You’re gross man, just leave. No need for homophobes here

You can’t disagree with human nature. Disagreeing with someone’s identity isn’t an opinion, nor a belief that you can push. Just stop. Get off this site, especially if you are gonna be a hypocrite about it. Reading yaoi yet thinking that actual people that are gay is unnatural? You are a piece of work.

I didn't know reading something about killing make me a believer in killing and about me reading yaoi I believe I will stop reading one day so rest assure. and i dont believe it's not human nature so how can u say I am against an existence when I don't even believe it's natural . and me getting off this site would give u a sense of what ? victory or sth?.

You contradicted yourself. You said that you do not believe that it is not human nature, but then you said you do not believe it’s natural. Girl what? First off, I said nothing about killing, killing is a different subject entirely, it’s not about the blatant homophobia you display like a crown. Second off, being gay, lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, etc. is natural. It’s part of who that said person is. You coming around and saying that it’s “not natural” and that “it’s not valid” isn’t at all acceptable to any degree. Believe me, I have read your content, and goddamn, it’s fucked up. You are spouting all sorts of religious and untrue scientific crap.
And yes, of course it would give me a sense of victory. One less homophobic to poison mangago.
By the way, it’s “rest assured”, not rest assure

where is the contadiction in what u are saying when I say "I don't believe it's natural" it's because I follow my religion and I don't believe in sth my religion didn't allow or acknowledge . thank u for correcting my mistake since English isn't my language anyway .you believe it's fucked up because that's what YOU believe in , did I come telling u it's disgusting just cause u disagree with me ? nope I didn't , you are the one here coming to play the disrespectful role.

Bruh, this isn’t something to believe in or contradict. It’s legitimately someone’s IDENTITY. You and me arguing about whether or not someones existence is valid is far beyond stupid, I can’t even process. You following the rules of your religion or some shit does not give you an automatic pass on receiving backlash for your homophobic comments. I don’t “believe” it’s fucked up, it *is* fucked up. I didn’t come here to disagree with you, I am here to tell you that you are WRONG. End of story. You did contradict yourself, by the way. You may wanna proofread your statements before you send them out. Oh, and I’m not the one playing the disrespectful role, you are. I’m just someone who’s calling you out on your bullshit. You trying to defend your pathetic and blatantly homophobic viewpoints are not to be tolerated, and you are only humiliating yourself further.

um religion is a whole different thing than sexuality, you CHOSE to follow your religion while we didnt choose to be gay, there is a difference please try educating yourself, my dad is a muslim too and its so stupid how men are allowed to have more than one wife but gay people are sinners lmao, you are all are okay with polygamy but not homosexuality damn hypocrites

Hey is this worth it or naaah , dont wanna waste time
the first chapters are hard to get through but then it gets addicting. it's a psychological murder drama story with romance on the side