Yes, there were cheating. Yes, he was an absolute scum bag. But I believe he was able to change and he’s tried to prove it himself. At least he has enough awareness not to push Masumi to believe just his words, and pulled himself together.
It’s actually the writing that I love the most. It’s hard to pull people in stories with despicable characters like these people.

Are you telling me that years worth of separation anxiety can be diminished by having sex and a ring? Cool. Still no solid communication whatsoever.

Yeah I can def see Gukie’s possessiveness doubling after this but idk I think the drama it adds definitely is working for me cuz the main couple i think already has a good communication in their relationship altho of course not perfect but at least they talk about their feelings?? I just like seeing the contrast of the two couples XD
Well done Hagi!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧