This is a genuine question I would like the answer too, I am under the age of 18 and I personally enjoy reading the more hardcore side of BL. I tend to find it more interesting but I’ve always had this thing at the back of my mind that I should not be reading it because of my age and it was kinda like a barrier to me. I think that for me personally I can handle all the stuff that is mentioned in most graphic BL stories but the way other people react when they hear I read 18+ stuff just makes me think twice about if I really should. I think it’s because some people may think that I can be easily influenced but I’m not gonna go out thinking that any person that dares breaks my ankles is going to be a worthy lover of mine. I look at BL for what it is and it is fiction so of course if I am reading a story about a toxic relationship I not going to think that that’s how a proper relationship should work in real life.
I’d Like Other People’s Opinion
Im also still under 18, I felt the same but I realize that these stories are not gonna make me fall in love with abusers, they might slightly give you a kink but kinks are mostly still able to be done with non-toxic people and people you can agree with even if you have a kink for rape with. Stranger you can ask you lover to play an act, falling in love with toxic traits is more often the part of mental disorders or trauma from either childhood or around 20
I feel like it depends a lot on your age and actual maturity level. Like I think we all know that a lot of minors consume pornographic content there's no shame in that, the problem in my opinion comes with the overconsumption and also not being to separate reality from fiction.
Me personally used to consume yaoi content at a young age and it actually greatly impacted my views on sex, sexuality, LGBT+ etc even though I dont like to admit it, I have enough introspection to realise now, no my consumption of yaoi/ pornographic content at a young age was not healthy for my development, personally.
I cant speak for others experiences tho.
I don't expect you to stop reading yaoi or anything but I'd ask you to examine if your consumption of yaoi and other pornographic content is healthy. How often do you read it/how long have you gone without reading it, does it impact how you view same sex couples/ do you sexualise same sex couples etc.
Would you stop reading it even if someone told you that you shouldn't? It's not like you can control your interests. If it's something you enjoy reading then there's really nothing you can do about it, y'know? :P
It's not much different from watching porn, which is something everybody does at one point in their life. It's natural to want to seek out things that make you feel good- I think it's okay as long as it's not taken too far.
Lol, just don't get addicted to it. (●'◡'●)ノ
I mean I’m 20 and I’ve been reading since 13?14? Around that and well nothing is wrong with me I learned some stuff too and I’m more open about sexual things it actually made me want to research not just about naughty things in BL but in general (and now when I see no condom I’m like noooo tehe) I don’t think it matters all my fujoshi real life friends read since middle school and people usually watch p*rn since puberty it’s natural
Some parts of this chapter had empty translations (the bubbles are blank) can someone please translate that for me (⌒▽⌒)
I agree with you on that one because that's a lot of bubbles and a lot of story missing from that chapter so I'm kind of disappointed!