Caffeinated Pikachu June 13, 2021 3:35 am

Why has ot been almost a month since the author released another chapter? Is something up?

    Shin 신 June 14, 2021 6:31 am

    I’m not sure where you’re reading, but he’s been uploading regularly? It’s been a while since he streamed on Twitch but is still active on everything else

    Caffeinated Pikachu June 14, 2021 11:38 am
    I’m not sure where you’re reading, but he’s been uploading regularly? It’s been a while since he streamed on Twitch but is still active on everything else Shin 신

    Oh okay where can i find the up-to date raws then. Its probably the site im reading on.

    max June 14, 2021 10:14 pm

    Suicide Boy is currently on hiatus, the author is taking a break from it I believe. It’s not updating on Lezhin KR either now. So, maybe that’s why you don’t see any other chapters

    max June 14, 2021 10:17 pm
    Suicide Boy is currently on hiatus, the author is taking a break from it I believe. It’s not updating on Lezhin KR either now. So, maybe that’s why you don’t see any other chapters max

    Unless you meant the English translation? All I know is that the author decided to take a break recently

Caffeinated Pikachu June 1, 2021 12:05 am

I'm currently reading the novel but it's so poorly translated and every one of them I find are also poorly translated. Fr just reading it makes my head hurt.
But i always want to find out what happens next and I literally have to use critical thinking just to get through one page to figure out what it's saying, that's how bad the Translating.

Caffeinated Pikachu May 27, 2021 12:38 pm

The MC is so brainwashed and manipulated that the sex scenes are just uncomfortable to look at. Like seriously at this point I'm rooting for Min-hyuk. Aleast he is not that toxic and seems to really care for the MC. The sex scenes are really just unreadable at this point and i mainly just scroll through them hoping for some plot development.

Caffeinated Pikachu May 8, 2021 1:33 am

Isnt this a new uploader arnet they uploading over the original uploader. Why are they laying claim to the work

pikachu addicted to caffeine May 8, 2021 1:13 am

The uploader talks about how people should be grateful that they upload and if they want it faster they should buy the chapters and all this bully bs. But as soon as someone else uploads before them, they throw a hissy fit about their claim to the project. They also trying to lecture people about respect when they precede to namecall someone and inslut them just becuase the uploaded before them. The amount of entitlement is ridiculous. At this point even i would be willing to upload the chapters, because this is absurd.

    Kaori May 8, 2021 7:06 am

    Hey, I get the part of the insults I think it was out of proportion. But it's not absurd to be angry when someone does not respect your uploads. As far as I know reading all this years, is basic manners to ask the original uploader if it's dropped. Not to mention they always mentioned at the end of the chapters that they wait 3 days to upload to give the author time on lezhin. All the comments the uploader received where insults. That's absurd when you are willingly paying for others to read

pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 11:56 am

Anyone should be able to upload a story or manga that they want. Calling someone stupod and illiterate isn't very nice or called for. Just becuase they uploaded before you. That's what the uploader button is for, so people can upload

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 12:00 pm

    no they could've just waited for 3 days!!!! FOR THE AUTHOR TO GAIN PROFIT

    nanami May 7, 2021 12:02 pm
    no they could've just waited for 3 days!!!! FOR THE AUTHOR TO GAIN PROFIT holymolycrap

    she's happy coz she can read it faster

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 12:05 pm
    she's happy coz she can read it faster nanami


    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 12:07 pm

    opp you said it yourself ", it can suck if someone uploads before them" that's how i feel lol

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:07 pm
    opp you said it yourself ", it can suck if someone uploads before them" that's how i feel lol holymolycrap

    Yeah but to feel entitlement to be the only person to be able to upload chapters is kind of ridiculous.

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:09 pm
    no they could've just waited for 3 days!!!! FOR THE AUTHOR TO GAIN PROFIT holymolycrap

    Then why not wait a week or 2 or maybe 5 days. The point is who are you to set the certain amount of days someone has to wait. You are uploading on a illegal site the same as everyone else. So in the end you are taking profit from the author all the same. But good for you for having such a high horse.

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:10 pm
    she's happy coz she can read it faster nanami

    Yes i am.

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:15 pm
    Then why not wait a week or 2 or maybe 5 days. The point is who are you to set the certain amount of days someone has to wait. You are uploading on a illegal site the same as everyone else. So in the end you ar... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    well isn't a rule here? 3 days

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:16 pm
    Yeah but to feel entitlement to be the only person to be able to upload chapters is kind of ridiculous. pikachu addicted to caffeine

    coz i claimed it first go ask your catfish you're rooting for we settled everything then she showed up

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:17 pm
    Yeah but to feel entitlement to be the only person to be able to upload chapters is kind of ridiculous. pikachu addicted to caffeine

    who wouldn't be pisses abt that

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:19 pm
    Then why not wait a week or 2 or maybe 5 days. The point is who are you to set the certain amount of days someone has to wait. You are uploading on a illegal site the same as everyone else. So in the end you ar... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    you are taking too aren't you? don't have such a high horse

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:26 pm
    coz i claimed it first go ask your catfish you're rooting for we settled everything then she showed up holymolycrap

    you claimed it.... wow i did not know that you wrote it or participated in the art of the project. do you hear yourself you CLAIMED it. I can see you are a very entitled person without a foot to stand on.

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:28 pm
    who wouldn't be pisses abt that holymolycrap

    okay but to resort to name calling just because someone is doing exactly what you are doing, and happened to do it faster is just...

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:29 pm
    you claimed it.... wow i did not know that you wrote it or participated in the art of the project. do you hear yourself you CLAIMED it. I can see you are a very entitled person without a foot to stand on. pikachu addicted to caffeine

    i do have feet wouldn't it be disrespectful for someone to upload over when u know someone is uploading it? ig u don't know. i wrote it all the time she could've just talked to me like the other one did but most important thing is for her to wait 3 days. anyways good for u coz u read it early

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:31 pm
    you are taking too aren't you? don't have such a high horse holymolycrap

    I know I am reading on an illegal site and I don't try to tell people what they can or can't do on said site, while hiding behind the absurd notation that you "care about the author" and you "claimed" a work you had no contribution to in the first place.

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:31 pm
    okay but to resort to name calling just because someone is doing exactly what you are doing, and happened to do it faster is just... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    one more thing she/he just did a bad thing to the real lezz showing off a twitter acc that's not even hers the real lezz is very pissed abt it. anyways abt the name calling are u offended by illiterate and dumb? well if she's not illiterate so I'm guessing she's dumb?

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:33 pm
    well isn't a rule here? 3 days holymolycrap

    no I've seen a week "rule" on other projects and ect. This is something you chose for yourself, but when someone did not follow your restriction and there was nothing you could do about it. you wasted people's time by putting up a notice to vent your angry like a child.

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:34 pm
    I know I am reading on an illegal site and I don't try to tell people what they can or can't do on said site, while hiding behind the absurd notation that you "care about the author" and you "claimed" a work yo... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    i do have one coz i always bought it 3 times before uploading it and waiting for 3 days for the author to gain profit. if i didn't do it someone else will upload it but too bad i did it so the last person I'm letting to take is the catfisher she don't even consider waiting the chap just got released yesterday

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:35 pm
    i do have one coz i always bought it 3 times before uploading it and waiting for 3 days for the author to gain profit. if i didn't do it someone else will upload it but too bad i did it so the last person I'm l... holymolycrap

    so because you bought the chapter 3 times that gives you claim. okay then

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:35 pm
    no I've seen a week "rule" on other projects and ect. This is something you chose for yourself, but when someone did not follow your restriction and there was nothing you could do about it. you wasted people's ... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no, darling I've seen it in scanlation group. and about scanlating they're making their own rules but not on official u can ask about the uploaders here on mangago and bato about the 3 day rule u can contact mangago too if u want to ask about it

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:36 pm
    so because you bought the chapter 3 times that gives you claim. okay then pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no coz i uploaded it first that's why... you don't know how messy amd disrespectful when someone took over

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:38 pm
    no I've seen a week "rule" on other projects and ect. This is something you chose for yourself, but when someone did not follow your restriction and there was nothing you could do about it. you wasted people's ... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no it's not abt the scanlating you can ask the uploaders here they did it all the time they left notes etc so u can ask mangago abt it too

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:38 pm
    no I've seen a week "rule" on other projects and ect. This is something you chose for yourself, but when someone did not follow your restriction and there was nothing you could do about it. you wasted people's ... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no, u can ask the uploaders here since u seem to have used mangago for a long time so u must have known

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:39 pm
    no I've seen a week "rule" on other projects and ect. This is something you chose for yourself, but when someone did not follow your restriction and there was nothing you could do about it. you wasted people's ... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no, u can ask the uploaders here on manggo

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:40 pm
    no, u can ask the uploaders here on manggo holymolycrap

    dafck i thought its not showing because of some offense words sorry mybad but yeah

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 7, 2021 2:40 pm
    no coz i uploaded it first that's why... you don't know how messy amd disrespectful when someone took over holymolycrap

    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act the way you did. But honestly i hope you learn the lesson fast that you can not claim others work and treat people the way you did.

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:41 pm
    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act th... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    no i can do whatever i want i see no problem about what i did coz I've talked to mangago that I'll be the one uploading it here i can give u proof that I've claimed it

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:42 pm
    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act th... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    yes I'm upset so what. what she did was kinda offended me

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:47 pm
    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act th... pikachu addicted to caffeine the proof

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:50 pm
    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act th... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    opp and abt the quality it's clear on my device and i did a survey most of them voted clear it's probably just yer phone if it's blurry... u can buy it on lzhin anyways for a better quality

    nanami May 7, 2021 2:51 pm
    opp and abt the quality it's clear on my device and i did a survey most of them voted clear it's probably just yer phone if it's blurry... u can buy it on lzhin anyways for a better quality holymolycrap

    Ma'am she can't that's why she is here

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:53 pm
    Ma'am she can't that's why she is here nanami

    that's mean everyone can afford even a dollar

    holymolycrap May 7, 2021 2:58 pm
    the chapter was fine. And mangago has a policy that it choose the better quality of chapter that is uploaded. You are just upset that a person uploaded before you. Then you found "justifiable" reasons to act th... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    seems like you're friend deleted the chap she uploaded and deleted her acc coz she knows what she did was wrong snipping and catfishing someone

pikachu addicted to caffeine May 4, 2021 11:35 am

I mean if someone has a chapter and they wish to upload it why shouldn't they. I get it in the sense that if a group or person has spent time translating the chapter, it can suck if someone uploads before them. But if you are just scanning the chapter from another site, why cant someone else upload for the same one that they also like. This is really getting out of hand.

    Peanuts121 May 4, 2021 12:16 pm

    Usually the issue when someone uploads over someone else is the fact that 1. They update on the release date which doesn't give the author time to earn money and 2. The original uploader took there time to prepare the chapter and then it's already been uploaded, hence they wasted their time, it's also just rude. These are just some things I noticed and tbh I think the new upload button was a bad idea

    Kaelepulu May 4, 2021 12:45 pm
    Usually the issue when someone uploads over someone else is the fact that 1. They update on the release date which doesn't give the author time to earn money and 2. The original uploader took there time to prep... Peanuts121

    Would you mind explaining what you meant by the upload button? I just read, I 've never uploaded anything, I 'm just curious.

    GayHorror May 4, 2021 1:04 pm

    I agree

    pikachu addicted to caffeine May 4, 2021 1:09 pm
    Usually the issue when someone uploads over someone else is the fact that 1. They update on the release date which doesn't give the author time to earn money and 2. The original uploader took there time to prep... Peanuts121

    Yes i get that, but just becuase someone spent time preparing a chapter does not give them sole right to be the only uploader. By that logic, anyone who prepares a chapter should be able to upload it. But i get the whole wait so the author can earn money, but ultimately this is an illegal site and the author is losing money becuase of it anyway. So i just don't think it's right to berate someone just becuase they upload a little earlier. I mean nobody on this site has that much of a moral high ground to stand on.

    Peanuts121 May 4, 2021 1:11 pm
    Yes i get that, but just becuase someone spent time preparing a chapter does not give them sole right to be the only uploader. By that logic, anyone who prepares a chapter should be able to upload it. But i get... pikachu addicted to caffeine

    I understand that, like we're reading on an illegal site so why is there a lot of say on who can and can't upload, I was just saying and I hope I didn't offend you

    Peanuts121 May 4, 2021 1:14 pm
    Would you mind explaining what you meant by the upload button? I just read, I 've never uploaded anything, I 'm just curious. Kaelepulu

    Well Mangago has a new thing where when you press on the story and go to where the chapters are you can now upload one yourself, this hasn't always been there. I'm not saying I upload but people have been using it to post multiple notice chapters and their poorly translated stuff. I hope that made sense

    Kaelepulu May 4, 2021 1:26 pm

    Think so. Thanks!

pikachu addicted to caffeine March 19, 2021 2:43 pm

Who is the husband of Shananet (her aunt/mother to the twins). The grandfather said that she would be a suitable heir but he dosen't trust her husband. And the knight showed alot of respect towards her so i wonder who it is?

    annyeongix March 19, 2021 2:46 pm

    I actually thought it was the right hand man/teacher of the kids because of the blond hair

pikachu addicted to caffeine January 28, 2021 2:23 am

Spoiler/ ranting

So Taesung waits until after he gets stabbed to go help him. I kinda hope in Season 2 our MC ends up with Minkyun.

    iwatchanime12 January 28, 2021 2:35 am


    Play with my pussy January 28, 2021 2:52 am

    Naw he’s hella sadistic, I knew he put out cigarettes on a dudes ass. Multiple times. He doesn’t need any of them and shouldn’t end up with either

pikachu addicted to caffeine January 23, 2021 12:17 pm

Deny what you can't admit, admit what you can't deny. But never ever admit that you are not the original person. She just broke the number one Transmigration(≧∀≦) rule.

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