In full color, wow im drop dead admiring Tia's dresses. Every details are well put together, also all those dashing prince and duke and their son's. Wow! . . .can't get over this read. .thank for the team who share this upload in eng trans. .
I so happy seeing this first on youtube, afterwards i read it from 01-99. Everthing will be unfolding soon. .cant wait for the 100-117 to be translated to english. . .Tia be strong!!!
Thank you for the uploader for your hard work. ..lets all make peace, whatever brought this up. There are some misunderstanding and people initial reaction is to react , sometimes negatively. . .
Please, lets all continue to support one another. . .
In full color, wow im drop dead admiring Tia's dresses. Every details are well put together, also all those dashing prince and duke and their son's. Wow! . . .can't get over this read. .thank for the team who share this upload in eng trans.