What happened to all those chapter's of him being taken to the family home being raped by the older brother and drugged by the sister and being saved by his x then after so long he fially gets away and see's his lover at some pub or club and that was it , it's like as if mangago has redon it all herei have being waiting for an update to see what happing's when they see each other and all those chapters are gone and it's only got before they go to the family home What is going on ???!!!

yes that sound' right thankyou very much for that Hahahaoo
And Why with all thump's down I was only askin question's of why mangago did that as this it not the frist manga I have come across that they do this to
your telling me people you have neve come across a manga on here were the site take's away a few chapter's or half or more then it say's it's all new sorry but just I don't belive it

You sure you didn't just read ahead in the raws and get confused? I don't think this has even been English translated that far.

You stupid bastard did u have to spoil the story for the rest of us
WOW !!! ;( ;( ;( :( :( :(