This story is really intriguing but I was worried that I was missing out on key points because the translation seem really off in some sections. Like it seems fine then all of a sudden some dialogues make no sense and are completely incoherent so I wondered if even the things that seem correct could be wrong. i was able to find another translation (only up to chap 9) but wow it really makes a difference. I feel like I got the full story now and understand way more about what’s going on. it's kind of frustrating to progress with the plot while missing out on some key elements of the characters' actions, words, back stories and even personalities. I'm grateful for whoever uploaded this version though since it helped me discover this manwha.

Feels like so many tropes thrown together but a bit disjointed. Can’t connect with the MC or the ML at all or even care about the poor dad. It’s like the author is just speed running to get to the smut. Would have been more interesting to start with the smut then recap how the MC got there or something .

I really wish it was more fleshed out. It skips over a lot of details from the novel that could make this one of the most interesting BL of the moment. Lack of smut aside, I think we’re also missing out on the relationship development between the leads that makes the story great. it’s a shame because there’s not many fantasy BLs of this kind and the art is pretty.

I read it here https://www.novelupdates.com/series/show-me-your-stats/

I’m so happy I discovered this late enough to have this many chapters posted already. I love everything about it. The characterization, the art, the pacing! It’s so unique compared to the usual tropes, like I’m not saying it’s entirely devoid of cliché but it’s so damn refreshing. Every time I think they’re going to go a predictable and overly done route the followings chapter just surprises me.

Oh wow. I read the comments before reading this and I was curious about all the negative stuff on the ML and I totally get it. He's quite a let down when paired with the MC, in the first chapters he's giving 2nd or 3rd ML vibes. Lack of presence. And then the whole being infatuated so quickly? With a subordinate / new recruits at that while he himself is on a position of power. And spending all that time worrying about being hated or her not accepting a freaking tiara as a gift? Like what kind of superior gives you a tiara? Like because it'd look so pretty with her short hair... Oh wow. Or even when he injured her and likened her to a « lonely young child »while going "badump badump" ngl i had to reread that part a couple of times.
And then the whole mess with the bitter af older knight. Him as a commander just so unaware of the kind of subordinate he has in his team and how far their depravity goes is a poor look I do appreciate him apologizing for that tho. But then he asked her why she didn't talk to him or Deschamps and right after his conversation with Deschamps showed he expected that Deschamps already knew about it. So like? And Deschamps and his methods of « handling it » to preserve the harmony? Yeah not even going to dwell on it.
And yeah he's all torn up over her not running to him and her being hurt but doesn't seem to be "that" torn up about the other recruits..... And oh him blaming her for fighting back on one hand and then in his head wondering why she endured the beating even tho she's an Aether Master. Like even without all of that he wasn't really top class ML but adding all of that and the lack of chemistry? It's literally him just blushing and thinking about her all the time. And trying to make her reliant on him.... Ughhh she's definitely the type of MC that doesn't need a man to save her and I wished they pushed romance to the side on this one. Like he seemed more upset at the fact that she didn’t run to him than at the fact that she was fighting. Also did the other guy also get a blank check or just her, and its Interesting how he doles out the punishment with a witness and after wants to keep things 1 on 1 like if he wasn’t the ML if he was a guy with the looks or age of that other bitter knight Feon or something it would be scenes used to show a superior showing too much interest in a younger FL recruit and being a creep.
I like her tho, her strength, her obsession with money, how she's trying hard to make amends with her friends. It's just on her journey to change that forcefully inserted ML is just meh....

I sincerely hope y’all know how to recognize abusive behavior and not let things slide because someone is cute or « don’t know how to express their feelings » irl cause some of the comments make me worry….
I’m still shocked at the dynamics between the two siblings being labeled as pranks by carrot head. Heck he was surprised Adele wasn’t on the floor crying when he burst into her room, like he was shocked she was able to talk back to him and not scared to death. What does that tell you about how he usually treated her? He was upset and her speaking informally and asked her to « beg »for his forgiveness…. Like wow. And he threw her out of the window threatening her until she gave in….
I do blame the author for trying to make him seem just « misunderstood » with poor social skills or something after all that…. Not a good look.

I agree entirely, the whole shpeel with that guy is just...unnerving. I don't like how it somewhat geels like the story is completely downplaying how actually aweful the stuff he did to her was. Its really frustrating reading this and feeling like ginger isnt goung to genuinely get punished for all that disgusting behaviour.
Everyone is completely annoyed with the mc but the ml is also pretty good at not saying things straight. Aside from getting angry whenever he sees the MC with other people and having mood swings, he’s not saying much. Of course it’s because he’s going off his own assumptions about how the MC feels and what happen between them just like the MC. They are basically the same to me lol, one is just braver and more proactive aka pushy,
so true. theyre both equally dumb