in their minds the image that you described and when they saw Sumin they were like "She's cute. She's slender. She has a nice car." I loved that moment so much :') It was like "yes, sure, maybe we can approve this relationship after all. I'm not worried about it anymore, Sungji will be fine"

    Well, it's easier to point out character development in Seju, cause a big part of her arc was about letting go and the fact that she was able to do that creates a clear situation for such a development. What I mean by characters being well-developed is that they have both good and bad qualities about them that just make them more relatable and make them feel as if they could be a real person, despite the fact that maybe their background is not very realistic or relatable. I wrote is somewhere in a comment section a couple weeks ago that for me Sungji doesn't feel like a real human person, because we didn't really get so see her flaws that much (as far as I remember of course, I can be wrong). And sure, I can be a bit picky here just cause personally I'm more into reading about morally grey characters that usually have a nice balance of flaws and positive qualities about them, because usually people in real life are just like that, so maybe it's jus my problem :P
    And yes, I mostly meant that we didn't get to see Sungji as an individual outside of her relationship with Sumin, cause I feel like that could be very beneficial for her character. In general I just like when characters can stand on their own and don't appear as a part of another person - whether it's family, enemy, friend, or a relationship. Which is also why I'm so much looking forward to seeing at least pew pictures Dowon's story, or at least a moments when she tells her story to Seju. I really want to see why she decided to run away from mainland, cause it could just explore her character more outside of being carefree, warm and friendly.

    And I know! I've never said that you said that her family is Sungji's disadvantage (wow, I hope that these sentences won't get more complicated xD). Not everything that I'm pointing out is related to something that you said, it's rather related to the fact that generally there are people who can like Sungji less because her background is not as complex, or because her past is not sad/angsty (not necessary a bad thing, we all like different types characters). So this was just me take on it - that personally I see her past not being angsty as advantage, cause I feel like otherwise there would be a lot of repetitiveness in a story.
    And it's true, story is mostly told fro Sumin's perspective, so other characters may not be as fleshed out if it's not related to her arc. It actually kind of reminds me about Pet's Aesthetics and how few people in a comment section were pointing out that CHo-ul is such a big mystery for them, in comparison to Ju-ah. Not necessary because of her personality, but mostly because we didn't get to see as much from her point of view in such a short story. But well, it's a different manhwa so I shouldn't be comparing, but they just show a pretty similar situation. Damn it, now that I mentioned this manhwa, I'm going to miss Pet's Aesthetics again

    yoyo May 19, 2019 8:59 pm
    Dude, when I first found out about this manhwa I couldn't find any description of it and by this one picture: Laura

    Link is broken T_T. Now I want to see the picture, I'm curious ;)

    I think what you say about a well development is not quite correct, but instead when a character can be credible or not for the reader. And I think this is quite subjective, I don't know if I said it before but one of the reasons I can sympathize with Seju and Sungji was because I see a bit of myself in both. So these two are pretty credible characters for me.

    Sungji's flaws are to believe that love is a fairy tale like in the movies that she likes to see. Blindly trusting in Sumin, despite the fact that she knew that Sumin had slept with so many women and that she had a long relationship with Seju with random sex encounters. Try to sleep and start a relationship with her friend (a common mistake) to try to erase Sumin from her mind. I remember the episode when she almost sleeps with her friend and starts crying and says this: "Until when are you going to keep on liking me?. Where you able to forget me when you were seeing someone else?. Why din't you love that person with all your heart?. That person could've desperately wanted you to treat her genuinely. She migt've wanted to feel assured so many times that she was the one you were thinking of". This made me very sad, because it was obvious that Sungji was talking about herself and how she felt all the time about Sumin. But we could never see/read all the fears and doubts she had during the relationship, because this was used as plot twist xD.

    Character development in Sungji is when she learn in the hard way that love and relationships are never easy like in movies. This is the moment in which she grows up. And when she let Sumin go, when she returns the ring thinking that Sumin was still in love with Seju and was more happier with her. It was something incredible and difficult to do because if you think about it, Sumin is also her first love (like Seju).

    The main plot is about the romance between Sungji and Sumin, so it's normal that everything revolves around this and if you think about it Sungji has no other worries or dramas in her life, she's a simple girl until she gets involved with Sumin and this alters her life, and Sumin is her first love and when one finds his first love this person usually becomes the center of his life in many cases xD.

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