Hana's experience ( All 0 )

Hana's answer ( All 2 )

about question
I don't feel like I could unless they're willing to learn and change and I see actual effort. Ppl are fucked and we all have faults but not believing some ppl deserve basic human rights is where I draw the line. A lack of understanding on that level is sure to come around and hurt you at some point if you're actually a person with the correct value......   reply
23 04,2024
about question
Hi bubs I usually do voice recordings cos I haaaaaate writing I'm too lazy and saying things out loud helps a lot. Hearing yourself say something often makes you realize shit its very useful I thin but ultimately this is just a coping mechanism and we all need ppl who can be our support systems. Idk how old you are that your bestie shares everythin......   2 reply
23 04,2024

Hana's question ( All 1 )

about question
Hi besties, I've been thinking about trying out cleaning and translating mangas( more fixing existing bad translations, maybe korean but i wont promise that a full translation would be accurate at all). So if you have a group and need a newbie or if you read and there's a manga that is in english but makes no sense I can check to see if I could do something w it.
17 days

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

otomeroid by koyo & parfaitty !!! ugh i love all of the pink bitch club songs

19 minutes
did listen to a song on repeat

I wanna be yours (✧ω✧)

6 hours
did being obsessed with someone

i love u kazuki (*ᴗˬᴗ)/ (maybe obsessed is bit of a reach but i rlly love his vocals and hes my pfp everywhere so)

18 hours