Letmehearthatassshake's feed

I've seen some people complain about how the girl that is in cayenas body completely acts like her like she was never another person to begin with. My theory is that she is both cayena and the office worker. In chapter 19 she remember cayenas old life it's like cayena reincarnated somehow because she still fears her ex husband and has vivid memories of what happened to her. So I think she has the mindset of the office worker but is still cayena??? Ik its hard to understand but tbh I dont mind it she has all of cayenas memories even her child good so she is the princess so why not act like her, in her old life she had a job and died quickly no mystery so shes just adapting to this life (sorry im all over the place, I hope some people understand what I'm saying ( ̄∇ ̄")