TachibanaChiharu June 11, 2021 4:34 pm

This is the sort of story I normally drop in the first handful of chapters due to severe writing issues, but I was curious as to how a story with such amateurish writing ended up rated a 9.2. After reading the whole thing, I'm still not entirely sure, as the primary flaws exhibited at the beginning never really improved, but I did come away with an idea of what types of people might rate it a 5/5.

* Someone who is just interested in smut and doesn't care about plot/story.
* Someone who hasn't read much and doesn't understand the difference between good/bad writing.
* Someone who liked the art, which was mostly pretty good.
* Someone who just rates everything they read 5/5.

I don't think it's a problem to like it for any of these reasons, but this is by no means a well-written story. The setting is ill-defined at the beginning, the characters aren't established well, the pacing is atrocious, and the backstory is generally explained too late to give context to the things going on in the story. Also, there are two problematic elements: "incest", and a stockholm syndrome romance, which I'll explain in more detail after the spoiler space.


General writing issues first.

- Characters are not properly established. This is a multi-tiered problem, since there are several characters that do matter to the "plot" in this story, but none of them are established enough to make it compelling. The writing of the characters is way more important than anything else, because it allows readers to overlook bad/incomplete plot elements, and other structural issues, as long as they like the characters and their dynamics.

-- Who Alexander is, his personality, his desires and dreams, how other people who know him perceive him, who he has conflicts with in his family or at the castle and how he handles them, etc... This all needs to be established early on so that we can have some idea of what to expect from him when he encounters things in the plot. Then, when reading some of the Kline-backstory-with-Alex scenes, we'll have a better idea of if this Alexander is the person that Kline is looking for or not. But as it is, Alexander's personality isn't well-defined enough to tell, and it's definitely not well-defined enough to make his relationship with Kline compelling in a story primarily about their relationship.

-- Shio's relationship with Alexander seems fraught, but no explanation is given until it's too late, and the characterization is inconsistent leading up to that point. Rather than depict Shio alone as wishy-washy about his brother through the whole comic, start the characters off in the capital sparring with each other to establish their relationship. Have their father walk in to establish how the father treats both boys compared to each other, and how Shio reacts to what he perceives is his father's preference for his brother. Make it ambiguous, to where Shio could think there's favoritism, but vague enough to where he's totally misinterpreting, which would be revealed at the end of the story. This would also serve to introduce the idea that Alexander is a good swordsman and does in fact best his brother every time, which would be a proper setup for that plot point during the climax. This would go a long way to making the readers care about their relationship during their fight at the end of the story.

-- Kline is horribly bland. He does have some backstory stuff defined for him at least, but nothing really grew out of it, beyond him having mommy issues and wanting to bone the Alex from his past. He doesn't seem to have any personality quirks, traits, or desires/dreams beyond wanting Alex back. While you can empathize with his plight some, you can't really connect with his character because he doesn't have one. Show him doofing around his house in his solitary day-to-day life, give him a pet fox or something that he hangs around with. Show him dealing with a human intruder alone, how he handles the situation before Alexander has come into the picture. We need to know who Kline is before he meets up with Alexander in order to understand how meeting Alexander changes him.

- Lack of early setup and background for the main conflict. There's no understanding at the beginning of why it matters that Kline's a dragon. Show the background of the war with the dragons at the beginning of the comic. In fantasy properties, it's fine to spend a few panels or even a whole chapter showing/explaining what the state of the world is, to get the reader grounded in the reality of the completely made-up setting. This would've allowed for the readers to understand early on that Kline being a dragon is risky for him and liable to cause a conflict with Alexander and Alexander's family.

- The pacing is bad. In general, too little time is spent showing the details of the characters and the setting before and in-between plot points. Alexander and Kline meet for the first time at the end of chapter 1, and by the end of chapter 2, Kline is balls-deep into Alexander, out of 30 chapters. This is incredibly rushed. And then Alexander goes off to Kline's house for like 20 chapters, where time slows down to a crawl so that twelve smut scenes can be smashed in. And then the author realizes s/he needs to wrap up the story in chapter 22 or so, and then the whole ending is rushed because those last few chapters aren't enough to move the plot in present day along at a sensible pace while providing all the missing backstory we'd needed up until that point. Rushed, drags, rushed. It is never a bad thing to take then time to build up your characters and setting properly, and to provide more and more detail as you go.

- The characters don't act like normal people. No one's as dumb and naive as Alexander. Almost every choice he makes early in the story is unrealistic and serves only to accelerate the "plot" to get to the smut scenes. Characters will do something then immediately say "why did I do that?" all the time in this story. This is laziness, where the author realizes that this is out of character, but needs something to happen to move the plot along, so makes the character do it anyway. It's just baffling.

- Magic system is too ill-defined. The author needs to explain how the magic works and how a person is able to use it. You can say "all dragons have magic innately" and that's fine, since it's a very common thing in fantasy lore, but clearly daddy and Shio were magic users and Alexander wasn't at all. Why wouldn't he be too? Do you have to have the capability in your blood? Or can you just decide to learn it? Was he too stupid to learn it? Also, magic systems need downsides and limitations. You have to establish what magic can do, how it is used, and what it takes out of you to use it. The big showdown at the end lacked stakes because there was no understanding of the danger involved in throwing magic around.

Confusing story choices.

- Who is Kline's mother and why did she do what she did? It wasn't really wrapped-up in any satisfying way. The implication was that she had good reasons for murdering her husband, burning the village, ditching Kline, and running away, but it was never explained. Explaining this is important because it's part of Kline's character development (accepting the draconic part of himself).

- The communication crystals make no sense. They were shoved into the story to solve the problem of how to communicate long-distances since people in this setting don't have cell phones. The implication is you can just go into town and buy a sack full of them, and then send messages to whoever you feel like. Which, that being the case, why wasn't the king getting random communications from random villagers all the time with grievances, or trolling, or anything like that. Because you know that'd totally happen. It also wasn't clear if there was any way to identify the sender, or if Shio et al just happened to know the one messaging them was Alexander because it sounded like him or whatever. If some rando calls you using a communication crystal, will you really know who it is and/or where to find them?

- Their mission to the town at the beginning was some kind of nebulous bandits/monsters tax-fraud scheme, but it was so poorly defined that it was impossible to understand, and the readers are immediately dumped out of story immersion as their eyes glaze over. Give them a real mission to be looking into that showcases some of Alexander's personality and capabilities or something, and do all this BEFORE he meets Kline. Maybe have Orcs raiding the village and have Alexander take care of it, and then the captured orcs mention there's a place in the forest they're scared of and won't go (aka, Kline's house).

- The weird tax thing and backstory with the village mayor being salty over his son and Kline's mother is not worked together in a comprehensible way. I mean, Kline is his grandson; doesn't he even care at all? Also, a dragon burning the village after the dragon wars was already over; how did this go unnoticed by the king, who hates dragons like crazy? The story did have random villagers say they had been keeping it quiet, but the burning of the village to the ground would be obvious for months after the fact; you wouldn't really be able to hide it at all. It makes no sense. I'm also not clear on how Kline didn't end up being taken by his mother given how little he was at the time. So she burned the village, wasn't stopped or defeated in any way, and then randomly decided to leave an, at most, 4yo (ch6) in the forest and no one helped him, but he was ok somehow anyway? I dunno... this is a good showcase of how the author doesn't know how to coherently string plot elements together to build something believable.

- Alexander wanders off into the woods and gets lost, and then Kline picks him up, and then they just go off to bone for days or weeks, and even though there's knights and other people from the capital wandering around in the village, and those other people for some reason either don't realized that the prince is missing or do know and don't care enough to search for him? Whyyyy.

- The story gave the impression that Alexander was just brought along on the mission to humor him, like they were babysitting him while he played knight. The townspeople repeated rumors they heard about Alexander being a badass, which just made it seem like it was complete BS nonsense when contrasted with Alexander's actual actions, because the first thing that Alexander does is get lost in the forest while going for a walk, and the second thing he does, is let a random stranger convince him to take a D up the butt. Clearly this means Alexander is just plain incompetent and that he's only in the position he's in because he's the king's son, not because he earned it. But then at the end, he's like a good fighter after all? It's so confusing and inconsistent.

- How did Shio not see the guy slinking up behind Alexander to stab him at the end? He was shown in several panels and looked like he was moving slow, and was directly in Shio's line-of-sight. Also, what was the point of the stabbing anyway? Well, I'll tell you -- the author needed something to trigger Kline to turn into a dragon. But after that, the wound barely seemed to do anything to him, and Alexander went running off to Kline after that like it was no big deal, and didn't even seem to need any kind of healing. It didn't permanently scar him or anything. And then the guy who stabbed him was forgotten after Alexander runs over to Kline. This was just a lazy, shoe-horned plot point to get the half-dragon to turn into a dragon to escalate the situation.

Problematic elements.

- Kline and Alexander's relationship is based on a stockholm syndrome plot. Kline coerced dumb-dumb Alexander into sex, saying it was some kind of "magic cure" for his memory. Several smut scenes later, the "magic transfer" context was dropped completely and they just called it sex after that. It was always just sex. There was no indication that magic was happening. Magic being used was generally depicted as having that mysterious red halo around it, and the sex never had that. While I'd like to think Kline probably didn't lie, there was also again no establishment of Kline's character that early in the story to know the he's not the sort of person who would lie.

- There are several STRONG hints that Alexander's lil brother Shio is in love with their dad, and wants to split his buns in twain if given the chance. The reader is lead to believe that this is incest until way later in the story, where we get a flashback that shows that Shio and Alexander were actually adopted. Now, even though it turns out they aren't blood-related, some readers still consider this incest and squicky, and will refuse to read it completely based on this fact alone. I'm just not sure if this was a great element to include/imply in a story that already has many readability issues.

Anyways, feel free to like this story or not, ain't no skin off my teeth.

    Fxllen_rxins June 11, 2021 5:35 pm

    That was a lot to write….

    Fumi-chan June 14, 2021 2:16 am

    You sure give a lot of effort to "criticize" this lmao, wanna flex or what?

    Bread June 14, 2021 2:15 pm

    Not you expecting ppl to actually read this

    Someone June 17, 2021 1:52 am
    Not you expecting ppl to actually read this Bread

    U just broke this girl/boys is heart

    Fxllen_rxins June 17, 2021 2:59 am
    U just broke this girl/boys is heart Someone

    It’s to longgggg

    Onii-xan June 17, 2021 8:09 am

    So who read it

    quanxiluvr June 18, 2021 12:15 am

    lmfaooo this is the longest comment abt a story ive ever seen is this a school activity or smth

    Shopliftee June 19, 2021 5:28 pm
    lmfaooo this is the longest comment abt a story ive ever seen is this a school activity or smth quanxiluvr

    lol same

    Shopliftee June 19, 2021 5:28 pm

    well atleast ik im not gonna read this now

    Yrra June 20, 2021 4:37 pm

    To sum it all up this person is saying that the author is lazy and doesn't know what they're doing. And yes i have read the entire thing.... now for my response to the comment.

    HAHAHA idk why you think you need to write this whole thing, like hello? This is an illegal website and the author won't see your critic.

    Although i must say you do have some good points but i believe not every single thing dictated in this comment needs to be taken into account. Cause there is no such thing as perfect writing like there is no book out there that is perfect, a good or great book is the best there is, but there will always be a flaw in a book or a piece of writing.

    I also would like to point out that yes i know or knew a person that was dumb and naive, maybe not as dumb and naive as Alexander but still dumb amd naive.

    Another point is i think that Alex is not a prince considering he is adopted.

    Also what is squicky? Queasy and sickly? And ive never heard of the saying "ain't no skin off my teeth" could someone explain?

    And uh please dont judge harshly on the works of other people. Mistakes is what makes people improve and all but i didn't see a single positive thing dictated or you could've atleast written a point where they could improve not just basically saying that the author is lazy and very amateur

    Lilmeowmeow June 24, 2021 6:56 pm

    So y'all gonna critique an authors work just off the bat?

    Can y'all atleast write and illustrate sth better than this b4 y'all start yapping

    fried egg is delicious June 25, 2021 2:32 pm

    I’m sorry but I like this type of manhwa more, no long and too hurtful story line and it’s short. That’s why I love the manhwa more than your long comment

    urnewbstfrndSPINEL June 27, 2021 10:22 am

    Fierce. Work girl

TachibanaChiharu June 8, 2021 5:12 am

So much dumbness in just the first couple of scenes of chapter 1. There's gotta be a limit to how lazy an author can be about putting together a plot that's supposed to be at last somewhat compelling. A list after the spoiler space.

In just the first few scenes of the first chapter:

- main character gets dumped by a girl who is already engaged to someone else. in real life, most people date one person, breakup due to circumstances they can't or won't resolve, and then move on to the next one. I have a hard time believing he didn't realize he was two-timed and/or didn't realize their relationship was on the fritz for five years where she was seeing someone else for long enough that she was already engaged to them when she broke up with the main character.

- hottest gay top picks up heartbroken straight guy in the street and gives him a coupon for a gay bar. I can't honestly believe that there is value in a gay guy sending a straight guy to an, unbeknownst to him, gay bar, even if the gay guy finds the straight guy attractive. this seems more like what someone would do as a practical joke. or something likely to get a gay guy murdered by an angry straight homophobe.

- straight guy doesn't notice he's in a gay bar for hours, or however long it takes him to get black-out wasted.

- this one is multi-tiered: 1) main character is groped by a pushy gay guy in the bar who's apparently ok with rape, 2) and immediately mentally declares "oh no, i can't resist!" (won't lift a finger for himself), so that 3) hot top from earlier can swoop in and rescue him in the most cliche of ways. like how friggin' lazy is that? Also it's a good thing these tops who swoop in to rescue bottoms who can't lift a finger on their own behalves are better fighters than the guys doing the molesting. what a different story it would be if the swooping-in top got his ass kicked for interfering. hmph.

- hot top from earlier was working at the bar for a while that night yet didn't notice the main character sitting at the bar the entire time, and the main character didn't see the hot top the entire time (even though he specifically came there to find him), over the course of hours (or however long it took the bottom to get black-out drunk). only when main character is about to be assaulted does the hot top happen to notice him. Mmmm hmmm, very likely.

- hot top takes main character, a straight guy who is blacked-out drunk and thus cannot legitimately consent, to a hotel room and immediately assaults him, while the straight guy main character says in his head again, "oh no, my body's not resisting". siiiigh.

- apparently straight guys don't mind having fingers attached to anonymous men up their asses as long as the guy doing it is hot and manly?? i did not know this!

- straight guy has a dick up his ass by page 19. i guess it was fine all along ?!

- honorable mention: at the beginning of chapter 2, the top blames the dubcon sex (more likely assault/rape) of the bottom on the bottom for "seducing him". and then it's just laughed away as the top starts getting handsy again with the bottom, trying to push him into public gay sex (although it doesn't materialize).

Is it too much to ask for the author to put a little thought into the plotting, a little care into the characterizations, and to ground the story in reality some?

Yes, yes it apparently it is too much to ask.

TachibanaChiharu June 7, 2021 7:23 pm

Tao is like Yohan from Sign, and Yousuke is like a less-crazy version of Dongsoo from Personal Immorality. What could be better?!

Somehow this story really gels for me even though in some ways it is just a basic romance between adults where one didn't start out being gay. All of the elements are tied together really well here, including all the character development, the side characters, the backstory of Tao and his family, and the property investment elements.

TachibanaChiharu June 7, 2021 6:34 am

Mako? Haru? Is that you...?

    PotatoChips June 26, 2021 2:49 pm


TachibanaChiharu June 3, 2021 10:22 pm

I can see what the author wanted to do with this one, but s/he just couldn't quite manage to execute it in a sensible way. It's too bad, because I don't necessarily dislike the setup and possessive top trope, and I do wish to read interesting and different things in omegaverse (alpha/alpha), but everything was so sloppily done here that it really isn't worth a read unless you happen to like these specific elements. And even then, maybe not...



* Alpha/alpha fated pair makes no sense on the context of omegaverse mechanics. I'm not going to say it "can't happen", but if you're going to do this in your story, then it has to be explained how it's possible.

* Omegaverse was relatively wasted here in that rut doesn't matter, heat doesn't matter, they can't have kids, no omegas were major players trying to interfere with either alpha by using pheromones, no other fated partner of one of the two alphas showed up to mess things up, etc.

* The parents of a chaebol wouldn't be accepting of a male partner for their son if the pairing can't produce heirs. Some variants of omegaverse allow alpha/alpha pairs to produce children, but it was never explained in this story as being possible. Anyway, if it's never mentioned that it can (and it wasn't in this story), then alpha/alpha pairs can't produce kids. It's a problem that Heeyeon never had to deal with parental pressure related to this.

* Seowon was intentionally depicted by the author as not liking Heeyeon at all, all the way until midway through chapter 25. Before that, never once does Seowon express either verbally or mentally the desire to be with Heeyeon, sexually or emotionally. He's always going out of his way to avoid him, and have nothing to do with him. Even though Heeyeon pays Seowon for his time and yaoi hole, this is basically a stockholm/rape-to-love situation since Seowon didn't really want it.

* Fated pairing/name appearing on body thing was randomly shoved in at the end in order to wrap the story up quickly by forcing the leads to get together when Seowon still did not want to. There was no setup for this mechanic at all.

* Name appearing on body of a fated partner was explored some in Pian Pian, which is not omegaverse. Because this sort of mechanic can work in a non-ABO story as evidenced by Pian Pian, this is just further proof that the omegaverse setting of this story was wasted.

* The ploy at the end where Heeyeon and that omega pretend to be a fated pair to make Seowon (and the omega's bf) jealous completely won't work on Seowon as characterized -- Seowon is not interested in Heeyeon and does everything he can to get away from Heeyeon, so Heeyeon finding his fated partner outside of Seowon would be good news for Seowon. But also, fated pairs are treated in omegaverse like unbreakable magic bonds; even if two people are in love with each other, and one of their fated partners (someone else) appears, their relationship is effectively over, unless they can manage to overcome the "magic" of the fated pairing, like in Shounen no Kyoukai. But in Shounen no Kyoukai, that's the whole point of the story, how hard it is to deny fate. If Heeyeon's fated partner appears and it's not Seowon, even if Heeyeon/Seowon were in a loving relationship at that time, that would spell the end for their relationship because a fated pair trumps all else, usually, in omegaverse. What I'm trying to say here is that this scheme doesn't work in either case; Heeyeon finding his fated partner (not Seowon) would end Heeyeon/Seowon's relationship whether or not Seowon liked Heeyeon already or not.

* Seowon's tragic backstory for why he has trust issues is set up but never paid off. He was never really shown as getting over his trust issues, there was never something that clicked with Heeyeon to inspire it or whatever, and the fate of Seowon's parents was never tied back in with the present-day plot, beyond a dismissive "oh that guy's in jail now because he tried to trick Heeyeon's dad too but got caught". That's a lazy "took care of it off-screen" thing to do for something so important that completely defined the main character's current circumstances and personality. It would've been way better if the story made Heeyeon the son of the guy who screwed over Seowon's family. Then, from some perspectives, Heeyeon's family's money is actually Seowon's money, and Heeyeon paying Seowon to spend time with him is actually Heeyeon giving Seowon money he's rightfully owed, and changes their dynamic completely.

* How is it the case that Seowon owes someone money when the guy who screwed his family over is in jail? Never once do we see Seowon's debtors, or who he has to pay all this nebulous money to. Or even how much he owes, and how close he is to paying it off. Especially after some of the crazy deposits we see from Heeyeon. Was that USD $100,000 that one time? What exactly does he have to pay off that might be more than that? If someone paid me $100,000 to have sex with them, then did have sex with me, I'd be sending that money off to clear up my debt right now. This was all very half-baked.

* A huge wasted opportunity here was the perfect setup/circumstances for a seke omegaverse couple. When you have two alphas in a relationship with each other, what could be more natural or make more sense than to have them be sekes? Instead, Seowon is basically just treated in the story like he's an omega, even though he isn't.

* Several instances of lack of establishing shot for a new scene, which is jarring to the readers, who must flail for a bit before realizing a new scene with a new setting is taking place.

* I realize the group that worked on this did so of their own free will at no cost to the readers, but... the translation/adaptation was difficult to mire through in places, especially toward the end, and it detracted from my ability to understand the characters and what was going on in the story at times. Some sentences didn't make any sense, and others were totally awkward, phrased in Korean-style phrasing instead of being adapted to english and how an english-speaker would talk. I'm not going to post examples here. If representatives of the group are interested in understanding specifics of what I mean to improve their scanlations, they should PM me directly. Anyways, the point I'm making is that the translation/adaptation made it difficult for me to understand some scenes, which took me right out of the story.

This next point gets its own section. Many tiresome shoujo cliches appear here that just add to the overall frustration with the plot. Here's a laundry list of some of them:

* Seme/top has peers drooling all over him constantly.

* Seme/top is also rich, w/status, is has tons of disposable income independently from his family from "stock trading" even though he's never shown to be stock trading. Making money from stock trading does require a lot of a person's time to research and watch the market, etc. This is just the author being lazy and not wanting to put a lot of thought into how he earns his money.

* Uke/bottom is an outcast and/or misunderstood by peers.

* Hosts... again.

* Seme/top has a cool/expensive car and drives it up to the front of the school like his personal parking spot is the curb in front of the classroom building instead of parking in a parking deck like a normal person. At least there was one instance where he was shown to park in a parking deck, but it was way at the end of the story.

* Drooling fans question why the top/seme would hang out with the loser bottom, as if its any of their business at all.

* Drooling fans question top/seme about his relationship with bottom, and seme/top actually responds, even though he's under no obligation to tell them anything or take orders from them. Rich and powerful people don't care what the unwashed masses think, and an alpha shouldn't either, in general.

* Top/seme lies to random drooling fan about his relationship with the bottom and the bottom just happens to overhear, causing drama. This random drooling fan isn't even a named character, and yet the author wastes time in the story to show Heeyeon explaining himself to Mr Unnamed Character, when Heeyeon should just ignore this idiot and tell him to buzz off, it's none of his business.

* Drooling fans thinking they have any claim on the top/seme they're all slobbering over, and only declaring that they had no chance when a magical fated pairing appears, and not because, you know, they respect the top/seme's choices.

* Arranged marriage meeting trope.

* Pretending to date someone else to make love interest jealous trope.

I'm sure there are others, but imma stop here. You get the point.

Despite all these issues, I did somehow like the setup and story, at least, up until the part where Heeyeon feels the need to explain himself to his drooling fans for why Seowon got out of his car that morning. The amount of tropeyness that ensued at this point and after just riddled me with frustration to the point where I barely forced my way to the end of the story. Send these authors off to writing 101 lessons, please, before they're given the responsibility of creating a comic. It's really such a waste to do a ton of art for a plot so bad I had to rate it a 2/5. I'm sure the author doesn't want to be wasting his/her time either.

    RH777 June 9, 2021 10:04 am

    Exact the fucking Lee

    Euna June 21, 2021 4:05 pm


    Just wow
    This might be the longest topic I've read here but honestly I agree, I also kinda don't like the seme and the plot lacks substance

TachibanaChiharu May 31, 2021 7:43 pm

This comic is the equivalent of eating icing straight from the container instead of baking a cake, putting the icing on it, and then eating the cake.

Also, it's funny the title is "blah blah blah ... my big brother's aiming for my virginity" when that shiat was gone in like the first two chapters.

TachibanaChiharu May 11, 2021 4:32 am

Is this completed, or are there expected to be more side stories or whatnot? On English Lezhin, it hasn't updated for a few weeks and is still listed on their dailies (ongoing) series pages.

TachibanaChiharu May 10, 2021 9:39 pm

This exchange happens so many times that all I can do is laugh at it --

Furukawa: (unironically) Maki, I'm trying to get you to relax! [by groping you in inappropriate places]
Maki: *becomes intensely unrelaxed, struggles violently, and screams constantly*

I also like that there's actually somewhat of a plot in this trashy-fun comic. It's not as bad as I expected it to be given the completely ridiculous title.

TachibanaChiharu April 29, 2021 6:40 pm

I generally liked this one.

The drama resulting from Donga's & Chunho's pasts were the most interesting thing here. It was really interesting to see the cardinal direction gods depicted in another culture (than I usually read), and for the author this time to provide an explanation for how they ascend or are chosen, etc. The three-legged-crows thing at the end was silly but in a fun way, and I guess its an actual thing in east asian cultures (just looked it up).

Things that caused me to rate it 4 instead of 5 (long):

I won't call these minor, but I was never bored when reading this story despite there being some writing problems, a zillion chapters, and no smut (outside of the side stories), so that shows how strong the narrative/writing was despite some of these problems.

Yohan's inconsistent characterization:

- Yohan is characterized at the beginning of the story as confident, smooth, playboy. Sure, it may've been something of an act, but he's had many years of experience behaving this way in front of strangers, so it should or must come naturally to him.

- When the romance with Yoonsung is going on, Yohan turns into an emotional trainwreck teenager. It doesn't really gel with his earlier characterization.

- Yohan's past doesn't quite fully support/explain his overly emotional behavior; it's like a venn diagram where the interlocking circles don't have nearly the overlap that they should to explain things.

- Yohan being a (partial) charlatan is the first thing we see of him at the beginning of the story. This seemed to be a setup for a character arc, like this was Yohan's primary character flaw that would change by the end of the story. But at the end, he just becomes a real, complete, and total charlatan instead. What???

Yohan's and Yoonsung's love story was tropey and dull:

- Yoonsung has most of the typical "top" aka "seme" attributes (minus the intense aggression and dangerous atmosphere). He's drawn manlier, he's taller, older (29 vs 33), more mature, he's rich, socially powerful, good-looking, smart, and capable at all sorts of things. I would prefer these attributes to be more evenly distributed between the two. Maybe make them compliment each other more? As it is, things feel very lopsided in Yoonsung's favor, which in turn requires the narrative to more fully explain why Yoonsung would like Yohan so much (but it never really does). See the next point.

- There doesn't really seem to be any explanation for why Yoonsung likes Yohan beyond proximity, the fact that Yohan enjoys his cooking, and for some reason that Yoonsung can only sleep when he's wrapped around Yohan (but no explanation for why Yohan in particular on this last one). People can come to like each other, sure, but I don't really FEEL it from Yoonsung's perspective (and I feel it's necessary to explain it, because: see previous point).

- Their romance had very little tension, so it was kind of boring. The only tension they had was Yohan being a tsundere, and running away and crying all the time like in a shoujo melodrama. This is a tiresome conflict element present in plenty of other stories, and given the great job done with Donga and Chunho, the author could've done a little better with these two as well.

- Honestly, it should be Yoonsung causing the drama/tension in their relationship due being a Christian, which would imply he should have prohibitions against a gay relationship. But for some reason, being Christian in this story simply means he can't acknowledge Chunho, but doesn't seem to influence his feelings on gay relationships, where he's early-on depicted as being a very open-minded individual with regards to LGBTQ+. It's weird that the author chose to include this element without really understanding how many (disclaimer: not all) modern Christians behave and what they believe.


- Yoonsung's Christianity is used as plot contrivance to bludgeon Yoonsung into Yohan's life against his will at the beginning of the story, and then once its usefulness in doing that is over, it is completely forgotten. Normally this should affect Yoonsung's outlook for the entire story, and should be addressed again with respect to how his character changes over the course of the story, but this never happens.

- Yohan is rewarded for helping his friends on the scary journey to the underworld by getting all his missing powers back from Donga. He then has them for about an hour before they're taken away again for no good reason (see the next point). Normally, when a character receives a power-up or some other boon for things they do in the plot they get to keep them, yannow, because they earned them. It's weird that this is taken away from him again almost instantly.

- Yohan's sacrifice of his powers at the end did not tie back to any bad things he did or any faults he had. He was just randomly the one who had to be punished to add more drama to the story (and to justify the title?). Yoonsung's situation not only was NOT caused in any way by Yohan, but it wasn't even related to Yohan, and was merely an accident brought on inadvertently by Chunho (in essence, it was Chunho's fault). Normally, a sacrifice of this nature should be narratively linked to some behavior that must be atoned for or changed, usually in the person related to it (in this case, Chunho).

- Yohan's job was fortune telling or w/e, and losing his powers means he can't do that anymore without being an actual quack. Like, wasn't that his big flaw? Being somewhat of a liar charlatan? Buuuut, instead of him finding a legit job, or just living off of Yoonsung's chaebol money and job, he actually becomes a complete and total snake-oil-salesman when he continues doing his old job, only stepped up a notch, but without any spiritual powers at all now. What lesson is this teaching??? Double-down on your shady behavior after having one of your toys, that enabled you to be shady, taken away?


- The smut chapters are overly censored. In most of the panels with censoring, it is nearly impossible to tell what's going on, much less which way is even up, or what is even in the picture.

- Didn't the Jade Emperor say that Hades is his brother? It feels like this comic went from 0 to 1000 with the smut chapters, when it was pretty wholesome during the main story, yet suddenly has smut incest in the side stories.

- It was weird that the title of this comic is "Prince Bari" when the exact name doesn't ever come up, and "Princess Baridegi" only shows up in the last like 8 chapters or w/e. I kept trying to figure out why it was called this when I was reading the earlier parts of the comic. I mean obviously it's referring to Yohan, who gave something up for the flower like the current Princess Baridegi did. Still, if this is going to be the title of the comic, I feel like it should interleaved more from the beginning, like having a prelude chapter about the flower, and who tends to it, in order to give it a more proper set-up. Maybe this is something that makes more sense in Korean, that I just don't have the context for. After googling: ok, this is a legend in Korean culture, so yeah, Korean readers will have more context for this to make more sense.

- Imma be honest here, the wedding side story chapters I felt to be really corny, to the point of being cringy, for me at least.

TachibanaChiharu April 16, 2021 4:00 pm

Well, this comic is complete at 60 chapters on Lezhin. I don't know if anyone's gonna bother to take it over because it's really just rehashed shoujo plots and tropes of yesteryear. This is basically an amalgam of every disney princess story. Unlikely coincidences happen all the time, everyone's a hot ikemen except the main character. The main character looks so much like a girl he may as well be one. He's a ridiculous foot and a half shorter than his love interest. And of course his love interest is the biggest catch in the land, the reclusive/secretive crown prince. Idk. Ymmv of course, but I just can't read childish stuff like this anymore, especially not 60 chapters worth of it.

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