King's Maker is non-R and comprises 1 season, chapters 1-37.5.
King's Maker Triple Crown is the R-rated follow-up and comprises 3 seasons, 1-3. I don't know why they're labeled 2, 2, and 3 here. Anyway, don't read Triple Crown seasons 1-3 here; instead, after reading chapters 1-37.5 here, then switch to the other comic page for Triple Crown and start at chapter 1 there (it picks up after ch37). The mature scenes will be intact on that page.
Cirrus full-on red-eye unhinged.
Dongsik getting the total ass-beating he deserved, even if this particular situation was not Dongsik's fault. Cirrus proving that fear of him is not unfounded. Implication that Chan-Il is next in line for an ass-beating.
I don't know who is really in the wrong here, tbh. Cirrus broke trust with Skylar, yes, prior to them dating, and never admitted it. Trust is the key to successful relationships. However, the infraction Cirrus committed was really minor IMO. It happened before they were dating, and let's be honest, Chan-Il was never going to date Skylar. Cirrus didn't force Chan-Il and his cousin to like each other when they were introduced. He just enabled their meeting (for selfish reasons). It was really an inevitable situation and Cirrus just accelerated it happening. Skylar suffered under an unrequited situation for a shorter time due to Cirrus's interference. Is this a blessing? Or, should it be Skylar's choice to suffer this situation for as long as he can tolerate it? Probably. But because this is so questionable, it doesn't really seem hard to forgive. I feel like this is blown way out of proportion for the offense committed.
Anyway, there is an outside possibility that Chan-Il might be bisexual, but it's also been shown that Chan-Il is just plain nice to everyone. I once thought we'd end up with a love triangle where Chan-Il was actually after Cirrus (but didn't think Cirrus would humor him) so dated his similar-appearance female cousin instead. But then Chan-Il got all bent out of shape at Cirrus and his cousin being affectionate. I'm not really sure where Chan-Il's true stance is yet, but it doesn't seem to be in Skylar's direction as far as I can tell.
What a disproportionally aggressive response for a total speculation topic. Grow up. Not everything in life is black and white. Not everyone knows what they want when they're in high school, or even as adults. Authors intentionally leave things ambiguous so they can take multiple paths with the story and to get readers talking about what may happen. Try using your eyeballs or maybe graduating high school next time.
I'm pretty sure the author is trying to characterize Dojae as having antisocial personality disorder (aka sociopathy). But in a diet coke sort of way. I'm gonna be honest here, but his personality type is that of almost every high-octane top, who doesn't care much about others (aside from their usefulness as tools), except for his chosen bottom (which he is obsessed with). Look at most any serious Yakuza-type story. I find this to be pretty lazy. Both Willful Negligence and The Beast Must Die had semes who also seem to have ASPD, but better characterized. I find that The Beast Must Die does it the best, and is generally very well-written. Meanwhile, Willful Negligence is a guilty pleasure where the top is VERY problematic and the bottom is such a doormat he just puts up with it, but somehow I still like it.
The author also leaned really hard into stereotypes in this comic (euntak = crybaby bottom; dojae = high-octane top; hyobin = slutty bottom; hyuk = puppydog seme). It also irks me that there is arguing over topping, and that none of the characters are actually self-professed bottoms, yet 50% of them are forced to be just because. Euntak is forced into the bottom role even though he self-describes as a top in the comic. Hyobin is actually a versatile bisexual, but because hyuk is a puppydog seme, I guess that means hyobin is a bottom now. This seems a little lazy too. The author could've gone in a different direction with this to at least somewhat break from the stereotype, but no. If I was Euntak, when Dojae came crawling back to me begging to date, I would've made him agree to switch sometimes.
I think removing all the smut from this comic and making it ambiguous as to how they go about getting it on (while still getting it on) would've done this comic a lot of good favors. This comic is at its best when the characters are dealing with problems in their lives and just living their lives. Their relationship interactions would've been better if there wasn't so much focus on sex as a substitute for personal connection.
awesome commentary. ngl, before the author stated it was a personality disorder, i assumed that Dojae has autism. sometimes, authors don’t know best. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ can we just pretend he’s autistic? the fight scenes were great though; wish more stories have arguments after the couple gets together (that aren’t caused by misunderstandings). i need issues to be brought up. also, seconding on Willful Negligence. The Beast Must Die seems interesting, but i don’t think i have the willpower to read it. there were a lot of good reviews on it though.
I completely agree, and that's exactly what made the author’s last manhwa, Back to School, so compelling.
This is also why I’m really selective about the manhwas I choose to read. So many of them are overly focused on sex, to the point where the plot gets buried beneath it. The scenes often feel repetitive and, most of the time, unnecessary, taking away from the deeper story that could’ve been told.
jooin is one of the worst written characters i've ever seen. i just cannot finish reading this series because of his nonsensical and counterintuitive behavior.
jooin refuses to state what he wants despite being asked directly by yahwi multiple times. they have a sex-friends-ish relationship anyway. then jooin stupidly lets some other guy live with him despite barely knowing him, who secretly has designs on breaking them up. cain is introduced so late in the story that you know immediately that he doesn't stand a chance, so every chapter and panel depicting the buildup of jooin and cain's relationship is a waste of time because everyone knows it'll go nowhere. jooin caused every bad thing that happened to him by his own stupid mouth and actions.
the argument jooin has with yahwi on jooin's birthday is the stupidest thing i've ever read. go back and reread ch65-66 and really pay attention to the conversation. yahwi overreacts to the hickey demanding to know what it was and where it came from, and then when jooin starts getting upset at being interrogated, yahwi steps off so as to not upset him, and then like two comments later, jooin yells at yahwi that "of course he [yahwi] would never care if jooin was messing around with other people!" when not like two comments ago yahwi was about to lose it because of the hickey. and of course after yelling a bunch of stuff at yahwi that yahwi never said and never indicated was his opinion, then yelling that they should never have met, and then storms out and immediately goes home, climbs in bed, and thinks about how he still likes yahwi and wonders if he'll ever get over him. yahwi just said a hundred times that he likes jooin and that they should date and that he'll treat him well etc etc. what in the hell, jooin? do you even have a brain? get it together! ugh!
there's a ton of other issues in this comic besides just how crappy jooin is. the fact that this is basically just a clone of the previous comic is not the least of them. but i just don't feel like creating an itemized list this time, it'll be infinitely long. this is more than enough. this author needs to take a year off comic writing and just read like 1000 other BL stories by other people so their writing will improve and they'll stop wasting all this pretty good art on trash plots and trash characters.
Even though I like Jooin he really is a shitty ass person that created a shitty situation then plays victim. It angered me to no end that he accused Yahwi of shit when he was being petty and mean by using Cain to spite Yahwi. Years ago I hate how people were acting like Jooin is the victim when the whole mess was his doing. Just needed to rant but you've put it all together the best
While I do find Jooin so frustrating, he's not the worst written character ever. You do have to understand that he had to deal with emotions he's never had and in such a short amount of time. If you've ever experienced it and are self-aware of it, you probably wouldn't have written this in the first place.
Cain wasn't a waste of time because Cain is what allowed Jooin to feel what warmth was in a relationship, and what allowed Yahwi to reflect on his actions and to make him realize his feelings for Jooin.
The conversation they had on Jooin's birthday, while sooooo irritatingly frustrating, showed how much lack of communication and distrust they've had for each other. It was the point where they've made assumptions about each other and jumping to conclusions because that's really how much they don't know about each other at all.
This doesn't feel like a clone to me, but more of a huge improvement from their last work. It had to deal with a lot of conplex emotions that most authors would give up working on, but they didn't. You're probably young and inexperienced so you wouldn't have understood these characters' actions, but once you've lived more years and have went through differenct facets of life, especially love life, you'll see that it's not as different and you'll relate to it in some way.
Because Jooin never asked for a love triangle. He got pulled into a complicated love triangle with 2 men who are in deep love with him and he cares about them both. Yes for 2 different reasons but they both mean a lot to him, one he's in love with and the other he cherishes as a friend. Yall think Jooin is doing the most and is dumb but you try being in a complicated love triangle and see how he felt. There are ukes that are wayyy worse than Jooin
This is basically a much more immature version (in every sense of the word) of Personal Immorality. I really dig these types of mcs who are just total boneheads, who constantly get boneheaded ideas, and who execute on those boneheaded ideas, causing the whole trajectory of the comic to go sideways.
It feels pretty rare to read a comic that does comedy pretty well. The smut scenes are far less interesting IMO.
This feels like the comic version of the "I bet he's thinking about other women" meme (the guy and girl in bed together), where Seryung is thinking about their relationship or sex and Junsub is thinking about if he can milk a cat.
Hold Me Tight was junk and so is this. It has every same problem that HMT did. Unlikeable characters, a noble attempt at a non-romance A-plot, that is somehow executed nonsensically, lack of grounding in the reality of the setting, no chemistry between the leads, with a dubcon at best (or rape at worst) initiation to the romance subplot. Save yourself the headache, skip this, skip HMT, and skip Till Our Lips Touch, which all have Nabit as the writing credit. Instead, read "My Bias Appeared", which only has Nabit credited for art, and is written by someone else.
I wish I would’ve seen your comment before i started reading this! I didnt like hold me tight either and this gave me a headache by chap 25. I literally like no one in this story plus the plot is so bad, not the concept but the writing is just so, unfortunate lol. Just finished “my bias appeared” and it was good so i agree with you on that recommendation!
I looked it up on There are only 4 compiled volumes out so far. Vol 4 has 5 chapters (ch17-ch21), two sides ("Kuroji and Harutsugu" & "Tsugumi's maid"), and an afterword.
It appears that Megumi & Tsugumi is still ongoing as of the QPa v143 release in Nov 2023, containing chapter 30. So it's going to be at least 6 volumes if not more...
The plot is a bit messy with the weird, seemingly unnecessary superpowers stuff, but man, the characters are spot-on and perfect. the older uke acts like a mature adult, there's no screaming, sobbing, and running away in the streets. the younger seme acts much more immature and goofy but sincere.
i don't think this story was intended to be a comedy but reflecting back upon what i just read, i find myself chuckling about it. certainly, some of their interactions and the seme's reactions are pretty funny. this really boils down to an out-of-control misunderstanding between the two, but the seme can't fix it/clarify it because of the power dynamic between them (boss/employee) without risk of getting fired.
I wish the rating wasn't so low, since it feels like people will pass it by without even considering it. but it's a quick/brisk read, and only a handful of chapters. Definitely worth a read.