Jiho gets worse if yall can even believe it.

the fact that its inwoo who apologized first and jiho doesnt AND THEN gives inwoo's number to his mother without inwoo's consent AGAIN was the final nail in the coffin for me like idc if inwoo forgives him i heavily dislike jiho as a character now. also the part with chung too like chung had to say "why don't you say no right away" cos he was just gaping at him like a fish

Honestly, Chung thing was the final nail in the coffin for me. Why even go to his place to begin with???? Are you going to run to your ex situationship every time you guys have a fight ? Inwoo better than me for real, because I wouldn’t perceive it as being pitied but disrespected instead and that would be the end. Our baby isn’t a pet project for you to fix based on your own insecurity about his ex wife.

Mentally prepare yourselves for what comes next guys but I promise the emotional payoff is worth it. It was my favourite scenes in the novel.

There are already spoilers in this thread but…
Florentia is the one caught in the landslide, her carriage gets buried along with Violet. Her brothers and Perez use aura to dig her out which is extremely exhausting to the point where even her father thinks it’s a lost hope but is in awe of Perez and worries for him. It goes a long way to win our boy some points with her dad hehe.

Here you go...start of the landslide
Guys brace yourselves. It gets worse.
There’s a time skip.
NOOOOOO kill me now
whwre the raws at
There’s always a TIME SKIPP NOOO