I read this ages ago and was SO in love with it that I actually teared up when I realised I reached the end already. I forgot to rate it though so I decided to reread it years later and I'm actually so disappointed by how... just average it is. Sure it's cute but at the same time I don't really feel anything for the characters and the plot is meh to me—not the mention the ending wasn't as satisfying as I remembered it being. Maybe my tastes have changed, maybe I'm comparing it too much to other webtoons and the actual Arthurian legend (which I know reading this time around), but this isn't for me anymore unfortunately. It's still a decent read though, and I'd recommend it even if just for the pretty art alone!

I think this is the first time I've fallen this in love with the main couple so quickly. They're just too adorable and the inexplicable trust they have with each other is just so shsgcos.
I also love how the relationship is generally very equal in terms of give and take. The main guy doesn't mistreat or harm the mc because of a superiority complex or something and the mc doesn't act all tsundere/manipulative whilst continously both mentally and physically hurt the male lead (all in the name of comedy).
This relationship is just so healthy compared to other stories and I can't get enough of it
i kinda don't understand why people are mad at the seme for sleeping around? like, unless i missed something, the mcs aren't dating so they don't have an obligation to stay exclusive. and while the seme is clearly pursuing the uke at this point i don't think he's looking for anything too serious which is perfectly fine, since it's not necessarily like he's playing/toying with the uke's feelings and has been reasonably respectful so far. as of this chapter it's more like he's feeling around with what could potentially happen with the uke than any definitive plans to get together with him. people look for casual hook ups all the time, i don't see this as much different tbh.
idk just my opinion. i personally don't think the seme needs to automatically stop having sex with other people just because he's pursuing the uke since he's mainly doing it to hook up once and only once. i think he should only stop doing his playboy things if his intention is to take it further and date the uke seriously, in which case then i'd firmly agree he should only stay faithful to the uke (since infidelity really isn't cool).
does anyone else get me? or did i miss something cause honestly i skimmed through most of this. on another note, the uke radiates clear unironic uwu energy and i love him
It's cause of the mixed signals. Like he hitting on the uke so the kid might think he serious (they even kissed). Yet he sleeping around so means he aint serious. If it was a story about two friends that secretly like each other but there has been 0 progress between then and they fr nothing more than friends, then I wouldn't care if friend A is fucking other guys. The seme in this story is courting the uke tho. It makes me feel bad for the uke cause seme doesn't see him as anything more than a target to conquer while the uke falling for him.
Sis I'm 100% with you, I don't see any problem the seme doesn't want a serious relatioship so why does he have to stop sleeping around? :v
hm i still personally think there isn't an issue with the seme's behaviour but i understand where you're coming from, since from the uke's perspective i can see how it could come across as confusing and hurtful and the seme for sure could improve his communication regarding his intentions to rectify that. however while yes, i agree that he should definitely make it clear what he wants out of the uke, i just think the fact that they aren't officially dating removes a lot of that exclusivity and transparency regarding a relationship that people who are in fact dating or even hooking up (which as this point, has not happened between the seme and uke yet) should uphold until specified otherwise.
my point is i completely agree that more communication is pretty much always better—which the seme can easily do—but given the seme's current relationship with the uke (where nothing, not even casual experimenting, has been established. this excludes the kiss, because again they haven't yet established a relationship or whatever from that—even though i definitely think they should talk more about it), i think he's not necessarily in the wrong with the way he's acting.
of course, i do think he's misjudging the uke's personality by a landslide and might be treating him too much like someone who actually understands how these type of relationships work especially with him specifically (maybe given the fact that the uke plays otome games—the seme, not knowing how innocently all otome games generally play out—assumes that he'd know his intentions based on that? or the seme assumes his playboy reputation speaks for itself?). so i'm not saying that his actions specifically concerning our uke here are entirely intelligent, because yeah they're really not, but i can understand how his mindset works especially if put in the same scenario but with a different uke. i think his main issue therefore is his lack of empathy and general obliviousness to the uke's perhaps more sensitive/innocent feelings than his actions directly.
hope i explained that okay, putting it into words was kinda hard. i appreciate you clarifying your opinion though, it made me actually ponder about it for a while :)
dear god i accidentally wrote an essay. usbusnmsumak
xD Is all good. I 100% understand what you're saying and I agree. They're not in an exclusive relationship so it's not like the seme is cheating on him. But ya being on the same page and communication are important. I've seen it too many times that a friend thinks this other person is interested in them only to find out the person was actually flirting, kissing, sleeping with with several girls. And it's sad for them cas by that point they've already caught feels for someone who wont reciprocate.