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I just received book 1 and after reading it, some of the pieces finally clicked!

1- the Black Sea monsters can possess people. Remember the prisoner who surrendered himself to the sea and was possessed? Alt say his eyes turned black briefly. Which takes us to point 2…

2. The rich dude’s wife is possessed. She can turn her eyes black. But that means they can live among people, get married and birth babies! Which then takes us to point 3…

3. Alt’s father was one of those! It all makes sense. His father left when he was very young. His aunt says his mother was never married. The Black Sea doesn’t harm him because he’s one of them. After being rescued by Elva as a kid, he said the sea felt nostalgic. The prisoner, after being possessed, appeared to recognise Alt and kept saying “it’s you!”. The rich dude’s wife, when meeting Alt for the first time, said she knew his father and wished her child grow up to be like Alt. Because it’s also a child between a human and a possessed! Perhaps it’s also why the black ink recedes when he’s within close proximity.