Marry My Husband
Idk why i keep coming across manhuas that circle cheating. But it never fails to get me riled up and blood pumping!!!
I'm so happy with how things worked out. This fully gave me the clarity I seek for. The revenge is so tasty and well executed. I couldn't ask for more.
Jinwon is such a badass heroine. She's to cunning and big brained but caring and considerate. She deserves all the happiness she can get. I'm so grateful for the father for always looking out for her and Ji Hyuk.. I bawled my eyes out every time I guessed it was the father...
It breaks my heart that Ji Hyuk killed himself out of regret and guilt. But I'm so happy that he got to reunite with Jinwon again with the help of the father. It's such a heartwarming reunion.
Soo Min can suck my ass. How can you be so up your own ass to think that everything is other peoples fault when you whole heartedly did it to yourself... She never took any accountability for her actions and still blamed others even in her last moments. Even until the end, she remained a wretched bitch that knows no limits and has no shame. Honestly I hope she dies...
Min Hwan is lowest of low and deserved his ending. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree they said. Him and his parents are just as bad as one another. They think they're all that, yet are lower than dog shit. Y'all deserved your endings. I was cackling the whole time. I had no sympathy whatsoever
Joo Young TT-TT I'm so sorry I doubted you thinking that you would be as bad as Soo Min when you first appeared. I began having trust issues cus they kept bringing up the age thing. But she's so much above Soo Min. She's so grateful to Jinwon after one incident and never let her go after that. Always looking after her and making sure she's ok. She's the best!! I hope she ends up with Baek guy because it's clear she likes him and I think they deserve one another.
Yang Ju is such a good and independent woman. Even when faced with abuse by her husband, she cares so much about her child. A person raised by such a loving family, became a loving mother too. I love how support her family is and how they protect her. She's amazing and so is her family. She deserves a better man... I got such a scare when the cancer thing happened and was so relieved she was ok.
Beware of the Brothers!
AHHH I love Johan so much, such a wholesome and loyal boy I would love to have a boyfriend who is considerate as much as he is. And I think Eugene secretly likes Hari :/ romantically ooor maybe not. But Cobel is okay I guess, i would play with him only to utterly ANNIHILATE him :) but yes. I like everyone currently so we gucci
I've reread it. I love the characters (the main family and the Vastia's). The translations got a bit wonky around the middle mark, then the story started getting skewered near the end and missing or adding details not previously mentioned... how was she gonna marry Johan, then he used the Asian incense and she's suddenly marrying Eugene?? Why did they build up the "i can't be with him, we're family under Ernst" then suddenly "oh people found out, disliked it, but grew to tolerate it" all within 1 page. There's too many time skips. But it was a wholesome story nonetheless. I wanted to find out more about Cabel's marriage, probably with his wife from the previous timeline too. And I wanna know more about Eric's relationship with Louise. AND JUSTICE FOR JOHAN WTF AINT NO WAY THEY BUILT UP THIS "JOHAN IS MY FUTURE HUSBAND" THEN COMPLETELY DISREGARD HIM DURING THE END THERE- WHUT
Mistake Lover