To sum all of this up, doyoung dreams of the whole thing, Mr. Rose is fake, but what's up with the mark on hyunjin's neck? Does that really mean that purple might have been the real hyunjin?

I'm not sure you understand, love. Mr. Rose is just as real as all of those separate Hyunjins. The whole thing was real, but Mr. Rose is all powerful flower being, remember? He's a supernatural guy and we all know this. Once Doyoung answered correctly, Mr. Rose used his powers to return everything to normal. If Mr. Rose can kill someone at the snap of his fingers, which he confirmed, he can also change the entire setting of the world, right? Doyoung was sent back to the real world. Everything really did happen, but Mr. Rose restored the present only Doyoung would remember. Hyunjin lost all his memories of anything happening at Hotel Phryne and remembered a completely different memory than Doyoung. To everyone else, it would seem Doyoung woke up from a dream — But he really just returned from another reality, and got to have his happy ending with Hyunjin in the real world. Although the personalities were gone by the end, they still were real. That's why even when purple hanged himself... Some of the scar stayed on the real Hyunjin. Since he was a part of Hyunjin. ALL of the Hyunjins are the real Hyunjin... But they're all just in the same body again, as one. Like they were from the beginning. Hope that makes sense!

Yes. Precisely. All the the personalities make up the real Hyunjin, so to put it simply, they were all the real Hyunjin. Mr. Rose set up the whole thing just for his own fun. Once Doyoung said that none of the Hyunjin's were fake, he won the game... Because that was the correct answer. In the end, Doyoung gets sent back to the world he was in before he walked into Hotel Phyrne... And Mr. Rose and the hotel disappeared as a whole. Since Doyoung went through days and days with Hyunjin as seperate pieces of his personality — Once he sees Hyunjin as one person again, he instantly recognizes each one and becomes overwhelmed with happiness... Because now Doyoung knows Hyunjin better than anyone EVER will.
I have a sinking feeling but, all of the characters in this have used each other for what benefits them the most.