Well... The dragon is not a smol chonky dragon.. and ofc its gonna be a girl. Well at least it's not a loli dragon.

Why did you left us at a cliffhanger? I am what?? Atomic?

This is good. What confuses me is the inconsistent titles of the MC. Idk if the MC is from a count or duke family.

I'm gonna be sad if roadbroke doesn't become his familiar and turn into a small baby chonky dragon

Melt Thy Snowflakes created a topic of Our Sunny Days

How is it the men's business of the girls' selfishness/loneliness? Like, don't try to ruin others harmony because yours ain't working

Meh I hope as the story progress the story is not just about girl gets in trouble, */mc saves girl, girl blushes, girl gets agitated by someone or something, mc reassures her, girl blushes again kind of trope.