His House
It's kinda boring for a Hajin work. Maybe I'm just chasing the high that Totally Captivated left me, but this manhwa was kinda boring. And the twist at the end was kinda off putting even more.
The characters are boring and bland, especially Soohyun. His only thing is that he's disabled or he's got something to hide. Gangyoo is more interesting, but even then, the story was still boring. I would have liked to see Gwanyoo and the boss get together, or atleast just more on Gwanyoo's history.
The heavy tones of incest but being passed off with "oh we're just halfs" is kinda... eh.. Like you just found out your lover was your uncle, what do you do?? Then Soohyun's half brother tried to fuck him too. DAS CRAZY. If they made him like a step son that was married into the family but was removed from the family after his mother died, then maybe CUS ATLEAST THEY WOULDNT BE RELATED. But no... they very much solidified there's atleast the father who is Gangyoo's actually grandfather that is Soohyun's father.. yikes