Can someone just spoil me what will happen? Will they get into a huge fight? Lol
Arrrghhhh i fucking love this!!! I can't waiiiiittttt for the next chapters!!!! Come save her your highness!!!
Really love this story so much!! Could related since my son's name is Akihiro as well and that as a single mom, i have no choice but to leave my my son to his grandparents
What the heck?!? This is so fucking interesting hahahahahaha shit too painful, i'm team roger here omg omg omg i want her to have the ending with roger so bad huhu
I swear, this is such a gem more chapters pls huhu
Omg omg omg finally his brain cells figured it out!!!
Arrrghhh i wish I discovered this when there's a lot of chapters
Can someone further spoil me? Hehehe from the novel plsss
Arggggh i love you yeodan!!!!!! I think this is my official ending lol
Huhuhuhu pleaaase my yeodan huhuhu i feel like i'm gonna break
Can we skip to the part where he found out that she's her daughter?!?
I have a feeling that his parents death has something to do with the village