I really love this manga, but personally I wish it was longer to see the seme change for the better and for him to be worthy of Aoi. He's a player, a gambler, a freeloader, in his past, and he took Aoi's love for granted. He returned Aoi's love, but I just hope we we're able to see his character growth, since a part of me still don't like him. But I get that he's an actor, so of course, he'll earn money himself and not resort to gamble and freeload Aoi (for real, who'd take a lover who just empties your pocket). But the player part, hmmmm. I just hope he changes, and if there's a sequel, I'll be dying to read it. And a sequel of course for the Lt.
Wtf was chapter 5, Pg. 8. Totally gave me a heart attack, I thought Emba died