I like this kind of story where the main character is not the original main character. Is there any other stories like this aside from orv?
2021-06-25 15:18 marked
I am so glad they didn't skip Beru and JInwoo's friendship part here. BUT did they just skip Jinwoo's date at the amusement park? or does that come after?
2021-06-03 00:13 marked
Okay but like,, Barou has a point with that "boring" comment about Isagi's plays so far. I think it could be due to the fact that although he has the ego and drive to score and win, there's just a certain smth that Isagi's lacking compared to the previous matches he has played in Blue Lock. And although Blue Lock's members are showing off their individual skills, imo they haven't really been that independent in scoring so far and are, in a way, kinda playing mostly as a "team" which in essence is different to how they initially played in Blue Lock (which was by scoring and winning individually but at the same time forming chemical reactions with others). I suppose a valid reason for that could be the difference being that now, they're not only facing the genius Itoshi Sae and the 'monster' Shidou, but also they're playing against a U-20 team that has players that actually play defensively compared to when they played in Blue Lock where everyone mostly focused on offense and scoring higher.

Anyhow, I really missed Isagi-Nagi-Barou-Chigiri tandem. Lowkey hoped that the four of them could play together again in this game, so I'm a bit sad that Chigiri's already been substituted when Barou finally got in. :((( Welp. Hurry up, Isagiii~~ I wanna see you say "Shut up, Genius. I'm on a roll." again or atleast give us some really intense puzzle pieces!! I'm getting really anxious and excited. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
2021-06-02 08:08 marked
What chapter was it when a girl killed herself and the kids and the girl thought that the foreigner guy wrote "shine" that meant die in japanese but the guy meant shine kn English?
2021-05-29 00:02 marked

Am just noticing..why is everyone hunting for isagi? He gots a whole harem
2021-05-27 09:24 marked
So, I've seen a lot of comments of how confused you guys are and I am here to give you a (hopefully) understandable explanation of what is going on.

At the end of the Shibuya-Arc, Kenjaku (the brain/Fake-Geto) used Mahito's Idle transfiguration on two types of Jujutsu sorcerers to adjust their brains for sorcery: People who ingested Cursed Objects (like Yuji) got strength as vessels and people with Cursed Techniques whose brains were meant to be Non-sorcerers (like Junpei) got the ability to use Cursed Techniques. Adding to that he broke the seal on Cursed Objects, some of them already over a thousand years old (Kurusu Hana, the angel-person, is one of them if I'm not mistaken, because they are over a thousand years old). Kenjaku is now planning on making these three types of people fight each other in the culling game, to deepen their understanding of cursed energy and finally merge them with Tengen to create a new kind of jujutsu sorcerer, an evolved human.

Now on to the culling game, which is probably the most confusing part for you guys: Kenjaku (and most likely other sorcerers/curse users form the old times) created 10 colonies all over Japan. These colonies are used as a preparation to turn the people in Japan into curses to merge with Tengen (I'll address this point later).
There are 8 rules in the culling game, all dependent on each other. I'm going to list all of them in one go, because I think it's easier to make sense of them if there isn't text in between them.
1. After awakening a cursed technique, players must declare their participation in the culling game at a colony of their choice within 19 days.
2. Any swimmer who breaks the previous rule shall be subject to curse technique removal (this is just a nice way of saying to kill the swimmer)
3. Non-players who enter the colonies become players at the moment of entry and shall be considered to have declared participation in the Culling Game.
4. Players score points by ending the life of other players.
5. Points are determined by the game master and indicate the value of a player's life. In principle (as a general rule), sorcerers are worth 5 points and non-sorcerers are worth 1 point.
6. Excluding the point value of a player's own life, players may expend 100 points to negotiate with the game master to add one new rule to the culling game.
7. In accordance with the previous rule, the game master must accept any proposed new rule unless it has a marked and long-lasting effect on the culling game.
8. If a player's score remains the same for 19 days, that player shall be subject to cursed technique removal.

So in short, Itadori, Megumi, Yuta, Maki and Panda (I don't know about the others, and Nobara's status is still unknown - Whyyyyy Gege, Whyyyy??) will have to join the culling game and score 100 points so they can add a rule to the already existing rules. The reason is because they want to save Tsumiki, Megumis sister.
Another reason why they must join the culling game is to get in contact with Kurusu Hana, the only person who is capable of terminating all techniques. If Yuji & Co. manage to get them on their side, Kurusu can terminate the technique keeping Gojo inside the cube (Though we don't know who this Kurusu Hana person is and on whose side they are. We'll see in the next chapters how it'll turn out)
We are still going to see what kind of solution Megumi has so they can earn points by not killing people, but from what has happened so far in the manga, I am pretty sure that somebody has to kill or will be killed.

Now what happens if humans are merged with Tengen. First the basics: Because there isn't enough cursed energy to use Idle Transfiguration on every Japanese person to transform them into a sorcerer, Kenjaku is trying to achieve the wanted evolution by merging the humans with Kenjaku. By merging them, the humans surpass the normal definition of a sorcerer. They exist but also don't exist, which leads to a new form of existence. These evolved humans lack the boundary of an individual and if one of those evolved humans go out of control it'll be the end of the world / the Shibuya-Incident will repeat itself all over the world.
Another huge problem is the fact that Tengen is susceptible to curse spirit manipulation, which means that Kenjaku will absorb him immediately upon contact. This is the reason why Tengen wants/needs guards (Yuki and Choso in this case). Everything will be over for the sorcerers if Tengen and his barrier disappear.

I also recommend binge reading from chapter 135 onward until the current chapter. It'll help a lot
Hope this was to some point understandable and you get the story a little better ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
I am open for any improvements and constructive criticism as well as corrections in case I got something wrong.
2021-04-20 01:02 marked
It will never ever make sense to me ppl's fixation of painting Joowon as "the bad guy" in Joohae's relationship, when its not what LOH depicts AT ALL. "In hindsight, everyone is a perpetrator and victim” —Joowon, Chapter 2 // This quote right here has to be the most DEFINING quote for these two, and I wanted to write an essay about it (yes it's a literal ESSAY IM SORRY).

When the story starts, we see Haesoo feeling hurt, claiming Joowon doesnt care about them and projecting him in a bad light + we see JW's attitude & his *possessiveness*... But we quickly learn that Joowon acts that way because Haesoo manipulates his emotions. Haesoo says its the "relationship I manipulated because I craved an obsessive love”, and he "builds walls, so Joowon can tear them down”. Meanwhile Joowon is also in the wrong as he's immature, impulsive & acts on ALL of Haesoo’s provocations. They inflict these actions on each other because they're BOTH insecure about their r/s. Because defining a relationship usually gives parties a sense of security... so what happens in an UNDEFINED dynamic where they can’t officially be "lovers", and can’t voice their true feelings either?? Well: there's no security in the relationship. That’s why Joowon and Haesoo keep up this push/pull tactic. It's the only way they can affirm they're “each other’s”. The fact that Joowon only acts within the confines of their jealousy games/Haesoo's manipulation, is proven further when they break up: HS narrates, "the game is over", and we see Joowon actually give Haesoo SPACE cause he knows his boundaries and where the lines are drawn. He still clearly loves Haesoo though, so he tries to protect him in the background (eg: when leo told him shady stuff abt taku, the bullying scandal, etc.)

Now that leads to the question: why did Joohae stay in this sort of hurtful open relationship for so long, if they love each other?? Well in short: its cause of their PARENTS.
Haesoo’s reason for not wanting to define the relationship: he fears that he’ll lose his mom if he makes things serious with Joowon. His mom spent ages guilt tripping him for her divorce + tells him she can’t love him if he loves Joowon. The guilt Haesoo feels isn't JUST towards his mom though. It's towards Joowon too. Haesoo constantly projects Joowon's life as "perfect" and feels so inferior at the success of JW's career. So he thinks he's the "only one suffering" (hence painting JW as the asshole who doesnt care). He also seems to see himself as a hindrance to Joowon & thinks JW will be much happier with a marriage, kids, etc. And Haesoo's thoughts AREN'T really Joowon's fault. Joowon never said he wanted a "normal" life, or tried to make HS feel like a burden. He always called Haesoo, told him he missed him, tried to spend all his free time w him despite his busy work. So I think most of HS's insecurities stem from his mom acting like he doesnt deserve her love, and his mom making him think he's a burden ("Am I that much of a hindrance to you?"). It clearly left Haesoo emotionally broken.

Now... Joowon's reason for not wanting to define the relationship: It started, after Joohae were caught as teens and JW was hit with a harsh reality. He got slapped by HS's mom and Haesoo even said: "I’m scared of my feelings for you”. It made Joowon think Haesoo can’t handle their relationship getting serious. JW felt driven into a corner, so he said, “Don’t fall for me and I won’t fall for you”. This is Joowon's foolish attempt to PROTECT them from being separated. He wanted to frame their r/s as “nothing serious, we’re just fooling around” to make things less complicated. He was also trying to protect Haesoo, knowing he can’t make Haesoo lose his mom. Joowon's dad deeply affects his actions too. After the highschool fight issue, he tells Joowon that Haesoo is gonna abandon him, and he shouldn’t start things he'll fail. Joowon takes this to heart after the divorce, where the mom makes Haesoo leave without even telling Joowon. Ofc he now thinks he’s been “abandoned” cause things got too serious for Haesoo, and that everything his father said was TRUE. His father gaslights him for years that Haesoo will abandon him. So Joowon literally thinks the ONLY WAY Haesoo will be with him, is through this ambiguous relationship.

Now. Consider both perspectives: Joowon never insisted that he wanted an official r/s because he thinks Haesoo will drop him otherwise. And Haesoo never insisted on what he truly wanted either (an official r/s! the same thing! WOW~ lmao) because the guilt he felt towards his mother overtook all of that. They willingly chose this, and the ambiguity of their relationship hurts BOTH of them, but they endure it cause they love each other and they wanted to stay together no matter what. Haesoo confirms it when he says "It’s painful because we know we can’t have it, that’s why we kept it ambiguous for 10 years”. Haesoo kept going back to Joowon for years. That’s what made Joowon arrogant and had him thinking, “Haesoo is fine with this. Haesoo can’t live without me. I knew he'd never leave me if we keep our relationship ambiguous”, and Haesoo never communicated otherwise. The remarriage suddenly made all of HS's fears abt losing his mom too real: hence why he walks out first, leaving Joowon to rethink EVERYTHING about what Haesoo truly wanted.

So in the end: who's the victim, and who's the perpetrator? You could say both... or NEITHER. At the end of the day, Haesoo and Joowon were just 2 people who loved each other since they were teenagers, but could never communicate it for their own reasons. They BOTH willingly got into these roles of an ambiguous relationship and kept up unhealthy cycles of jealousy. And they did it to be with e/o without having to be honest about their feelings, or face the consequences of their relationship. Through distance and time spent apart: they realized they feared never telling eo their true feelings FAR MORE, than whatever they could lose as a result of their love. That’s why in the end Haesoo asks Joowon if he regrets their relationship due to Joowon’s career and dad and everything... Haesoo was always worried about that: that if they chose each other, they'd come to resent each other for their losses (he says it in their breakup). But Joowon being the ride or die man he is, says he regrets nothing & he doesnt care about that as long as he’s with Haesoo. These two possibly have the most conflicting relationship I’ve read in a while— but they way they make realizations, develop, and change their mindset all so realistically to reach the conclusion they do is quite beautiful to me <33
2021-02-16 00:50 marked
Now we know the end game, spoiler.
JooHae is the endgame, Haesoo Confesses.
2021-02-15 11:07 marked
Taku only first took interest in Haesoo because of his relationship with Joowon and thought it was interesting. Even in his photoshoot with Haesoo he makes Haesoo think of Joowon in order to get the emotion on camera.
Taku manipulated Haesoo from the very beginning of their relationship with the use of his sex tape, trying to make Haesoo write about it and in turn feel guilty to try and make Haesoo choose him.
Taku again emotionally manipulated Haesoo into a relationship he clearly was not ready for after Haesoo explicitly told him he was not ready for a relationship.
Taku has been outwardly antagonistic towards Joowon even when Joowon knew nothing about Taku's relationship with Haesoo. Even in a professional setting during Taku's photoshoot with Joowon Taku is trying to provoke Joowon.
I'm sure there are even more than this but this is just a list off the top of my head.

Its not that I just don't like Taku, he frustrates me because his intentions and motives throughout the story have not been pure or innocent. His role in this story is to be a shit stirrer. He has been malicious and manipulative with Haesoo and Joowon in order to achieve his ends which makes him an interesting character but not a good person. Now that he has developed some genuine feelings for Haesoo he is so desperate to hold onto Haesoo that he doesnt really care about Haesoo's feelings. He seems to think that if he can just hold onto Haesoo long enough all the past issues and feelings will just disappear, when it doesn't work like that.

And now that Taku does have feelings for Haesoo he tries to act like an innocent angel when he's actually the one responsible for the issues that he and Haesoo are facing.
From the very beginning to me it was obvious that Taku was not telling the truth about his motives, and then when we did find out his true motive he acted like it was all ok since he actually cared about Haesoo now. I'm just not down for that. While other characters certainly have their flaws, Taku was the only one who was malicious when unprovoked. He did things with the sole purpose of hurting people and I don't like people like that.

And he has had no redemption for his bad behavior. In fact, he doubled down on it and justified himself by saying "this is how I like you in my own selfish way" like great, so you get to be an asshole and im just supposed to forgive/overlook everything you've done cuz you care now? uh no, im not here for forgiving people who aren't sorry
2021-02-14 23:43 marked
Tbh I don't understand the whole outrage towards Joowon because in comparison to most popular MLs out there he was pretty human (although flawed) guy.
What's more we see season 1 mostly through Haesoo's pov which is also an important factor.

Let's not forget that both of them hurt each other.
Of course we can't overlook Joowon's flaws and mistakes, he admitted to them himself but his character's development is well written. He is realising his faults and he is regretting them.

He is not the same person he has been in the past although once again I don't agree he was simplistic abuser and monster as many try to describe him. But he definitely had his flaws.

If they entered the relationship in the future, he and Haesoo are not the same people. Haesoo also started reflecting on their relationship and his own faults.

The important factor and most obvious one is the fact that they still love each other and although they faced many obstacles their feelings have never changed.
But their relationship needed the change.

Taku has also his own flaws. He is not a perfect prince. And he knows that himself. He admitted that his feelings are selfish and he kinda pushed the relationship on Haesoo when he was in fragile state (and who said he was not ready and that he needed more time).
It looks like their relationship is more or less one sided.

And let's not start on "incest thing" because for me it's the most illogical argument ever. Especially after 90+ chapters.
- they met when they were 15/16 for the first time
- they didn't grow up together, no psychological brotherly bond
- they were family for not such a long period
- their parents divorced about 7 years ago
- and said parents most likely won't remarry after Ch. 86.
2021-02-14 23:36 marked
A lot of people don’t talk about this a lot because the story doesn’t highlight, but can we take a second to think about the fact that Haesoo has been in love with the same guy for a majority of his adolescence and adulthood? The connection between him and Joowon goes so deep. Haesoo is utterly transfixed by Joowon but since Haesoo has a prickly personality, as he doesn’t like looking weak, people overlook it.

Joowon was literally everything to him. They opened so many doors together and Haesoo was extremely influenced by Joowon’s presence and words. He did things just to get a rise out of Joowon because he so badly wanted Joowon’s attention. He took a very toxic approach just to have Joowon’s eyes on him, by smoking with other guys in HS and making Joowon jealous, which developed into adult Haesoo sleeping around to fill the empty space Joowon would leave behind.

If it wasn’t for Joowon’s encouragement, he would have never pursued his writing career. Joowon is really a Hyung( social status wise, not sibling wise) that he really looks up to and cares for. He admires Joowon’s seemingly high self esteem and straightforward approach towards his goals and dreams.

And whenever Joowon calls him, Haesoo always appears no matter what type of attitude he puts on, he’s always there for Joowon. He won’t admit it but he wants to be around Joowon too.

I think Haesoo struggles a lot because he has low self worth and an inferiority complex. On one hand he loves Joowon a lot and has been influenced by him for a significant portion of his life, but he doesn’t want Joowon to know just how much power he has over Haesoo. Haesoo himself can’t reconcile why he holds Joowon so high, why he would let someone have so much power over him and his emotions. So much so that in 10 years he has been unable to maintain any functioning romantic relationship because he’s so in love with Joowon.

He masks and alleviates the anxiety by lashing out at Joowon, putting him down at times and generally wanting himself and Joowon to believe that Haesoo doesn’t feel as a strongly as he does. That he’s not trapped in this and unwilling to truly let go. That he doesn’t want someone “better” that he just wants a Joowon who isn’t afraid to admit that he loves Haesoo as much as Haesoo loves him. That Joowon fell for Haesoo just as hard and deep as Haesoo fell for him.
2021-02-14 23:33 marked
Why are people so mad that two people who’ve loved each other for 10 years have finally come to a place where they’ve healed/are healing the issues that hurt them and kept them apart.

Taku isn’t getting a raw deal. His storyline is developing too, y’all just refuse to actually read canon and choose instead to believe your own interpretations. From the very beginning, it’s always been a love affair between Haesoo and Joowon. All 3 parties know this, and Taku interjected himself KNOWING that his pseudo relationship with Haesoo was not INITIALLY based on love or genuine care. It was mere curiosity and attraction, a distraction for the both of them. Somewhere along the way, he finally started feeling something he’s never felt before. His character development is that he’s no longer going to treat romantic interests or love so lightly. Taku was arrogant and believed himself above the vulnerability that love draws out of us. He’s been humbled and now he’s capable of truly loving someone.

Honestly, I feel sorry for Haesoo. He’s been holding in the pain and torture of being rejected by his first love yet still engaging in a dysfunctional sexual/romantic relationship with him for T E N Y E A R S. I don’t know if any of you have ever actually loved someone and been in a dysfunctional relationship but that shit is no walk in the park. It’s emotionally and mentally destructive and changes who you are as a person. Mostly it alters how you value yourself. Haesoo loves himself the least out of all 3 characters. He just wallows in this misery and refuses to really move on because he doesn’t feel worthy of love. That rejection really scarred him more than he lets on. His attitude is just a defense mechanism because he doesn’t want Joowon to see just how much power he has over him.

His happiness and peace of mind has been so contingent on validating this strange thing between him and Joowon. It’s no wonder he’s so irritable and spiteful. He has built up so much resentment over the years and has had no real outlet to express himself. His writing career is stalled, his relationship with his mother is strained because if his relationship with Joowon, he and Joowon avoid the truth just so they can stay in each other’s lives, and his relationship with Taku reminds him too much of what he yearns for with Joowon. He’s so alone. I used to not be so sympathetic of Haesoo, but I see now that he’s been the only character standing still, trapped in the past while everyone else finds a way forward. Haesoo is literally trapped in that moment Joowon told him “Don’t fall for me”.


That’s why the confession scene is so poignant. It’s not just a confession but Haesoo’s first step forward in 94 chapters! He reopened that wound by being honest about still loving Joowon as much as he did all those years again when he tried to confess. Joowon recognized it too because he rewrote their story as he said he would and confirmed what Haesoo has been silently begging for, that yes they do love each other and it’s always been love and Haesoo hasn’t been alone in feeling all the emotional turmoil from the lack of communication and blatant lies they’ve told each other. They’re finally standing in the same place after 10 years. Youngha wrote something beautiful and it’s so stupid to reduce it to ship wars.
2021-02-14 23:31 marked
Ahh I see there's still some clowns spewing the most stupid and outdated shit such as, 'tHey wEre STep bRoTheRs!11!", and "jOoWoN iS mAniPulaTive aNd aBusiVe!111!1". Bitch don't you think you misattribute those traits to him instead of Taku? How, for God's sake HOW THE FUCK is Joowon manipulative when fucking Mophead is the one who:

1. Basically stalked Haesoo by arranging a meet up specifically requesting to be interviewed by him and planned to TOY with him while he's staying in Korea with the aim for a quick fling in mind, just like how he USED and MANIPULATED his models for his own gain and broke things off with them once he reached his ends leaving them broken and devastated. He was planning to do the same to Haesoo. He thinks of relationship as candy, something that he could keep moving on from for a new one once the sweetness and pleasure from the old one is gone.

2. Tried to play a sick mindgame with Haesoo when he told him he had a porn online and encouraged him to look for and watch it just to get him interested. What a fucking creep. If it were me I would've fled the scene in a matter of seconds like my life depended on it.

3. Later on it was revealed that he told Haesoo about that porno of his so that Haesoo may use that to write an expose about him and so he in return could guilt trip him with it and force the poor guy into dating him. Taku had planned everything to snatch Haesoo from the very beginning and was even willing to use a guilt-trip card to achieve his end and if that isn't enough manipulation to you then idk what is

4. Continued to manipulate Haesoo the entire goddamn time when he attempted to evoke emotions from Haesoo for the interest of his job.


6. Emotionally manipulated him by begging and pressuring him into a fake sad trial relationship even after he initially refused because Taku is selfish and couldn't respect Haesoo's choices and feelings.

7. Knows damn well Haesoo has 0 (zero) feelings for him and is still in love with Joowon but is still UNWILLING to let him go because he's only thinking of himself that GRADE A SELFISH BASTARD

8. Is attempting to tie him down in the fake relationship by buying him a ring for his unstable PRETEND relationship. Seriously Taku's guilt tripping game is ON POINT I am perplexed.

Taku is a literal representation of a sociopath and you STILL think Joowon is manipulative??? Y'all need glasses and actual reading comprehension skills. And I wouldn't even bother addressing the step brother "issue". The story has made it very clear since chp 1 what their status is now and at this point you're just making a clown of yourself by nitpicking because you're out of good reasons to bring JxH down and support your problematic unhealthy af ship. Pathetic.
2021-02-14 23:29 marked
Taku and Haesoo's relationship is so unhealthy, I can't. Imagine being in a relationship where you only use your partner as a rebound and they're that much obsessed with you they let you—I am appalled by the toxicity of it all. Seriously anyone should be able to see how one-sided the whole thing is and problematic and how it isn't any better than JxH (which has a chance at working) in the slightest, if not probably worse. Nothing good comes out of their relationship, really.
Like, name one, ONE positive thing about their arrangement (I refuse to further call it relationship since it can hardly be considered one) which can't be argued against with the above said fact.
Taku was clearly not in his right mind when he begged Haesoo to give it a try with him knowing that the guy has zero romantic feelings for him, and he is clearly not in it now either because he's clinging desperately to something that isn't going to work out for the both of them. Taku needs to learn that acting out on his obsession isn't gonna do him, and in this case also the person he's dating, any good. He needs to get over his infatuation with Haesoo and be mature and call off this little arrangement that will only cause them both even more pain in the future and MOVE ON. Mind that Taku still hasn't had his character development up to this point in the story. This is it, this is his chance at that. Being selfless by letting go of the person he "loves" like Joowon did would be his most suiting character development, in addition to getting to experience for the first time the same feeling he caused his past lovers, hurt. He and Haesoo are just not meant to be, and forcing it will only cause them to hurt more. If you're a Taku stan and truly care about him you would agree.
2021-02-14 23:22 marked
sorry to disappoint some people here, but heasoo was not crying because he realized how much taku love him or realized how much he loved taku
He was crying because he realized the emptiness in his life, something he didn't want to lose, ( JOOWON) "if felt like something was being cut out from my life it make me really sad"
It take a long long long time, but everyone understand their feelings, the 3 of them was selfish, at different moment,
joowon was to sure about his relationship with heasoo, and act wrong because he want to protect him.

heasoo put himself as a victim, and putting all the blame on joowon

Taku only act for him and for his personal satisfaction

People can say what they want, Joowon have the biggest character development, and he is the most mature

it would be time to stop calling him "brother" or that he was only there to "fuck" with heasoo as many think,
it's been 70 chapter since they did it the last time
it’s also joowon who refuses in this chapter to sleep with him


the relationship was toxic, but it’s not like that anymore, they both grow up, and if people continue to blame the relationship, you can’t only blame joowon, heasoo was not an angel, he was wrong too.


I understand that some of you want Taku To be the end game because you like him
But honestly do you really feel some chemistry ? Love ? Do you think taku and heasoo are happy like that ? Taku feel alone/sad when he is with heasoo and feel happy when H is sad that so weird (chapter 93) Or it’s because you don’t like joowon, so you want taku to be the end game ?
the relationship taku has with heasoo only brings out his bad sides, he feel insecure because he know heasoo is still in love with someone else

we can't force heasoo to go out with someone he doesn't have romantic feelings for, that would be unfair even if for a lot "it's the best choice" it doesn't work like that, I know loh is just a non real story but it’s the same in reality you don't go out "with the best choices"
2021-02-14 23:18 marked
I just want to explain MY point of view.
I'm pointing it at the beggining so no one will accuse me that I believe I'm infallible (of course I can be mistaken because it's only my own interpretation).

Let's start with the fact that in stories there are some elements which aren't stated openly. All of us can remember (I hope) literature classes where we analysed, interpreted different texts, books, poems etc.
Some things aren't and often don't have to be said openly.
Feelings can't be proven like mathematical proof or idk blood test. It's not something material, physical. But how do we know that someone loves or hates someone else?
By their actions, by their reactions.
How do we know mother loves her child? She has to say: "I love you?". I don't think so. The actions are enough (for me at least). Her smiling gently, helping genuinely, asking about their day. Small gestures here and there.

As I said in previous comments I can be mistaken but I think Haesoo has romantic feelings for Joowon.
1. He has stayed with Joowon for years although it impacted his relationship with mother, one of the most important person in his life...
2. He cares and worries about Joowon deeply. He was completely shaken when Joowon wrote he hurt his hand. When the affair appeared he abruptly interrupted important discussion with his mother and went to clear Joowon's situation.
3. He was jealous not long time ago.
4. He desires him physically.
5. He thinks about Joowon, his wellbeing, their past while being with his new partner.
All these things added together CAN hint, symbolise he has romantic feelings for Joowon.

Add to all of this the newest raws (chapter 87) it's imo rather clear Haesoo still loves Joowon and didn't move on.
I guess he "broke up" with Joowon.... Because he just didn't see the future for them .... He was scared, afraid. He wanted to choose something realistic, accepted by society, his mum. In earlier chapters it also looks like Haesoo hoped Joowon would marry a woman, choose simpler path.
Their relationship has stayed the same for years. Their feelings unspoken. He wanted the break. He couldn't stand that situation anymore. But imo it doesn't mean that he doesn't love Joowon anymore.
2021-02-14 22:50 marked
People have always hated on Joowon right from the start but I'm so confused how Haesoo and Taku were never put on the hot seat when they're just as bad as Joowon, arguably worse in the recent chapters since Joowon has a character development.

When they were young, Joowon had always prioritized protecting Haesoo because he was already in love with him, this is not debatable, this is obvious. Saying "don't fall for me because i won't fall for you" is something that Joowon deemed to be necessary in order to protect whatever they both had so they didn't have to be away from each other. They were 16 when they first met, it wasn't weird that they cannot consider each other as "siblings" and they weren't even raised together for long like the CBAW couple but it's definitely weird that they're fucking while their parents also did.

People say that Joowon is manipulative and controlling but Haesoo said that he likes it when Joowon gets jealous and this particular statement heavily impacted their dynamics. Joowon was willing to love Haesoo in whatever way Haesoo allows him to, this doesn't excuse his behavior and should be held accountable for that but it certainly is important to note this since it points to the fact that Joowon never intentionally does things based on whatever benefits him most. (This chapter proves my point, he even doesn't excuse himself for whatever wrong he did and acknowledges what he has done plus his action proves that he's trying to change in the Korean chapters ahead this and those really proved Joowon as a wonderful character, it made me love him so much)

I reread this and it made me realize how self centered, insecure and immature Haesoo is but even if he is built like that, he is still easy to push around. He was so petty and immature to sleep around to intentionally hurt Joowon because he knows what hurts him which is funny because he also thinks that joowon does not value him enough and he continues to intentionally hurt joowon. rather than saying it's contradicting, i'd say he's just looking for things to throw at joowon hoping joowon reacts just so he could prove that his 'hyung' does care but joowon also never really insisted what he truly wants. (stupid af, like? just talk u mfs)

Haesoo keeps projecting his insecurities on joowon like how he literally tries to make out joowon as someone very cold and unreachable to the point that he keeps on wishing for joowon to fail. he's shitty to think that he's the only one who has it hard just bc his feelings are hurt. like i said, being hurt is not an excuse for him to keep on wanting to hurt joowon bc joowon is literally hurting to but he never wanted haesoo to intentionally be hurt. (Kr chapters prove how all his actions were never driven by ill-intent, Joowon had always wanted the best for haesoo even when it will be him that will suffer)

Taku... I have no words for him. I do not want to be biased because I read the recent KR chapters but he literally doesn't get better. All he focuses was his feelings and wanting to see Haesoo get hurt because he wants him for himself. Literally thinks like a child getting desperate for not getting a candy. He used Haesoo's vulnerability to his advantage and kept wanting to push Haesoo to the edge to the point that it can only be him in the end, so no, it's not a "healthy relationship" his stans claim it to be and they both know that. Haesoo being selfish took the offer and Taku being selfish does it so he wins the stupid competition he has with Joowon in his head which he made up by himself. All he cares about is Haesoo staying in a relationship with him, he never genuinely cared for Haesoo, he wants to be with Haesoo because that's what he wants and he's got to have it like a brat. (I want them to end up together tho bc i just want joowon to be happy now. taehae suit each other bc they're of the same breed )

joowon is fr annoying in the next chapters like bruh why u fucking simp over a guy who only cares about himself, let him taste his own poison with taku seriously tho, i think haesoo gets better in the recent chapters, joowon becomes a fcking saint he ain't even want to hurt haesoo and wants to put haesoo first always like BURH U need to care about urself and taku... eerrr let's see in the upcoming chapters

i just had to say my best boy joowon literally noticed haesoo never wanted to be famous for being a model or for his looks, haesoo wants to be recognized as a writer but surprise surprise, who pushed him to put himself in the public eye bc he knows haesoo isn't shitty enough to write about his scandal? :P joowon had always supported haesoo being a writer and wanting to see him achieve his dreams while the other wants to capitalize on his sadness and compete with joowon bc of a competition he made up himself lol anyways three of them dumb as fuck when it comes to love (same tho lol my ex is someone like taku i fucking hate people like him who pretends to be there for you but is just actually to get what they want)

RANT OVER. no one reads this long ass essay of a comment but i just wanna put this out my chest bc i have truly embraced being a joowoner
2021-02-14 22:47 marked
It's amazing how some ppl claim Taku was with Haesoo out of the goodness of his heart, and wanted to "save" him from an unhealthy relationship i- like what now?? Reading comprehension where???
Taku got interested in Haesoo after seeing his story about his step brother: he wanted to mess with that relationship. Taku's exhibition themes were: Loss / Love —a choice he thought Haesoo would be so *perfect* for due to his relationship with Joowon. No, it was never about Haesoo's wellbeing lol. There’s literally a scene where he implicitly tells Haesoo to think of Joowon for the photoshoot, right after their breakup, and thinks: “I knew he was hurt, but I wanted to see something more”. He wasn't trying to make Haesoo feel better, but instead he was intrigued & captivated by Haesoo’s hurt and pain over Joowon. He even admits in the end, after he grew attached to Haesoo: "From the start Haesoo only had eyes for one person. Perhaps those unwavering eyes were what I loved most” -- proving how transfixed he was by Haesoo's feelings for Joowon.

Taku says in his character interview from the start that he's "opportunistic" when it comes to relationships. Example: him comforting Haesoo crying... it parallels Taku's ex-bf being comforted by him & getting upset cause Taku is just PRETENDING. It's the same w/ Haesoo. He didn't do that with genuine feelings, but just as a "habit" like Haesoo says. Taku also said, “it felt good to see you sad” and how he knows hes selfish but its cause he likes to feel needed. So him chasing after Haesoo wasnt sincere, but self-interest & intrigue (“I wanted to see the kind of story he writes when im gone” HELLO??).

There's multiple metaphors about it too (lmaoo not me writing about the metaphors when ppl can't even get the blatant text of Taku saying MULTIPLE TIMES how he's "not a good person" and that he likes Haesoo for selfish reasons... but anyway the metaphors are interesting to me <333). First his photography: Taku always focused on the frozen images and what's within the lenses, instead of life in the present. He captured what he wanted & ignored the rest. Second: the candy. He says all relationships are the same to him: just "sugar/additives despite the different colours". He doesn’t like the taste of bitterness, only the sweetness. It ALL shows how Taku only wanted the good and superficial things in life. He selfishly liked to be needed by someone else, but without any of the burden of real feelings. It’s only through letting himself get attached to Haesoo & realizing Haesoo’s pretend love isn’t enough for him, that he describes Haesoo’s kiss as "bitter".

Honestly I know how upsetting it is to see your ship sink. But if you step back and read carefully: you realize that Yeongha literally built Taku's character to GET HEARTBROKEN and experience the bitter things in life,, because he'd been so numb to that feeling otherwise. (It makes me curious abt Taku's backstory honestly. like what made him this way??)
2021-02-14 14:35 marked
i feel like a lot of people don’t like joowon & maybe it’s because they don’t wish to understand his character. But everyone thinks taku is mysterious but no one stops to think that we don’t really know joowon at all either, a lot of the readers just want to have an antagonist and they pin everything in Joowon, they don’t give his character much benefit.

If people actually bothered to see past this “exterior” Joowon puts up they’d realise that actually Joowon has always been infatuated with Haesoo, ever since their first interaction. But h+J were forced to get away from each other, they were teenagers scared of the consequences and of fighting back so they gave up. I feel like everyone tends to forgets that joowon, too was young+afraid of the consequences which was why in the heat of the moment he said “don’t fall for me because i won’t fall for you” to Haesoo. He said this to protect H from possibly destroying his relationship with his mom- i mean who knows best what it feels like to have no motherly figure in their life ? Joowon does. Whilst in his heart J knew he loved him but he was afraid to pursue anything.

i feel like Haesoo doesn’t even try to understand Joowon because he's stuck in his feelings of hurt and heartbreak so he cant see beyond that, he doesn’t know how his mother constantly threatens Joowon, he doesn’t know just how lonely J really is. Take a minute to think who does Joowon really have ? His dad; yeah well it doesn’t seem he cares much about J if Haesoo’s mum had to tell him they’re thinking of getting back together. Haesoo’s mom? even though he calls her mom, we all know she dislikes him and that little boy inside him is yearning for a mother’s love which is why he keeps insistently calling her "mom". His manager? who makes profit off of him ? does he have any friends ? not really. Min kyuri ? his co worker/ noona who he's only doing his job with. Lastly Haesoo ? who’s already showing signs of giving up and moving on.

Then we have Taku whos shown as innocent, persistent, someone who knows the right words and actions to use when he's with Haesoo, i mean he said so himself. Let's not forget Taku already knew things about Haesoo before Haesoo knew of him, which has defo got elements of power imbalance. Those are things to think about but everyone overlooks. Im not saying taku is bad, because god knows hes not. Just some thoughts.
What are your thoughts/ opinions ?
2021-02-14 14:35 marked
I see people forget that it was Taku who put himself into that mess. He knew he is walking into fire but he was intrigued by the story and wanted to get closer, even started meddling a little bit (but meanwhile he caught feelings). You have to know that when you play with fire you can be burned.
2021-02-14 14:34 marked

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