2021-03-03 13:13 marked

example: Robert from Lady Baby, carsein from The Abandoned empress, or like the two brothers( esp the blonde one ) from the youngest princess
2021-03-02 13:12 marked
2021-03-01 19:11 marked

2021-03-01 13:15 marked

sure she could humiliate and punish this maid that's in this vulnerable position because of her circumstances...but she doesn't, she's not trying to gain her brothers trust to screw him over but to rather bring back the bond that they once had, and I think she's kind and generous in this way, to be forgiving and sincere despite everything thats been thrown or has been thrown at her.
she could simply just let her brother rot, let him die in a cruel way as long as she's safe and sound there's no problem right? but she doesn't, she knows about the shit they both went through and she knows that this is what has happened to them and the fact the she strives to help him? I think its selfless, and I think that's part of her charm, how she strives to be a good person, and I feel she has a truly good heart.
tl;dr- I think she's a great fl sorry for the essay lol
2021-02-28 13:58 marked

•in the first timeline the father sent juvel in the shadow prison since its mostly safe for her after poisoning incident (the empress was the one who poisoined the drink and blamed it on juvel)
•the father(Regis) begged the crown prince(Max) to save her and he will make Max the Emperor, but since Juvel misunderstood everything she killed herself after that.
•The father was in rage(i think?) and went to the emperor and killed him after knowing that her daughter had suicide herself
•The father loved her daughter both past and current now but since juvel is his weakness he will do anything to keep her safety
•He is just a Father who dont know how to show his affection
I just got this from a spoiler
So credits to her (i wont say her nane for safety :D )
2021-02-27 15:21 marked
2021-02-26 17:35 marked

2021-02-26 17:33 marked

Also I don't know why you guys are already worn out by the misunderstandings. This is actually just tame (for me). Even tho there are a lot of things needed to be clarified, we see progress little by little. I personally think it's better that she's seeing her dad act more fatherly like this rather than reveal the plot twist so suddenly. It will make it more believable when she discovers the truth.
Please read "Everything Was A Mistake" and let's see if this story is still frustrating for you lmaooo
2021-02-26 17:32 marked
2021-02-26 17:29 marked

2021-02-26 17:29 marked

2021-02-26 17:29 marked
2021-02-26 17:28 marked

"will it really be like last time?" or "not again", is making me feel suspicious about it. And i really hope it would be that way(aka the father revive the daughter), otherwise i would really feel a bit of regret. Cause in this case, the FL is technically not the daughter of his, and looking at the difference...just felt a little sad
2021-02-26 15:40 marked
2021-02-26 15:37 marked
2021-02-25 16:35 marked

2021-02-25 16:35 marked
2021-02-25 16:33 marked