I think this progressed way to quickly on Hayden's end for someone who was literally tricked into this
Also the pleasure of finally being able to relieve himself of hiding how strong of an alpha also helped. Before he met Brett he said how disgusting it was to have those pheremones and spread them around. now he never mentions it since he's come to accept that part of himself especially when with Brett
Art is so good but smut weirdly not smutty but a turn off even if you remove the rape from equation
it's tricky here. being a virgin in this situation, and like ... but, the duty of the wife is well established. the kid is scared, not mentally prepared, so for sure, it's not ideal. but it's about duty here, not choice. and the person who dictates that is the one with higher social stranding.
objectively, the husband did a thorough prep to make the encounter less burdensome for the MC. But there is some other kind of underlying trauma at play here too, like why the MC refuses to kiss the ML, and the extreme level of tension and stress throughout the whole encounter, might hint at something else having happened to him. (he's pretty.. he was a fallen Nobel forced into slavery, it doesn't take much to imagine what he might have suffered). *sigh*
mmm.... .......I like to overanalyze everything.
Okay when is the plot moving