I think that prince will also fell for her...If you look at the art of her in the beginning you can see 5 arms..and because I wanted to conform these I looked at princes sleeves and other ml and I could see that I was right...If you don't believe me look it up yourself
I think that prince will also fell for her...If you look at the art of her in the beginning you can see 5 arms..and because I wanted to conform these I looked at princes sleeves and other ml and I could see tha... Emmaxoxo
Still that doesn't mean his previous deeds are okay tho
I think that prince will also fell for her...If you look at the art of her in the beginning you can see 5 arms..and because I wanted to conform these I looked at princes sleeves and other ml and I could see tha... Emmaxoxo
I think that prince will also fell for her...If you look at the art of her in the beginning you can see 5 arms..and because I wanted to conform these I looked at princes sleeves and other ml and I could see tha... Emmaxoxo
No hate but...lu xing is kind of dumb