I`m confused. Is the FL`s brother evil or good? the first few episodes were blurry so I didn't get to read them. I had to a few chapters.
It didn’t change his personality? Well that’s awfully bold to say. He is changing his attitude very slowly, ofc he has a soft spot for his sister but she has made herself the soft spot. She has made herself not the doll for her brother. The brother is just a brat that needed attention from his sister and then he’s willing to comply with most things. He is the definition of a brother. Lawful Evil or Chaotic Nurtural. I wouldn’t dare classify him as just good or evil.
And if you didn’t know before, they don’t show it in the manwha, he’s extremely violent towards his servants. He kills them left and right like it’s nothing. He even told them to write a will because he was so violent with them. In once scene I read in the novel, he threw a candle at his servants’ head and acted as if it was nothing. The servants was used to it, even though their head was bleeding.
None of the violent acts he’s done can be justified. Even trauma is not justification. The Duke has trauma, but you don’t see him killing people just because he doesn’t like being touched. The only thing that develops is Rezef’s relationship with Cayena. But it doesn’t develop with other people. He still has a dark heart, except for when he’s with Cayena.
No. It doesn’t matter what I think. Because it’s true. Razef is not a good person. He has a soft spot for Cayena, but it goes way too overboard. Just overall, he is not a good person. You are simply ignorant since you haven’t read the novel. But I digress. I’m going to mute the thread now, so if you say anything to me now, it’ll be like talking to a wall.
IDK what you're reading but you're seriously misreading his character. He was never portrayed as a good person, but was certainly being framed in a sypathetic fashion. Its a narrative device to emphasise the good qualities of the MC; its the same here and its the same in the novel, *im not spoiling anything but if you know, you know*.
Rezef is a veritable psychopath. With the pace the webtoon is going, you're gonna see it soon if you haven't realised yet.
Somebody in the comment said that the other girl recorded her conversation with Dan I but that's not tru. What really happened is that girl tried to push Dan I down the stairs but she got saved by the white haired friend of hers. And the friend that call her mom took care of the girl.