I'm just going to say this.
A parent's job IS to raise, feed and support their children. THATS THE BARE MINIMUM. Your ability can range depending on your position, status and wealth, BUT LEOPOLD HAS EVERYTHING. SO WHAT CAN POSSIBLY BE THEIR EXCUSE??
I'm so mad they use the excuse of "we birthed and raised you" as an excuse to drag her back into that Hell WHEN THATS THE BARE MINIMUM. She wanted to save your authority that you cared so much about, by simply bowing out of your lives with a simple letter and yet you still cause all this drama.
If your own child is scared of you tainting her name even in death, then surely there's something wrong, no?
My blood actually boils with how the Count is acting.. Surely if you 1) saw your desk doesn't even HAVE picture of Karina on it, 2) Have looked at her paintings where she isn't even depicted in a FAMILY picnic (which your son had to explain to you cus you couldn't get it through you thick skull, 3) she wants to cut ties with you, 4) ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS have said that YOUR CHILD is severely and terminally ill... FFS HAVE SOME GRACE AND ADMIT THAT YOU NEGLECTED HER. How can you fully say that it was just a simple mistake, when Karina's life is put at stake due to your own negligence as a parent- and yet he still doesn't admit fault...
Perial even TOLD him that Karina is ill, and yet he still concludes her leaving the house as her simply throwing a tantrum. I can't do it- that chapter genuinely broke me.... it took her to actually have a SEIZURE IN FRONT OF HIM to finally understand that she is ill. And yet he had the audacity to claim that Mirion must have done something to her for her to be like this, and that she was "always okay". The audacity of this man. THE SIGNS WERE ALL THERE, BUT YOUR OWN ARROGANCE AND POSITION MUST MEAN MORE THAN THE LIFE OF YOUR CHILD. And now she's finally wanting to break free from your grasp, when you thought she was such a nuisance, and you still wouldn't give her that much when she's got two months left to live.... I'm so mad
I thought the same thing that everyone in this comment section thought this manhwa would be. That Estelle would train and get stronger in Luci's body and exact revenge. And it would be sweet. But I can't say I'm mad about this development because it's different. I'm glad it didn't follow the expectations, and shows that eventhough everything started out of malice, she found someone who sees her for her, and doesn't take advantage of her. I'm still going to continue reading, but if yall truly aren't satisfied with how it's going, just stop reading?? Complaining about it isn't going to magically make the author retract everything and make it the way you want it to be. Let it ride out the way the author wants. IM enjoying it atleast :)
No but like... why did I lowkey like Paolo when he said he loved Gabriel.
Like bro killed many bystanders and animals just to become invincible, but as soon as he said "I love you Gabriel" my heart fucking melted for this man.
Guess I'm always the type to like the stern-looking men that are secretly smitten by love.. Or whatever the fuck Paolo feels for Gabriel. I'm not sure if it's actually love, but damn they got me good.
I HATE how they're trying to put Leon and Naoto together eventhough he was essentially raped, or atleast coerced into sex without being conscious...
I really love Naoto, but I hate the "Let me take responsibility" act, when he wasn't even the one that fucked up.. I know Leon has come in to save Ikumi sometimes- one can argue he's just a pregman with a lot of malice due to previous events, but I still can't bring myself to feel sympathy or even like him.
Hesso? Its Hyesung hon ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Sorry, i wrote that at 5 in the morning I tired