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uwuqq June 16, 2020 9:53 am

Does anyone have the raws :(

uwuqq June 13, 2019 11:43 am

): Fuck this

SC = Sung chae

The creepy old man attempts to force himself on SC. Gusam finds the sleeeping pills in the trash, and quickly runs back, confirming his suspicions that something is wrong. When he arrives, he realises the door is locked. "Oh, SC must be sleeping" he thinks, but then when he gets no response when he shouts SC's name, he starts knocking and screaming for SC.

The door opens, and SC is covered in blood (i.e. he killed the old man).

Gusam is filled with immense guilt;

"I should have told SC how suss the old man was"
"I should have been the one to kill the old man, not SC"
"I should have never met SC..."


The detectives are close behind the two. They visit the grandma, who thinks they're just her grandsons' friends. They reveal however, that her grandson's however, are murder suspects on a case that they are working on. Grandma gets angry and tells them to leave when they question the grandson's whereabouts/information etc.


Gusam brutally cuts the old man's body up (with a butcher's knife??). SC tells him to stop but Gusam says, that since he's a murderer (bc he can't remember his past 'murder') that killing this old man who tried to do something so disgusting shouldn't matter -- since, he really did want to kill this old man.


Gusam says he'll take the fall for the old man's murder, since he's tired of running away. He'll be serving jail time for the previous murder (that "he's done"), so it won't be much. He wants SC to live on his life, clean, and to move on.

SC says that he doesn't see a life without Gusam, and that he wants to be with him.

*feat cinematic rain... in december.. whilst this all happens*


Gusam and SC set off... but whilst things are looking great for them.. the detectives gets a tip.


They're at the ocean, and the detectives are on their way headed there too.
The detective purposely puts in a blank bullet because he wants to see them scared shitless when he pretends to shoot at them (ok, wtf dude).

SC and Gusam have this loving moment, where they say they truly appreciated and loved one another, and knew that they would be each other's last (love).

As they wade there way in the ocean, the detective shoots to the sky, scaring them. However, they continue to wade down into the ocean. The (good) detective screams at them, saying, do you guys really want to kill yourself?


fuck i hate this ending so much...


i'm not going to be detailed...it's best read.

Basically, it's revealed the person who tipped the detectives is Gusam, as he wants to get his revenge on the detective. He points the gun at the detective... but gets shot instead (by other police).

it's suggested that Gusam dies.

The webtoon ends with the grandma narrating:
I truly hope you two are in a place where you can be happy.

    richchit June 13, 2019 12:35 pm


    blueninja89 June 13, 2019 12:49 pm


    God that’s tucked.everyone who did horrible things to these two or in the pursuit of these two gets away Scott free what kind of ending is that?!

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 2:54 pm

    Aww..shit! Tsk. T.T

    So, is Gusam the real culprit or is he just the fall guy?

    Coco goddess June 13, 2019 7:46 pm

    So is Sung Chae dead as well ?

    Azalago June 13, 2019 11:15 pm

    This doesn't surprise me at all. This webtoon author has been very lax quality-wise compared to the beginning of the series. I assumed it would end tragically but to not even explain what happened? Or why it happened during the Olympics? Isn't that why it's set in the 80s?

    potatoishere June 14, 2019 9:00 am

    I haven't read the manga. Is the plot heavy? The spoiler sounds different from the synopsis lol. Do you think I should read this? Someone says this made them cry. Ugh I'm curious but I don't wanna be sad, someone pls conclude the story for me? XD

uwuqq's questions ( All 1 )

uwuqq June 6, 2019 4:04 pm

I just finished season 1, and... wow it was amazing. I was wondering if there was anything similar in terms of rich plot and art -- the story line doesn't have to be similar. Thank you :-)

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18 12-28 08:29

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