It’s interesting people have an issue with both of them sleeping around. Like being promiscuous while not in a relationship is not wrong. Some BL readers have strangely puritain views on some stuff. They hate seeing the main characters having sex with others, especially the ukes. Meanwhile they can enjoy abuse, toxicity and will happily root for rapists. It’s funny to draw the line at “infidelity” and “promiscuity”.
The MCs can both do whatever they want with other people. The only issue is when one party starts to act possessive and territorial and wants to impose things on the other one. You can’t demand things from someone you’re not willing to commit to. It’s egotistical. Especially if you’re happily fucking around as well. I really hope Minchan won’t pull some gender double standards shit about what alphas are allowed to do and I hope our little boxer will call him out.

You're full of wisdom!!! Is so conservative to judge someone being with a lot of ppl. They're not even in an relationship ans they Nevers telles about sleeping with other guys.
In fact, i like when that happens because Is way more realistc. If you are not in love with someone toi have no obligation sleeping only with then, because sex and love aren't the same thing. Talk with other guys and experience other things, new ppl is a pretty healthy way of living your sexual/romantic life. This is not cheating if nothing is agreed,not even a name to the relationship.

It’d be nice that while the MC is making an effort to accept the ML’s kink, the ML was also able to show consideration for the MC and his comfort.Interesting premises but why make a show of how accepting the MC can be only to right away show the completed lack of consideration and respect he gets in return. I have a feeling it’s meant to be humorous? Like the more the MC hits him to try to stop him,the more the ML gets turned on and keep going …yikes,

I'm always conflicted about this type of story. When someone wants to hide something and be left alone because of a tragic or complicated past but people keep hunting them down for their own agenda, forcing the person's hand and disregarding their wishes. It's always a bit irritating to watch, like I can't help but root for them to get their way but it's like obviously never the plot. And on then, on top of it it's usually paired with this type of MC who keeps going on about needing to be cautious, what they need to avoid doing and etc not to get caught but few scenes later they keep doing everything they said they wouldn't do almost as if they're dying to get caught. Like Seo start the chapter with "I absolutely won't do this" and end the chapter with "oh shit, I shouldn't have done this." Still an interesting and good story tho.

Same! I may have to reread but I'm so confused why everyone is so obsessed with finding him. He did so much to remain anonymous so it's like the verison they know isn't him. Just the idea. I really wish they would leave him alone ╥﹏╥ but then where would the story go? I really liked more of the idea of him completing the wishes and developing relationships doing them that help with his trauma. Haven't liked the forcing him to be on this elite team part of the story